Application Ranjid


Well-Known Member
3 Nov 2012
In-game name: RANJID/ Squidward

Age: 18

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:33305432

Steam username: jessica1906

Can you speak english and german?: Yes, but german is my motherlanguage!

Clan history (if none, leave blank): Team eNrAgE

Any serious bans before?: NO NEVER!

Do you have a microphon?: Yes, i would like to hunt some zombies with u guys and teamspeak :)

Why do you desire becoming part of the Elite Hunterz (This is important): Because you are the best clan, and i think im good at hunting zombies. Would be like: "A dream came true" xD I was already a serveradmin and know to behave and calm the raged players down. But i primary want to be a part of the best -> The Elite, so dont need to be admin. I play zombiemod for 4 years now, since the good old times, and becouse of that i think i got the experience and skills for this spot!

Where you referred to this clan? If Yes, Who referred you?: No one did.

Last but not least:tell something about you, your life, your hobbies, etc etc: My real name is Dennis and I live in germany. I like to drink alcohol and also go into disco with my friends. In my freetime i help a farmer with his work, for some extra money xD.. ye thats all (to save my private life ;D) if u want to get more infos just add me in steam!

greetz Ranjid
Good luck ! :)
Thank you for applying to Elite HunterZ Clan!

Your application will be processed and your skills checked out! The results will be posted here within the next few weeks!

Good luck!

Elite HunterZ Recruiter AsH!
Good luck.
Best of luck :)
Good luck "weird pic" guy =D
I do believe we've already had a person in EH with the exact same name, lol.
Alien1 is his brother actually.. anyways, good luck.