[Go-Free SURF servers] Admin Application

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Ingame name Lukai
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198812503657/
SteamID 76561198812503657
Age 13
Location The United States of America, New York

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages No️e
Timezone UTC -5:00
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Utopia 24/7, Mesa 24/7, Beginner Surf 24/7
Past admin experience

During my experiences on the Go-Free network, I have encountered several mic-spammers and a ton of people who get bored easily and don't know what to do with themselves and resort to being racist and causing havoc, all the un-nice stuff.
About me
Avid Formula One fan and shitposter, ok producer, and drones are cool too, I guess.
Referred by Bunny (SLATT) Zapdos (VLONE THUG )
Ingame name [HA-02] BaconBits
Steam profile link http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198235153208
SteamID STEAM_0:0:137443740
Age 15
Location United States

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages None
Timezone UTC−05:00
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Kitsune 24/7 & Utopia 24/7
Past admin experience
I'm A head Administrator on a GTA RP server and I have past discord admin experiences
I would like to be an admin on the GoFree Servers because these are the only CSGO Community Servers I play on. Also as someone who plays a lot on these servers I would like to help it out and make it a friendly place where people can talk to others in a proper manner. To me human interaction is what creates a server a server that you can trust and continue to thrive and play on. If you have a completely silent server I feel that it is hurting the server because no one is starting a conversation. Me personally I play on this server mostly because of the conversations and the different types of people you can talk to and make connections. I think it's great how you can join a server and be connected to so many different people and share ideas and tell stories over screen. Being an admin on this server would mean a lot to me and the way I act and the way others should see me, I want others to see me as a cool person who can connect with others and keep a conversation going. As an admin I would keep conversations going and keep mic spam, racism, etc to an immediate stop. I believe in equality and basically just a way to share your opinions to others and be accepting.
About me
My name is Cole and I'm a sophomore in High School. I am an IT student who works on computers, codes, basically all nerdy stuff. I'm also a running back on the high school football team. I live in New Jersey and I'm typically always online and I'm always playing video games at night and if you ever dm me I will probably respond within 5 minutes unless it's early in the morning.
Referred by Suicidal Toast
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Reactions: Paul
Ingame name Kanye West
Steam profile link yes
SteamID 76764767468843949
Age 47
Location (516) 437-8000, 909 Hillside Avenue, New Hyde Park, NY 11040

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages No
Timezone UTC+02:00
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers 1-2, utopia
Past admin experience
Manager at papa johns
I want to relive my experience at papa johns. I have been severely depressed ever since I was fired from papa johns. I use Go Free as a way to cope with this severe depression i feel. Everyday i wake up missing papa johns more and more. When one day my friend John told me Go Free was looking for admin. I realized that this could be my true calling in life, so I have to be an admin.
About me
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Ingame name Kuto
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199104659434/
SteamID 76561199104659434
Age 15
Location Ireland

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages Small Spanish+Small Polish
Timezone GMT
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Utopia, Kitsune, Mesa
Past admin experience

I would love to be an admin on the servers as i have been playing alot recently and their has been alot of griefers/trollers etc and i would like to make the servers more enjoyable to the users playing.
About me
I am 15 years old my name is Scott and i like to play csgo match making and surfing. My hobbies include gaming, trading csgo skins and occasionally working out as my family are a small bit atletic.
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Ingame name KentukyFriedKlan
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198366172905/
SteamID 76561198366172905
Age 19
Location Canada

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages french
Timezone idk, canada?
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Surf Utopia 24/7
Past admin experience
I enjoy the community on your server and would like to be an admin since a lot of players already look to me for questions and advice on your server.
About me
Ive been playing counterstrike since 2015, its basically all i do besides work.
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Reactions: Moxie
Ingame name Smoka
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199019600640/
SteamID 76561199019600640
Age 16
Location United States, PA

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages None
Timezone Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Surf_Utopia, Surf_Kitsune
Past admin experience
I was a moderator on a FiveM server, Rust server, and a Garrys Mod server (Rustoria, GCRP, Icefuse Dark Roleplay). I was really good and made it to some of the highest ranks on these servers. On Icefuse I made it to DVL. I basically managed one of their servers and staff. I eventually got to executive and it got really stressful. I was liked by the community for the most part. Just managing everybody in everything was tough. I was also doing staff abuse reports. Quotas, mutes, bans, (Including the forums) I would easily ban 40 people a day from all the servers. For MRDM, MNLR, and other stuff. GCRP I got to Admin and I was part of their whitelist team. I got banned from the game after they found out I was 16, (It was 18+). They really loved me and kept me on staff but I eventually quit because I couldn't play on the server. And only did work. Rustoria i got to SA (Senior admin) I was in charge of banning people for cheating, Accepting tickets for exploiting. And for the most part, muting people. The new recruits went through me to and that was one of the toughest staff experiences. I was 15 at that time and lasted 6 months on that server. before I quit. Every single staff gig i have had lasted me more than 3 months. The longest was Icefuse. 1 year there. 14 1/2 to 15 1/2. Then on rustoria I lasted 6 months. GCRP lasted 4. Then i quit staffing from any server and took a 3-month break.
I am motivated to keep servers clean. Clean from people trying to ruin fun times, Try to ruin people's days, And just clean from heavy toxicity. I want to help out my favorite servers by being a moderator/Admin. I know that I can make a difference to some extent on the surf servers. I really love chatting on surf servers and sometimes people like to ruin it. By spewing racial slurs, Starting random arguments, being really toxic, or ear raping. I do see this often, I do call admins when this happens, and usually by the time the admin comes to mute the person or people that are doing this they are already gone. Most of the time there are no admins on in the early morning, or late night, weekends. I am on your surf servers a lot and I would be a really great help.
About me
I am 16, morally simple, and smart, I am going to be an EMT by the time I am 18. I am currently in high honors classes in high school while doing Emergency Medical Tech school which is really tough. I can't take the exam to get in until I am 18. I have all of my priorities set, I am really tidy, Love having everything clean as possible. I play a lot of CSGO surf FiveM, And rust.
Referred by Myself :)
Ingame name Agent P
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/agentPeen/
SteamID STEAM_0:1:502670689
Age 19
Location Belgium

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages Swedish, french
Timezone Central European Standard Time
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Surf Kitsune
Past admin experience
Admin of Absynthium, and raid gaming
I am highly motivated to help keep the servers clean of toxic (rasist, sexist, homophobic) people. I also love to inspire and improve environments in servers with encouraging conversations etc. I have a strong sense of authority and will put people who violate the rules.
About me
I am a swedish born male who now lives in belgium for work. I love playing video games as well as skating and rugby. I have lived here for a few years now.
Referred by 69drivebyshooting
Ingame name Ziploc
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198394851380/
SteamID 76561198394851380
Age 16
Location United States

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages high school french
Timezone EST
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers all NA servers: the 1-2 tier server, utopia and occasionally the 3-8 tier and kitsune
Past admin experience
Surfing is one of my favorite things do do and just talking with people on the servers is a lot of fun, although a lot of the time there will be no admins and then theres always that one kid mic spamming so my goal in becoming admin would be to help keep the servers somewhere I can go to chat and get buttery smooth lol.
About me
I am a highschool student so I mostly get on during weekends and basically just when I dont have school, I got into surfing a little under a year ago and I play mostly cs but also some minecraft and osu. I spend most of my time on the 1-2 server but utopia is fun to talk and chill. As for hobbies uhhh mostly just gaming but I do run cross country with a 17:13 5k time and 4:53 unofficial mile so I guess thats cool.
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Reactions: cotey
Ingame name Vibe
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/Vibesterz/
SteamID https://steamcommunity.com/id/Vibesterz/
Age 14
Location United States

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages None
Timezone EST
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers NA Utopia, NA 1-2, NA beginner (tier 1)
Past admin experience

I would love to become an gofree admin to help the community be a more friendly place for all surfers but most importantly the newer surfers. Sometimes I get on surf and see someone being racist or just not being the nicest I can't really do much about it and kind of makes me sad to see people being like that . I always wished I could help GF be a better community.
About me
I'm a high school student that plays baseball mainly in the summer. Surfing is something that I do in my free time which I have a lot of, currently on GF I have 26+ days on the server. I started surfing on GF about 9 months ago and want to keep grinding for the months to come. I am on almost everyday and a lot of the players know who I am, they know I can be helpful when it comes to the simple commands and even the VIP commands and being nice
Referred by Plushie, NBJackJack
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Reactions: cotey
Ingame name Marry Huana
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198408815268/
SteamID https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198408815268/
Age 19
Location Germany

English knowledge Elementary
Other languages German, Greek
Timezone CET
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Utopia
Past admin experience
To make the community better and teach people how to use the chat and get better at the game.
About me
I want to get experience as an admin because I want to make my own game in the future and I want to be close to the community.
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Ingame name Taco :eek:
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/gaymer3/
SteamID STEAM_0:1:104763767
Age 15
Location New Jersey, USA

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages Hungarian
Timezone UTC−05:00
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers 1-8, 3-8, 1-2, PeaceMaker Private
Past admin experience
I was head admin on a surf server from August to November and was staff in general on the server from April to November.
I like zoning and the more technical sides of being a surf admin and I would like to improve the server in that way. I see things like glitched stage, bonus, or map times, bad triggers, and sometimes even bad zones. I love surfing and when I see things like that it does not sit right with me. I feel like those kinds of issues is what can make surf annoying and fixing them is extremely important.
About me
I have been surfing since around August of 2018 and have only taken one break, between April 2019 and March 2020. Sports-wise I enjoy skiing and running. I have to admin that I do spend most of my time on my computer. I would like to become more of a tech admin rather than a normal admin and I think I have to abilities to do it. I like zoning maps and have even set up my own server in through a Linux server. The trial and error of it was infuriating at times but in general, I enjoyed it and think that I could do things like setting up private servers for people with a bit more knowledge of the process from you guys. I have a bit of knowledge in hammer being able to fix things triggers, add hook zones, and other smaller things like that. Originally, I was going to learn sourcepawn but never got around to it. I have been learning Java in school since September and believe that with some pointers a could learn sourcepawn at a decent pace. I just want to work on something again and think that this would be a good place to go.
Referred by Peacemaker
Ingame name faze kyledog
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199048513718/home
SteamID 76561199048513718
Age 18
Location united states

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages n/a
Timezone eastern standard time
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers utopia
Past admin experience
i think i would be a great admin especially because i am an emt and a firefighter which gives me great talking and leadership skills. in ems all together there is a lot of stress that is being put on you with all the calls that we respond to and we have to deal with those situations to not make everyone upset or distraught. we are the one to make people calm and less aggravated. i also get along with everyone on the server plus in real life.
About me
well... i am an emt and a firefighter and also a semiprofesional bowler. i like to volunteer at places because i like helping the less fortunate. i do have a job at jersey mike's.
Referred by n/a
Ingame name ExtreamSam
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/ExtreamGamerSam
SteamID 144867359
Age 13
Location Belguim

English knowledge Intermediate
Other languages dutch
Timezone utc +1 brussels
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers utopia
Past admin experience

i wanted to become and admin to help with the server and just in general make the server a better place
About me
i am 13 years old
massive gamer, i played batman arkham city, dead space 2, and a sh*t ton of more
i also am very intrested in star wars, big fan
i am most of the time very reasonable when it comes to arguments etc
Referred by herb
Ingame name Cracked at fortnite my guy
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198158486842
SteamID STEAM_0:0:99110557
Age 19
Location Belgium

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages Dutch, French and English
Timezone UTC +1
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Utopia 24/7
Past admin experience
I've not been an admin on any CS:GO server before, i have been an admin on several Gmod servers. I'm not sure if you use the same admin system (ULX) on CS:GO but if you do, i know most of the commands.
I first started playing on the servers a couple years ago, back when the announcement came on all the time about you being able to have your own go-free server.

Back then most of the people who played on it were always talking and making conversations with other people.

What i've been experiencing in the last few months is people with no intention to surf or have conversations just join and say vulgar words to provoke other players.

What i want to do is prevent people from actually doing this, i've always been a social guy just surfing to let the time pass by, and the people that are joining to troll are just destroying that experience for me. I'm not sure if alot of players suffer from it, i've had a few occasions when there was just people fighting with each other for half an hour until they had to go.

I think i can actually make a difference in this, if people join and don't come for the social talk and just disturb other people i think they should be muted or given a different punishment.

I've tried talking people out of it and tried to get them to stop but most of the time it's just a lost cause. They have literally no intention on stopping.

I hope this gives a little background on why i hope i can make a difference on this server.

If you have any further questions i will be happy to reply.
About me
Hi, my real name is Elias i'm 19 and i recently graduated from school. I'm an electrician and like to work on cars as a hobby.

I've been playing cs:go surf for about 3 years now (it might be longer just a rough guess).
I also play on another account on the servers, but since i mostly play on my smurf account and have better records on here i prefer to play on here.

I hope this gives a little background,
If you'd like to know more about me you can send me a message or reply.

( Second account):

Steam64id: STEAM_0:0:160254680
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Ingame name catboy oxy
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199080744385/
SteamID 76561199080744385
Age 15
Location united states

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages none
Timezone EST.
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Kitsune
Past admin experience
I was admin in other surf servers, and im admin in a few popular discords.
i dont know i just want to make the server a better place:)
About me
i love csgo, and rainbow 6
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Ingame name Zapdos
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/BigBoyBoomerRemover/
SteamID 76561198852647682
Age 15 years old
Location United States Of America, Texas

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages I'm currently learning Chinese but I'm not fluent enough to hold a conversation.
Timezone UTC-6
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Tier (1-2), 24/7 Kitsune, Tier (1-8) Top 150, and Tier (3-6)
Past admin experience
I don't have any admin experience relating to Counter Strike but I am admin/moderator on a few discord servers with over 50 members and own I one such server personally.
The main motivation that I'm applying is I love surfing and I spend as much time as I possibly can doing it but almost all of the public servers have loud, racist, offensive, homophobic, toxic, or just overall bad behavior at a level that takes away from the chill and fun experience surfing used to be and can be with a little more moderation. I have personally gravitated away from the public servers after getting permission from PeaceMaker to use his private server due to the toxic environment experienced on the servers I used to love. I have also had many friends from surf express their frustration to me about the current atmosphere on the network. Most have either moved to private servers or stopped putting as much time into surf as it isn't super enjoyable when you join and are audibly assaulted by people screaming into their mics. Instead of letting the toxic environment on the servers continue, I would try and talk with newer players and change the topic of conversation from screaming louder than the unranked next standing nearby to a common interest like music, memes, or pop culture. I'd also encourage other surfers of a reasonable skill level to help out with teaching newer players the fundamentals and learning things like skips to get better times.
About me
Hi, my real name is Zachary, and I've been surfing for almost a year at this point on my current account and surfed a little here and there before while on friends accounts, outside of surf I do 10 meter Olympic Air Rifle Competitively and should qualify for the Junior Olympics if all goes according to plan surrounding coronavirus and things like that. My favorite thing to do is traveling, specifically to remote islands to go scuba diving, and I have been to roughly 15 countries as-well-as approximately 15 states in my lifetime. While traveling around the world I have focused my attention on nature and the culture of that area to gain a better understanding of the planet we call home. Outside of travel, I love to shoot guns, ride ATVs, come up with creative ways to blow things up, and do overall stereotypical crazy shit you would only expect from a 3rd generation Texan or a Florida man. I love hunting yet also love animals at the same time as I have two small dogs and would own several exotic reptiles if my family allowed it. If your curious as to what reptilians I would have as a pet, I'm specifically interested in the Northern Blue Tongue Skink and possibly a Red Crocodile Skink as it looks like a tiny dragon, and who doesn't want a pet dragon.
Referred by PeaceMaker, Suicidal Toast, Cotey
Ingame name Just_Krypton
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199121678390/
SteamID 76561199121678390
Age 16
Location NY

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages n/a
Timezone est
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers utopia and kitsune
Past admin experience

i have a good vibe. i'm easy to get along with. and i feel like i can help with moderating
About me
i like to stream. I like memes random pictures
Referred by no
Ingame name Just_Krypton
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199121678390/
SteamID 76561199121678390
Age 16
Location NY

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages n/a
Timezone est
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers utopia and kitsune
Past admin experience

i have a good vibe. i'm easy to get along with. and i feel like i can help with moderating
About me
i like to stream. I like memes random pictures
Referred by no
Ingame name Just_Krypton
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199121678390/
SteamID 76561199121678390
Age 16
Location NY

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages n/a
Timezone est
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers utopia and kitsune
Past admin experience

i have a good vibe. i'm easy to get along with. and i feel like i can help with moderating
About me
i like to stream. I like memes random pictures
Referred by no
Ingame name Just_Krypton
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199121678390/
SteamID 76561199121678390
Age 16
Location NY

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages n/a
Timezone est
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers utopia and kitsune
Past admin experience

i have a good vibe. i'm easy to get along with. and i feel like i can help with moderating
About me
i like to stream. I like memes random pictures
Referred by no
Ingame name Cain
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199133290544/
SteamID STEAM_0:0:586512408
Age 19
Location United States

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages n/a
Timezone UTC−05:00
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Utopia-Kitsune-Hard Surf
Past admin experience
I was an admin here back when you guys used Slack. Just coming back.
I started getting into surf again. I remembered that I had played and was an admin on these servers so I decided to come back onto the forums and see what was up. The servers could use an admin on sometimes from what I've experienced so far, it's a lot of fun still.
About me
I like counter strike and rocket league, I play the piano and tennis. I used to use Silhouette as my gamertag but I switched a while back before switching accounts. Even if I don't get admin I'd like to find out if I could switch my user to Cain on the forums. Thanks for reading :)
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