hehehe, i watched
Dude, wheres my car with a girl and ended up loosing my flower

i also watched it with another girl and ended up making out.
Both was the invite-home-and-watch-movie-with-me situation.
The movie is really bad, but i think thats why i worked, both of them girls was the i-get-easily-board type of girl.
Anyway, most girls don't like sitting still without talking, so no heavy shit like
Shawshank Redemption. I tried and with one girl we just ended up talking after 10 minutes and with another i had to explain everything at every time because she always talked when something important happened.
A light and a bit funny movie is the way to go, then you can talk and if you run out of things to talk about you can pick up the story and plot pretty quick.
40 Days and 40 Nights -is a good movie
Austin Powers -may be good (someone tested it on a girl?)
There's Something About Mary -is worth a shot
one of the
good Disney movies.
do not put on deep movies like
Star wars
V for Vendetta
Fight Club
Once upon a time in the west
- In my experience most girls, not everybody, have only seen shitty movies and have to "learn" how to see a good film without loosing focus. But if you happens to find a
girl that actually like movies and knows her business, then grab onto her and show her the good stuff, the things you buy on blu-ray and would save from a burning building.
The dark knight
Terminator 2
Guy Ritchie movie (except the sherlock movies)
Life of Brian
The Boondock Saints
the crow
..and the "deep" movies i mentioned above
good luck :]
btw, if she likes scary movies i have to say
The Eye and