Application Ranjid

Leaving before death is NOT an option ;)
Yea.. let me explain this to you. Today i fail only, dunno why. Played to much last days or sth.. doesnt matter. Forgotten_town is lagging as hell and i got mad, so i pressed F10 :p I think if this not go to be habit, its oki :)
Well I can understand him.
And some other EH Members are doing this too.
It wasn't that smart to ragequit while two admins were watching you and while your application is in progress. Anyway, i think you know that is was a faux pas and won't let this happen again. Still good luck for your app :)

And if you see any EH members or admins doing this you should talk to them. I've seen some people doing this in the past, too and pointed that out in a private conversation. Should they get aggressive or insultive feel free to report them.
Yea I´m rlly sry, but everyone got this 1 bad day, so.. But you are right, it wont hapen again. Yea i will add on you on steam for it :)

Thank you :)
It wasn't that smart to ragequit while two admins were watching you and while your application is in progress. Anyway, i think you know that is was a faux pas and won't let this happen again. Still good luck for your app :)

And if you see any EH members or admins doing this you should talk to them. I've seen some people doing this in the past, too and pointed that out in a private conversation. Should they get aggressive or insultive feel free to report them.

I know few players that leave before INFECTION (yes, they leave as human when they know they are gonna get zombified) but it is impossible to know for what reason they actually leave. Same goes for those that leave before death.
Congratiolations! You are ACCEPTED!

Welcome to the family :)

Elite HunterZ Recruiter AsH
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gz. pushes the stats now :D
Congrats and welcome :)
YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i gonna walk 3 times around the townlake xD Thanks to everyone!!! :) (Yeees :D)