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Hey LosT, this is a nice map for a beginner, but I don't think 64 players can fit on it, this looks like a 24 slots map !

Also improve the choice of the textures, this looks monotonous :p

Keep doing maps, try decompiling maps and see how they're done, I'm sure you can do something advanced if you keep doing maps :)

Cheers, Xylon

Thanks man :) i like that you say what you think :)

Right now im working on a really good map, no joke this is going to be the next big hit, i took a look at the map de_cbble and got some inspiration. ;)
Can't wait to be done :D :D :D :D
Thanks man :) i like that you say what you think :)

Right now im working on a really good map, no joke this is going to be the next big hit, i took a look at the map de_cbble and got some inspiration. ;)
Can't wait to be done :D :D :D :D

Yes, take your time, a good map can't be done in 1 day !

for my last one it took 2 days of work, like 8h / day, so 16 hours of work, that's not much compared to big maps like ze_LOTR_ etc... but still, I compile the map, launch CSS and test if something if wrong and so on :)

Keep up the good work !

New map made by me called zm_rush_v1 :p (It's much better than the two other ones!) :)

If any bugs ill fix, if someone want they could do a v2 :p

Lets try it on a server? (pleaseee) :O :O

Tell me what you think :p



I tested the map at first and it seemed very promising. Therefore I added it to the servers for public testing, accessible via admin menu. And we played it just a while ago. CTs had the advantage most of the time but with little modification it will be more balanced. Further testing and feedback from people is needed.

Admins that were online at the time are: Pengs, Haze, Thebestio and me. I wish to see their feedback about this one.

Overall, I think it's a good map and would give it 7/10.
hey lost,
i played on your map zm_rush_v1, and its very promising. I liked it alot :)

a few things:
- <-- these pipes, avoid using them, they are often too OP(OverPowered)
- <-- when someone places the sofa like this the zm cannot get inside and the ct can just camp there the rest of the round.
- what niko said about lights.
i think you can remove it or make it a chair, anything else is too OP. if you remove it you can also make the tunnel-entrance for this place abit longer, but not that much.
- Your map is horrible bad optimized, i was down in 120fps and that should not be possible for a map like this. add some hint/skip blocks and 3-4 areaportals to fix this problem :)
if you dont know how to optimize properly, then this video is a good introduction:

its a good map, but it needs a final brush :)
Last edited:
Just got finished another map called zm_streetlife ! :)
Havent had time editing the zm_rush_v1 yet, wich i will do!
Please contact me if anyone want to edit/extend this map or the map zm_rush_v1 :D :D

Take a look at it, would be cool if we could try it on a server :)

When we played zm_rushv1 the zombies won 3 times and humans won 3 times, means it was stabile wich i was happy for :) :p

(shold have seen my face when i saw the nextmap was my map) xD



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Hello LosT, I just tried your map, it looks good, there is a lot of good ideas :)

It looks promissing, but "maybe" (my opinion :p ) it is a big small for 64 players?

Otherwise everything is okay :) good work :p
The new (v3) is added to the maplist. Hopefully this is the last beta before the final version. I have also removed the old ones.
few years ago when i played zombie servers, alot of servers runned awesome maps which i am missing today on most servers, these maps arent much played today but i wish you add these maps, they are real classic maps.

http : // css.gamebanana. com/maps/28914

http : // css.gamebanana. com/maps/14217

http : // css.gamebanana. com/maps/15661

http : // css.gamebanana. com/maps/14988

http : // css.gamebanana. com/maps/14806

http : // css.gamebanana. com/maps/16977

http : // css.gamebanana. com/maps/19099

zm_fiddlers green
http : // css.gamebanana. com/maps/20178

http : // css.gamebanana. com/maps/20161

http : // css.gamebanana. com/maps/31356

(remove the space in the links or search in google for the mapnames)
Hey everyone,

After this thread

NoMatter and me reviewed the map, he told me what would work and what to change, which I did.

He told me it was okay and ready for the upload, so here's the latest version approved by NoMatter, the _v2: Hope you guys will like it, I can't wait to see it ingame :p



I tested and added the map to the maplist.
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Reactions: Nikooo777 and Xylon

zm_atix_helicopter -- we play this as special map sometimes
zm_tx_highschool -- this map had to be updated, and so it has. Check the nominate list on v3 for zm_highschool_night_v1
zm_fiddlers green -- i know this is on the special-map list
zm_roy_the_ship -- i think this on the special-map list too

zm_atix_helicopter -- we play this as special map sometimes
zm_tx_highschool -- this map had to be updated, and so it has. Check the nominate list on v3 for zm_highschool_night_v1
zm_fiddlers green -- i know this is on the special-map list
zm_roy_the_ship -- i think this on the special-map list too

thanks, any chance to add the other maps aswell ? maybe as standart map which appears in the votelist ?