With our changes some old issues that hadnt been a problem in a while occured again. Like Soup mentioned the house is the main issue, or more precise the doors
The funtion (closing after a few seconds, bugging props inside) and size (too small) of those doors make it almost impossible for zombiez to break into this house,
My ideas are:
A) Make breakable doors and increase it's size
B) Fix this bed
C) Remove 2 of 3 sofas (one Soda and one sofa is enough to barricade a door or better...
D) ...add a second door so each door needs to be defended and 2 props per door. This spot seems to be in need of a second entrance. Maybe a breakable wall (small entry) will do the job too
E) Another option is to make some windows bigger. Maybe the easiest solution, I am not a mapper, cant say
2. Before they find out, I'd appreciate it if you also fix the other house (spawn zone house)
A) make the door breakable and bigger like in [1.]
B) Alternatively: Bigger windows
C) prevent this from happening (this is the only second entrance I remember and it can be closed by a single soda)
- Remove all the boxes, remove one of the 2 sodas, fix the bed
- add a prop blocker at the chimney
3. unsure about this. of course its frustrating if this spot is used by many ppl but... is it critical? I mean it will rarely work twice in a row, maybe if zombiez are very noobish. The first thing in new round I'd do as zombie if this spot annoyed me before is rushing there and preventing it from happening again... nevertheless
Possible options will kill this spot:
- remove the wheelbarrow
- increase one of the windows a bit (just enough to have 2nd entry)
- make the small wall on the right side breakable