maps | List + Add/Remove requests!

Re: maps

PLS PLS PLS put the map zm_temple away from our servers!!!
Re: maps

but its true its boring this map all you can do is to camp on the plattform in this big room or on the cars this map is really boring i cant understand why this map is chosen every day by so many junks!
and also the map aztek is boring they both got this strrange atmosphere i dont like!

i would prefer to leave the office maps, the cbble map and my favourite:4WAYTUNNEL---->oh i love this map!
oh and please cant you make it that you can choose in all of the zombie server all weapons?!
Re: maps

ahh und die map wo dieser container steht und das gebäude inder mitte und die gänge unter der erde die ist auch cool!
Re: maps

Jaiel said:
ahh und die map wo dieser container steht und das gebäude inder mitte und die gänge unter der erde die ist auch cool!

meinst wohl lila_panic :D

I think we have to test some new maps.
Re: maps

okay may i ask you rocky please to test and upload this map to server v2?
i am away till friday as i go to hospital!
Re: maps

XD yes and wel... make it:
a little bit smaller
more lighty else you cant see anything :p
Re: maps

nikooo777 said:
XD yes and wel... make it:
a little bit smaller
more lighty else you cant see anything :p

Its that big cos the zombies can use cannons to get everywhere
NEW 4 Way !

Hi guys,

We need a new 4Way-map ,the blocking at spawn,doorclosing and elevator-blocking is going too far!!!
All this makes that map a nightmare if no admin is present.
I suggest to change the map zm_4way_tunnel_v2 to a better version of 4way.
I found one with an 1:1 design with some very helpful improvements.
Some of them : Bigger spwan,Two elevators with noob protection(no1 can stand on head,no1 can stand unter it).
The rest of the map is 100% pure 4way in a new look.
See my steampage for some screenshots!
The map is made by a hunter clan.
Map is attached.


  • zm_4way_deadly_v5.rar
    6.1 MB · Views: 409
Re: maps

senne teddy said:

Give my new map a try?
