Edit in the ZombieMod v1 map rotation?

Keep zm_corp, its a nice map not to big and fun to play and teamwork is needed aswell.

remove zm_solo

Add temple! :)
Please do some advertising for this thread on v1, i want some more opinions before any changes happen
How's this not enough support? Pretty much everyone's in an agreement.

And why not just try out for a day or so? Why does it have to be a permanent decision for years.
Okay so I've heard a lot of opinions now and decided to listen to your suggestions.

I've removed the following maps:

On the other side I've added the following maps:
Please move zm piranesi from special rotation to regular rotation on v1. I would like to experience how this map plays on a full server.
Please move zm piranesi from special rotation to regular rotation on v1. I would like to experience how this map plays on a full server.

HEEEEELLLLL NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I tried that, trust me, disaster...
zm_solo was perfect if there were only a few players :(
zm_ruined_town and zm_temple are bigger than zm_solo so there is no good replacement if there are less players on the server.
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