I'd first like to propose adding some of the already existing maps of the server into the nomination list (the map circle).
I really think that a few new maps are necessary to keep the gameplay fun and new. For instance, whenever some maps like "cbble" and "4way_tunnel" come up as 4,5 on the vote list, people just randomly click a button out of those 2. I think that most played maps should be left at 8,9 (and a bit randoming) so they'd actually had to look through the vote list if they wanted to play that map. Anyways, my recommendations for the maps which I think would be nice to be seen on the servers are (approximately):
zm_desolo http://css.gamebanana.com/maps/36934
zm_roy_the_ship http://css.gamebanana.com/maps/31356
zm_lv426 http://css.gamebanana.com/maps/69188
zm_atix_apocalypse_b6 http://css.gamebanana.com/maps/128119
zm_echo_italy_reloaded http://css.gamebanana.com/maps/47438
zm_miniature_room_v1 http://css.gamebanana.com/maps/119263
zm_gorodok http://css.gamebanana.com/maps/107713
zm_unpanic_v2 http://css.gamebanana.com/maps/146078
zm_boatescape2_fix http://css.gamebanana.com/maps/26919
And a few maps when I used to play, from my cstrike directory which were fortunately saved, if ever thought about adding zombie escape maps or making an "alive" ZE server:
ZE MAPS (Saved from 2011):
ze_biohazard_2_rpd_v3a_004; ze_biohazard_manor_v4a_004; ze_death_star_escape_v4_3; ze_ffvii_mako_reactor_v2_2; ze_gods_wrath_v3_6b; ze_infiltration_final_v4e_004; ze_infinite_run_v8_fix2; ze_jurassic_park_story_v0_8; ze_jurassicpark_v2_1_ob; ze_lotr_helms_deep_v5; ze_lotr_mines_of_moria_v5_1; ze_mario_tower_v4; ze_mytex_escape_v3; ze_palm_island_nav72; ze_paradise_v1; ze_paranoid_ultimate_v10_4; ze_potc_v3_4fix; ze_predator_ultimate_v1_4; ze_raccoon_facility_v6a; ze_random_v9; ze_rooftop_runaway2_v5; ze_saw_v1,1; ze_sg1_missions_v2_1; ze_showdown_v7_dfix; ze_space_flight_v1_1; ze_titanic_escape_v2_3; ze_voodoo_islands_v8_2;
ZM MAPS (Saved from 2010-2011)
zm_atix_helicopter_dfinal; zm_atix_panic_b3t; zm_atix_panic_v7_dfix; zm_boatescape_final_bug_fixxx; zm_crazycity; zm_killbox_final; zm_kobi_panic; zm_let_it_snow_64fix; zm_lila_panic_lego_final; zm_lila_panic_v2_remix; zm_penumbra_64; zm_zomb_lilapanic_3towers_v3;
A lot of these maps, as I remember, were very fun to play on. I don't recollect the memory of every of the maps, but I think that a lot of these maps are very nice. All in all, if You want any, please add them; and also, edit the nomination + map cycle, so we can play some maps that are implemented but aren't visible.
Thank You again and I hope that this reply helps out!