Donate offer


17 Mar 2012
name: Rafiki

steam id: STEAM_0:0:37966140

reason of the ban:

why u should be unbanned:
i would donate 1 bitcoins if you unban my steamid and 1 more if you delete my banhistory
i got a permaban because i am a stupid blocker :/ but i try to change

no, no deal, you will stay permabanned as i said.

the price to get unbanned is higher than the price of a new css account.
i don't even know what a bitcoin is.
bitcoin is a electronic cash system, there are market where you can sell them. ( ) the present exchange is 1 bitcoin=4€, so i give you 8 €. the price of a new css key is 10€, sometimes lower. so its a fair offer or not? i love your server plz dont permaban me :/
Ok so a guy murders a woman. He gets caught and is put on trial in the court. The murderer then says to the judge, i will give you 800,000 Dollars if you dont sentence me in life to prison!
You can not buy your way out from a permban...
If you wish to play on the servers again then buy a new account!
ich nehme mal an das ihr beiden deutsch sprecht? ich hab aber niemanden umgebracht und wenn ich mir einen steamaccount kaufe ist das doch auch "ich komm aus dem gefängnisfreikarte", also entweder krieg steam die kohle oder ihr, euer server häts nach meiner meinung auch auf jedenfall eher verdient.
das ist doch ein guter grund für mich nicht noch einmal so einen blödsinn zu machen, denn nochmal kohle abdrücken hät ich auch kein lust zu.

überlegs euch doch nochmal
i don't speak german, anyway as dahlmo said, either buy a new css account (19 euros) or find another server. sorry but after 11 bans you're not getting unbanned.
Ok so a guy murders a woman. He gets caught and is put on trial in the court. The murderer then says to the judge, i will give you 800,000 Dollars if you dont sentence me in life to prison!
You can not buy your way out from a permban...
If you wish to play on the servers again then buy a new account!

unfortunately in real life it is possible to buy your freedom in corrupt countries if you have enough money..
okay than i ll buy a new css key for 10 €, just 2 € more...

and than i will spend your server 10 € to get adminrights and you ll not know my new nickname :p

we see us on the server
haha good luck with applying for admin^^ and btw no one hides away from niko! He will catch you straight away with a new nickname... TRUE STORY
have fun
haha good luck with applying for admin^^ and btw no one hides away from niko! He will catch you straight away with a new nickname... TRUE STORY

true that :)

anyway there is no 10 euros thing anymore, you must apply for admin rights in order to gain them, and if you really do what you said, well I'm sure I'll catch you in few days.

See you in our servers, have fun!
Can change your name all you want, the IP doesn't lie ;D