[Go-Free SURF servers] Admin Application

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[Go-Free SURF] xbenderx02

Please enter your SteamID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/imnotascammerr/

What is your ingame name: GREEN

Link to your steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/imnotascammerr/

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): France

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 26

Do you speak any other languages other than English: french

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): UTC +1 or +2 (summer or winter)

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): surf ski 2 im VIP gold , utopia im a beast and rookie

Past admin experience: i was admin of surf ski 2 server i know how what does admin really mean

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): beaucause i play a lot on it and i like to help peoples on this server

Tell us something about yourself: i have other passions like basketball, football, guitare

Referred by:
[Go-Free SURF] Colby

Please enter your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:124170615

What is your ingame name: meme machine

Link to your steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198208606959/

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): Canada Toronto, Ontario

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 15

Do you speak any other languages other than English: A small amout of french

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): Eastern Time Zone

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): I play on all severs but the mixed ones

Past admin experience: This is going to sound cringy but I was admin on a minecraft server.

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): I would really like to be admin so I can get more respect from players while I'm helping others.
i really love these servers and I want to help make the community the best it can be so people can strive and surf without worry.

Tell us something about yourself: I'm a chubby 15 year who loves pc gaming and hockey. I have English class every morning first period and it is so boring then I move on to technology class (which I love but my teacher hates me) then lunch then music, I play trumpet and love everyday because of music class, and last I go out to the portables and sit in french class. But the highlight of every day is play on these surf servers.

Referred by: blair, sc00t, and bukitdance
[Go-Free SURF] Jens11v

Please enter your SteamID: JensDeKakewiet11

What is your ingame name: Jens11V

Link to your steam profile: jensdekakewiet11

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): Belgium

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 26

Do you speak any other languages other than English: dutch

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): brussels

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): elite-hunterz

Past admin experience:

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): Im everyday online, so i want to make it more fun for the players.

Tell us something about yourself: i like soccer and playing csgo

Referred by:
[Go-Free SURF] simon

Please enter your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:127499664

What is your ingame name: PE

Link to your steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198215265057/

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): Sweden (Stockholm)

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 15

Do you speak any other languages other than English: Swedish,Spanish

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): UTC +2:00 CEST

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): Well i have been surfinng for a while and i love it specially your servers. I am usually playing on all the surf_beginner servers

Past admin experience: Well i have been admin on dayzRP help center forums, and teamspeak basically what i did there was helping people about their concerns(problems) and answering questions. I really liked it because it felt like i did a job that helped people alot. Thats why i am interested to become admin on these servers.

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): Why would you like to be admin on our servers? Well basically i find it really funny to surf and i have been surfing for one year now, currently i am expert on theese servers. But why i would like to become and admin is to help people and learn them how to surf and hopefully make these servers even more big and make it grow bigger. And i also like the community on these servers, you have done a really great work on it. Also i like to talk to people and be social :) If i become a admin i will try my best to make these servers even more better. The role of being admin feels like a important mission to help the servers to grow even more and teach people to surf :)

Tell us something about yourself: Tell us something about yourself: Im from sweden currently studying in a highschool that is called Enskilda Gymnasiet. I like to help people and see their progress of learning it then feels like i am completing a job. I also like to talk with people and having a great time with them. I am currently playing tennis 2 times a week and i think it is really funny. I love Mcdonalds i eat there once a day xD. If i become admin i will maybe spend 1-2 hours a day on the servers. I am currently new to this forum but i am on it at least 2 times a day anyways i hope you all are havinga great time and hopefully you guys read this :) Im out Simon AKA PE :)

Referred by: No i was not but got inspired by others :)
[Go-Free SURF] Aurae

Please enter your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:160395616

What is your ingame name: Aurae

Link to your steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ByAurae/

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): United States

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 17

Do you speak any other languages other than English: Spanish (not fluent)

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): EST

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): surf_mesa
air control

Past admin experience:

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): I would like to be admin on your servers in order to keep the community a non-toxic, mature environment and also have fun. I would like to make the server and surf experience fun for everyone. I have a few admins for other servers added that i play with regularly so I believe I know what it takes and how to act in certain situations.

Tell us something about yourself: I am currently a Junior in High school in the U.S and I am also the starting goalie for my varsity lacrosse team. My season has just come to an end and I've been getting on CS:GO a lot more recently. I'm currently ranked LEM in MM and i'm always looking to improve and rank up. In school I have a 3.9 GPA overall. I am a pretty straight laced kid with pretty quick wits.

Referred by:
[Go-Free SURF] Battleaxe

Please enter your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:116576979

What is your ingame name: Battleaxe765

Link to your steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Battleaxe765

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): Colchester, England

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 15

Do you speak any other languages other than English: German (A little)

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): UTC+1 hour

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones):

Past admin experience:

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): The server I play on usually never has admins and I am the one usually helping the new guys how to do the maps, I would like to be admin as then people would know to come to me for help, I am usually very active as well.

Tell us something about yourself: I was born in Colchester, mainly lived in rural areas and I attend secondary school which I usually get A's and B's. I enjoy making people laugh and making everybody comfortable, hobbies include: gaming, coding and revising (that time of year)

Referred by:
[Go-Free SURF] SoggyBread

Please enter your SteamID: 76561198293743603

What is your ingame name: A Soggy Piece Of Bread

Link to your steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198293743603/

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): I live in Michigan United States

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 14

Do you speak any other languages other than English: French

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): Eastern usa

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): Surf_mesa

Past admin experience: I admined a couple servers on garrys mod so i know how to handle situations responsibly and i host my own server on csgo

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): The main reason I want to be an admin is because I like playing on your servers and because when im o surf_mesa there is usally no mods on when i play and people mic spam through low quality mics the reason i am filling out an application is to stop all the mic spamming and the fights but most importantly to have fun on the server please consider youre options weigh out the pros and cons and please respond have a nice day -soggybread or Nick

Tell us something about yourself: I like playing sports and csgo i love deciding who wins arguments and who gets in trouble thats why i want to be a admin or moderator and i most importantly love playing csgo surf with my freinds

Referred by: i wasnt reffered

Please enter your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:125786958

What is your ingame name: NEMESIS

Link to your steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/YaBoyNemmy/

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): Amsterdam, the Netherlands

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 16

Do you speak any other languages other than English: Dutch, German, French, Surinam

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): UTC+1

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): I've played on most of the GoFree servers, but the most consistent one I play on is Surf_Rookie.

Past admin experience: I've been admin on a minecraft server way back in the day. My friend used to own the server and let me help him moderate it.

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): This would be my third application. The last one I sadly got declined on, since I had not moderated my younger siblings playing on my smurf account. They proceeded to say bad things on the server. This was only on my smurf, since I do not let them play on my main. Ofcourse, this is still my fault. Such an incidence will not happen ever again, since I now have a new PC which I and only I play on. Everyone who wants to play when they're visiting, plays on my old laptop, on their own account. But with that aside, I'd like to start the motivation for my application. I have been playing on the GoFree servers for several months now. I've met lots and lots of people on there, which I now daily play comps with. I really like to help out the newer players who are stuck, and I try to give them the best experience as possible. I help them out with surfing, but also other problems which are not directly connected to CS:GO at all. A lot of people recognize me whenever I join and I truly enjoy seeing that. Sadly, there are also people who are just there to annoy the players who are trying to have a good time. This brings the surfing experience down, for every player that is trying to surf regularly. Ofcourse, I tell the people which I happen to be helping at that moment, how they can mute such people. Sadly however, not everyone seems to understand all the commands. At that moment, they are stuck listening to the several mic spammers which join the servers every day. This is why I want to help out all the people who are trying to play the game normally, and make it a better server to play on in general. This being said, I'd also like to thank Havoc for telling me I was a good participant to become admin. This motivated me to try my best even more, and apply once again. Thank you for considering me, and have a nice day. Kind regards, NEMESIS.

Tell us something about yourself: My name is Shane. My in game is NEMESIS, which most people know me by. I am 16 years old. I live in Amsterdam, which is the capital city of the Netherlands. I have been a sporty type my whole life. I started with gymnastics when I was about 6 years old. When I turned 9, I saw a Bruce Lee movie, which motivated me to become a martial artist. And so I did. I've been practicing Taekwondo since i was 9 years old. 4 years later, I got my black belt. 2 years ago, I was invited to the Dutch national team, which was a huge accomplishment for me. After winning several international tournaments, I sadly had to leave the team. The new trainer was corrupt and only let students from his own Taekwondo school join the national team. This was a huge let down for me. After that, I left Taekwondo. I now enjoy playing videogames, when I have spare time from school. My favourite games are CS:GO, Black Ops 2, and GTA 5.

Referred by:
[Go-Free SURF] Voltized

Please enter your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:79312464

What is your ingame name: voltized

Link to your steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/yomamaisstupid

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): United Kingdom

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 14

Do you speak any other languages other than English: Polish, some German and some French.

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): BST

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): I play Mesa, Beginner and I've started playing Rookie.

Past admin experience: I've owned a sucessful server before which was 1v1. I had it for a month and I didn't have time to buy or manage the next month.

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): Usually, when I come on, I see people trolling others or advertising and sometimes playing racist music. I would like to stop this beacuse I get annoyed when I'm surfing and there's never an admin online to deal with the behaviour. I'm usually on CS:GO playing surf so I could be the one banning/kicking. Also, sometimes when I go online, I see people with racist names. I ask them to change it and the refuse to. If you chose me as admin, there will be a more pleasant experience for other players that just want to have fun like me. I'm nearly always on surf and I wouldn't mind helping out.

Tell us something about yourself: I'm a humorous person that can take a joke. I don't overreact to things and I'm talkative which means I can help people out. I'm mature and unforgetful. I love playing CS:GO and in my spare time I'm most likely to be online on CS:GO. I'm on my computer usually 5+ hours a day which 1/2 or more being on CS:GO

Referred by:
[Go-Free SURF] Chack Chack

Please enter your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:157041636

What is your ingame name: Chack Chack

Link to your steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ChackChack/

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): Saudi Arabia

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 17

Do you speak any other languages other than English: No

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): +3:00

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): surf_aircontrol_ksf

Past admin experience:

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): I enjoy surfing a lot although i started recently, and I like to be admin generally in many different games. Having the privilege to watch other people seeing if they're not acting how they should be on a server then reporting them is a part of how i enjoy the game to the fullest. I really love the overwatch feature and i hope to have a similar feature in the public servers i spend my time on. I cant seem to think of anything else to say lol. Hope I am chosen for this opportunity.

Tell us something about yourself: I'm a 17 year old living in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. I was born in the UK and spent about 10 years living there. As i grew up i spent a decent amount of time being a scout and camping out in the wilderness. Very fun experience. I enjoy spending my time in high areas like hills and mountains, love the climb up and the climb down, but cant get over the view at the top. might be getting a little off topic lol, not really sure what to talk about. first time applying to anything in my life. I started playing CS:GO earlier this year after i moved on from League of Legends. Love the game, love the people in it and absolutely love the surfing maps you guys run.

Referred by: No
[Go-Free SURF] nikolai

Please enter your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:77129854

What is your ingame name: Nikolai

Link to your steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Exodus0174/profile

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): The Hague, The Netherlands

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 19

Do you speak any other languages other than English: Dutch, and a bit German, and a bit French

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): UTC +1

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): Most of the time, but im open for playing other maps

Past admin experience:

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): I am good with people, i am very experienced with CS:GO servers and i like to surf. I don' t pick sides, and i treat problems objective, with none of my own opinions mixed with it. One of my lucky skills in life is that i can be serious about anything, but not too serious. I love to help people out in a discussion. For example: and if someone is annoying, i would listen to the person who feels harrased of feels intimidated, and i will warn that other player.

Tell us something about yourself: My name is Perry, I'm 19 years old, i live in The Hague, and i'm still at school: university of Groningen, and i'm studying Psychology. I like to sail, longboard, and game. I still live happily with my parents. I have 1 dog, a French bulldog named Bikkel. I have a twin sister and i brother who is 21 years old.

Referred by:
[Go-Free SURF] Dynamic

Please enter your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:162732005

What is your ingame name: Dynamic

Link to your steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198285729739/

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): United States Pennsylvana

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 16

Do you speak any other languages other than English: No

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): -5 utc

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): i play on multiple surf servers but the one i am mostly on is surf uptopia

Past admin experience:

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): to help people who grief other players on the servers also to help people and answer there questions like for instance i was on a surfing server and this kid was calling people inappropriate names and he kept spaming music with his mic and i would want to help get rid of this and other problems cause this was going on for about 1 hour.

Tell us something about yourself: i am in JROTC i am in the chess club i am in the boy scouts of america i am almost starting on my eagle project and i am a very active person

Referred by:
[Go-Free SURF] Chase88

Please enter your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:102227408

What is your ingame name: Chase88

Link to your steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ItsChase88/

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): United States

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 13

Do you speak any other languages other than English: No

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): Kitsune

Past admin experience: N/A

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): I would love to be an Admin on your servers because I love to help people, but don't get me wrong if i need to put punishment down I will. Surfing is also one of my favorite things to do in Counter strike: Global offensive. I saw that the owner is running the server out of pocket and I thought, "Maybe I should help the owner out by keeping the servers running well, safe, and fun.

Tell us something about yourself: I love technology. I usually can solve multiple problems with computers, and ect. I am told that I also am very mature for my age.

Referred by: No body referred me to the server. To apply the server referred me.
[Go-Free SURF] kippller

Please enter your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:173757781

What is your ingame name: Kippller

Link to your steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198307781290/

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): Ireland

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 16

Do you speak any other languages other than English: French and irish

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): UTC 00:00

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): Surf Kitsune

Past admin experience: I have been and still am a super admin on a teamspeak I am also an admin on a css bhop server

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): I am a fun person, I like joking around and can get people to be fun and respectful, I am not overly strict but I can lay down on people if it is needed.

I would never abuse my powers and never have.

I am a peoples person and socialize a lot ( People on the Kitsune server can vouch for that )

I really just enjoy talking to people and I am very active. (This is not my main account its a new one )

Tell us something about yourself: I play computer, work in a computer store, I help out people when they have computer problems

Referred by: Blair
[Go-Free SURF] SToRM_

Please enter your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:104675969

What is your ingame name: SToRM_

Link to your steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/SToRM__12355/

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): England

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 15

Do you speak any other languages other than English: Polish

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): UTC

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): [Surf] AirControl (SSD) 24/7 Timer | Rank - by go-free.info

Past admin experience: I'm an Admin on TF2 and it going really well for me but i wanna be an admin on a surf server because surfing is awesome and i love it

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): I would like to be an admin on the server because i love surfing and there is not much admins on the server i think but anyway i would want to help out the server so if anyone is spamming or being rasist or other then i will be there to deal with them so then lot of people won't get offended and play peacefully without any people that are being annoying or stupid so i hope i could become admin to help out :)

Tell us something about yourself: I live in Manchester (UK) and i play alot of games and i love football and csgo surfing and i have green eyes and my normal hair color is blond and I'm a male and i think that it.

Referred by: hmm i don't think so
[Go-Free SURF] Bp_MeRk

Please enter your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:71699233

What is your ingame name: Bp_MeRk | kickback.com

Link to your steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198103664195

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): USA, FL

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 19

Do you speak any other languages other than English: No

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): 06:00

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): (surf) Beginner #2 and #1

(surf) Rookie

Past admin experience: None.

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): well im very helpful to people in game. i have helped many people in the surf server beat the map and master it.

Tell us something about yourself: i like to surf on cs go. i have 419 hours in game and at least 300 hours are from me grinding surf beginner until i got 51 sec time and pro.

Referred by:
[Go-Free SURF] TheGeet

Please enter your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:145439313

What is your ingame name: TheGeet

Link to your steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/thegeet/

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): United States : Ohio

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 16

Do you speak any other languages other than English: I am fairly good at speaking spanish

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): (UTC -5)

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): I usually play the Mesa server, this is my favorite map as of yet

Past admin experience: On CSGO, I have not had any admin experience, but I received my current admin knowledge from running/administarting Minecraft server for the past few years

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): I would like to become an admin on one of your server because every time I am on your surf_mesa server, there is not an admin on. This allows major spamming of chat and mics, I am doing this not just for me but for the others that wish to play on the server. I have not been on your website very much (this is actually the first time) because i wasnt sure if i wanted to dedicate myself to a community on csgo yet, but now that i have more free time and more ability to do what i want, I would love to join this community

Tell us something about yourself: I am a 16 year old male from the United States, my second favorite hobby (first being video games) is playing american football. I have a normal life in a middle class family, and i have massive dedication to whatever i put my heart into.

Referred by:
[Go-Free SURF] Arnas2303

Please enter your SteamID: Arnas2303

What is your ingame name: Tyrone Biggums

Link to your steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Arnas2303/

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): Iceland

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 17

Do you speak any other languages other than English: Icelandic and Lithuanian

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): UTC±00:00

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones):

Past admin experience:

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): Im active on your surf servers i like to help people, i have seen alot of trolls on your servers and nobody does anything, i would love to have the admin experience, and i speak 3 languages all very well.

Tell us something about yourself: Im lithuanian i live in Iceland. Im 17 love music and video games. I enjoy watches, and just horology in it self. Im mg2 in csgo, and i love your servers <3

Referred by: Nope
[Go-Free SURF] Tea

Please enter your SteamID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/lolabhi93/

What is your ingame name: Tea

Link to your steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/lolabhi93/

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): India

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 14

Do you speak any other languages other than English: Hindi and Tamil

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): UTC+5:30

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): Surf_Rookie

Past admin experience: None

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): I would like to learn how it feels like being an admin

Tell us something about yourself: Hi, Im Tea.
I love the green-mint tea, its amazing
im 14 and study in india
i am in the 9th grade
im good in csgo and my fav wep is ak, <3

Referred by: NEMESIS
[Go-Free SURF] Mr.P4in

Please enter your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:81859481

What is your ingame name: Mr.P4in

Link to your steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/RythmicPain

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): Quebec, Canada

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 15

Do you speak any other languages other than English: French

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): -4 hours

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): I move around a lot, I spend some time on Beginner, rookie and Kitsune2 mostly though

Past admin experience:

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): I'll be honest, I just think I could help more and prevent annoying people from destroying this awesome community.

Tell us something about yourself: I'm pretty much just a 15 year old kid, still in school who loves surfing in csgo and basketball, I'm also very laid back and a little bit carefree, but if something happens I can easily get serious.

Referred by:
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