I freaking miss all of you


Ex Admin
11 Jun 2013
The title says more than a thousands words.
I want to come back and infect all of you on the best zombie servers on the whooooole planet!
The loooove is soo real <33333

I left because I was stupid enough to sell my gamer pc back then... T-Flash.
I have a feeling this is Boubble's way of stating that he's initiating a comeback. *hype 4 boubble ♥*
we miss you too mate, comeback as soon as possible. Maybe this summer?
Is that, uh, bubble?
Is that, uh, bubble?

Yeah it... is.. wait fuk you. It's Boubble not bubble, and you know it. You will be my first victim when I get back in the game!!!

View attachment 6447

i mean, that is twice as long as one of KARMATE's banned accounts... o.ô

hope to see you soon tho.

Wow, it's been so long? Can't believe it..
I hope to come back soon!!!
Also, glad you all miss me as well<333333 <33333 <333 HEARTS
If it was Boubble on those gifs, I'd want him (her) back even more... c: