event ideas

I got an idea!

A "special-map" event. Where in the map vote will all the default maps will be changed to "special maps". And players can not nominate the default map. I think this event is best on the V3.
I got an idea!

A "special-map" event. Where in the map vote will all the default maps will be changed to "special maps". And players can not nominate the default map. I think this event is best on the V3.
Do you have already some maps on your mind?
haha. not really, maybe some of the old classics I dont remember the name of :))
Zombiehunting clan wars!

zombiehunting clan wars!

Hello folks, iv'e gotten an idea about something that i wanna call zombie clan war event! (hopefully in a weekend)

The rules are simple:
-All clans that want can join
-the clan who get's most points win
-Normal EH server rules
-3 maps good for huntingmaps

All clans basicly get their own scoreboared, 4 points for zombie kill, 1 point for human kill and maybe -1 points for every death, the scorebord count for the whole clan. And the best score out of 3 maps win the price for best zombie clan. Almost same system as v1.

Hoping for more good rules and ideas to! :D

Hope someone will try to host something like this in the future, and piece out!

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there should be a certain time of a week, for example every monday afternoon, where just special maps are played.
idk if this idea has been shared earlier, but i think, it's a good idea.

then people would stop annoying admin's by asking for special maps all the time. i'm sure, admin's know what i'm talking about. there are played to fulfill people's wishes. but to be asked constantly might be annoying.
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there should be a certain time of a week, for example every monday afternoon, where just special maps are played.
idk if this idea has been shared earlier, but i think, it's a good idea.

then people would stop annoying admin's by asking for special maps all the time. i'm sure, admin's know what i'm talking about. there are played to fulfill people's wishes. but to be asked constantly might be annoying.

No, this idea didnt got said anyway before, if I remember right. But however they are called "special maps" because they didn't get played so often and so much.
So doing this would steal the special out of the maps.
And trust me there would always someone who would still ask for special maps :D...
We try to change to some special maps as far as possible and do not do that so often :)... So the special stays like it is :)
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Hey there, i have an idea. Although it may not be doable, its worth a shot
I think a surf map should be made where it has something like a "Portal" where once you finish a so-called "stage" it would take you to another random part of the map. Pathways could be similar, but never alike. Also possible speed boosts and fancier endings! I love the surfing maps you guys have and thanks for providing them!
Hey there, i have an idea. Although it may not be doable, its worth a shot
I think a surf map should be made where it has something like a "Portal" where once you finish a so-called "stage" it would take you to another random part of the map. Pathways could be similar, but never alike. Also possible speed boosts and fancier endings! I love the surfing maps you guys have and thanks for providing them!
thanks for the suggestion, the idea itself is pretty nice, a dynamic map would indeed be interesting.
However that's right, a dynamic map is not something we can "install" or provide just as such. somebody must do it, and it's not easy at all :(
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Seriously, I though of an events that can be made weekly/monthly for fun and can give an opportunity to certain person to know new surf maps and to learn to surf better.
We can take a server that will host 3 maps that can only be change by an admin present at the event. Every maps duration will be between 30 to an hour long(we need to check with other person if the delay is good)
There would be 3 tier of maps ... A Tier 1 Tier 2/3 A Tier 3/4.
The goal is to get the best timer on the maps (asking for time to be cleared on this server if possible) (or having something to see what was everyone time on this maps DURING tournament)
Prize will be given to the top 5 of each maps.
I hope we can organize something like that!
Hey what's up
i have a cool Idea for cs:s
add server (Zm Revival or Zm Mod) many players like this modes
and i'm ready to help you in that
like link's plugins .....etc
i hope you like my idea
Thanks .
We need an event for zombie trains! I never saw a train with let's say 50 players. Maybe we should set a date and try to get as much players on v3 as possible to make a new record? xD
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We need an event for zombie trains! I never saw a train with let's say 50 players. Maybe we should set a date and try to get as much players on v3 as possible to make a new record? xD

Uhm, how is that an event? Who wins? :p

Pistol only Day at V1.

Maybe an hour event with that could be cool, play the small popular maps so ct's have a chance etc.
Maybe an hour event with that could be cool, play the small popular maps so ct's have a chance etc.
Yeah or like the last small event just on several maps on 2-3 Days for 1 Map or 1 Hour, so everbody got a good Chance to try it out.
And i wouldnt count the Admin Stats for this one, should be a event for Players.
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Oh havoc my padawan, you still have to learn a lot! CS:S is a game and therefore the sense of playing this game is to have fun, not winning something! Those poor souls who can't loose and only have fun when they are winning...
Anyway as an event it could be anything that somehow changes the usual gameplay a bit and gives players a reason to participate. So the fun of a large zombie train can be one option. ;-)
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Limited Ammo Event for V1, so all Players have to rebuy Ammo/Weapons when it runs out, campers will have no chance for the Event and it should be kinda harder to Win for the CT's. Should bring a challenge for Human Sides.

Special Weapon Event, Weapons like Scout, should get counted for a Event to choose a Winner.

Escape Maps, maybe put some Escape maps, or maps which are build like escape maps on V1 for this one. Or Using real escape Maps and try it out for some Rounds.
Hi everyone . I have idea ,on zm4way this server "Zombie Hunting by ElitE HunterZ |FastDL, SSD powered, HLstatsX|" under the respawn
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) yea UNDER THE RESPAWN is secret room aaanndd there are only few pictures. Few pictures is not enough . CAN YOU ADD MORE ??? ( ͡⎚ヮ ͡⎚)