Ingame name Cotey
Steam profile link
SteamID 76561198316971324
Age 16
Location England, United Kingdom
English knowledge Advanced
Other languages I can understand scottish people
Timezone UTC + 01:00
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers I mostly play the Tier 1-2 servers when actually surfing, but use the 24/7 Kitsune and Utopia servers to just chill in.
Past admin experience
-Previously admin on 2 different G-Mod TTT servers (total of roughly 1 year)
-Was also discord moderator on community server with 3k members (total time of almost to 2 years)
I spend a lot of time on the servers and am quite active in the discord too. I think I could be a good addition to the admin team as I am practically always available and spend a lot of hours online (I visit both EU and NA servers equally as much). I’m already dedicated to your servers as it is (coming up to 450 hours spent on them).
I understand and can relate to the people that are causing issues on your servers, so would be able to reason with them more than just to instantly remove them; so rather than the player base shrinking due to bans/extended mutes, it can remain growing - just with the "toxic" people being reformed. Through being a VIP on the servers, I already have somewhat experience and knowledge of when the right time is to call for a mute in order to settle a situation. Whilst having these privileges, I feel somewhat limited due to the fact that that it goes to a vote instead of an instant consequence and becoming an admin is what I believe to be the next step from that so that I can have more control over the issues.
About me
I'm a 16 year old that spends most of their time playing video-games, doing graphic design (my current source of income) or trying to get through college work- studying graphic communication and business at A level. I get bored easily and try to be constantly doing something. This hyper-activeness is likely the main reason I enjoy playing surf and bhop: I like fast paced things. I have a lot of free time, so go biking often to keep me mentally healthy. I love meeting new people and am accepting of all (with good friends from all around the world) and love to join and become a part of different communities. The past year has been difficult for everyone, and most have had to find somewhat of an escape from being trapped in quarantine. And for me, that just happened to be joining the surf community. I started playing your servers at the start of the year and have since achieved top 500 rank and reached rank 1 in GoldKnife. I've met some incredible people through it and now really enjoy playing it (maybe more than actual CS now).
Referred by (Admin)Herb, (Admin)NBJackJack and bunny
Steam profile link
SteamID 76561198316971324
Age 16
Location England, United Kingdom
English knowledge Advanced
Other languages I can understand scottish people
Timezone UTC + 01:00
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers I mostly play the Tier 1-2 servers when actually surfing, but use the 24/7 Kitsune and Utopia servers to just chill in.
Past admin experience
-Previously admin on 2 different G-Mod TTT servers (total of roughly 1 year)
-Was also discord moderator on community server with 3k members (total time of almost to 2 years)
I spend a lot of time on the servers and am quite active in the discord too. I think I could be a good addition to the admin team as I am practically always available and spend a lot of hours online (I visit both EU and NA servers equally as much). I’m already dedicated to your servers as it is (coming up to 450 hours spent on them).
I understand and can relate to the people that are causing issues on your servers, so would be able to reason with them more than just to instantly remove them; so rather than the player base shrinking due to bans/extended mutes, it can remain growing - just with the "toxic" people being reformed. Through being a VIP on the servers, I already have somewhat experience and knowledge of when the right time is to call for a mute in order to settle a situation. Whilst having these privileges, I feel somewhat limited due to the fact that that it goes to a vote instead of an instant consequence and becoming an admin is what I believe to be the next step from that so that I can have more control over the issues.
About me
I'm a 16 year old that spends most of their time playing video-games, doing graphic design (my current source of income) or trying to get through college work- studying graphic communication and business at A level. I get bored easily and try to be constantly doing something. This hyper-activeness is likely the main reason I enjoy playing surf and bhop: I like fast paced things. I have a lot of free time, so go biking often to keep me mentally healthy. I love meeting new people and am accepting of all (with good friends from all around the world) and love to join and become a part of different communities. The past year has been difficult for everyone, and most have had to find somewhat of an escape from being trapped in quarantine. And for me, that just happened to be joining the surf community. I started playing your servers at the start of the year and have since achieved top 500 rank and reached rank 1 in GoldKnife. I've met some incredible people through it and now really enjoy playing it (maybe more than actual CS now).
Referred by (Admin)Herb, (Admin)NBJackJack and bunny