maps | List + Add/Remove requests!

campfest :(
Fun map for old school zombie, bad for EH servers.
We should add some new maps idd. but gotta test em first etc.
Hi everyone, is it possible to add Canals (zm_an_canals_classic) to v1 nomination list? It's a nice small map which offers more map diversity particularly at night (usually it's only cbble, 4way and palace at European night time, bigger maps often empty the server).
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I'd first like to propose adding some of the already existing maps of the server into the nomination list (the map circle).
I really think that a few new maps are necessary to keep the gameplay fun and new. For instance, whenever some maps like "cbble" and "4way_tunnel" come up as 4,5 on the vote list, people just randomly click a button out of those 2. I think that most played maps should be left at 8,9 (and a bit randoming) so they'd actually had to look through the vote list if they wanted to play that map. Anyways, my recommendations for the maps which I think would be nice to be seen on the servers are (approximately):


And a few maps when I used to play, from my cstrike directory which were fortunately saved, if ever thought about adding zombie escape maps or making an "alive" ZE server:

ZE MAPS (Saved from 2011):
ze_biohazard_2_rpd_v3a_004; ze_biohazard_manor_v4a_004; ze_death_star_escape_v4_3; ze_ffvii_mako_reactor_v2_2; ze_gods_wrath_v3_6b; ze_infiltration_final_v4e_004; ze_infinite_run_v8_fix2; ze_jurassic_park_story_v0_8; ze_jurassicpark_v2_1_ob; ze_lotr_helms_deep_v5; ze_lotr_mines_of_moria_v5_1; ze_mario_tower_v4; ze_mytex_escape_v3; ze_palm_island_nav72; ze_paradise_v1; ze_paranoid_ultimate_v10_4; ze_potc_v3_4fix; ze_predator_ultimate_v1_4; ze_raccoon_facility_v6a; ze_random_v9; ze_rooftop_runaway2_v5; ze_saw_v1,1; ze_sg1_missions_v2_1; ze_showdown_v7_dfix; ze_space_flight_v1_1; ze_titanic_escape_v2_3; ze_voodoo_islands_v8_2;

ZM MAPS (Saved from 2010-2011)
zm_atix_helicopter_dfinal; zm_atix_panic_b3t; zm_atix_panic_v7_dfix; zm_boatescape_final_bug_fixxx; zm_crazycity; zm_killbox_final; zm_kobi_panic; zm_let_it_snow_64fix; zm_lila_panic_lego_final; zm_lila_panic_v2_remix; zm_penumbra_64; zm_zomb_lilapanic_3towers_v3;

A lot of these maps, as I remember, were very fun to play on. I don't recollect the memory of every of the maps, but I think that a lot of these maps are very nice. All in all, if You want any, please add them; and also, edit the nomination + map cycle, so we can play some maps that are implemented but aren't visible.
Thank You again and I hope that this reply helps out!

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Just played zm_ATIX_panic_b3T on V1 as a special map. Had lots of fun! Would love for it to be added to a regular rotation. Also ATIX_Helicopter is often requested as a special map and I think it will be a better option than some of the present selections.
Hey yyy,

These "special maps" will still not be added to the rotation yet (in the near present), because they're still "special maps" until we discuss it and develop a few ideas, sort of speak. Imo, because the mapcycle.cfg should be edited, same versions of a map which are not played should be deleted to avoid confusion between admins and, tbh (imo), we should try and test a few more of the special maps to see if they crash the server or not and if they can be played as a special map publicly (i.e. zm_boatescape_final_fixxx; zm_roys_ship; zm_westwood_final).

-cHeT [BeWasted]
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Ok, i did actually agree what you said with the camper spots. Ill make a biggermap today, It was the first map i evermade so i didnt exept good response. :) but thanks for having a look i just learned to use the hammer(map maker) so ill hopefully make better one! ;)
Ill make maybe make a really hardcore map later wich ill spend more time on making ;) just made this one today, but i hope you guys like it
Hey LosT, this is a nice map for a beginner, but I don't think 64 players can fit on it, this looks like a 24 slots map !

Also improve the choice of the textures, this looks monotonous :p

Keep doing maps, try decompiling maps and see how they're done, I'm sure you can do something advanced if you keep doing maps :)

Cheers, Xylon