[uploaded 4 testing] zm_roy_highway_fix4 / zm_eh_highway_final_v1

That invisible part is there too.
Attached a fixed version.

Regarding this spot, Zombies can easily capture this one with the main boosters at the beach zone, soo I don't think there is any reason to block this.
Hello @The Bear Jew
Here is a video about your last update, I've found some glitchs spots who can be fixed ;)


Picture :

The skybox can be a wall for the humans, but there, there is a very small place where humans, with a "bug" boost, can be really fast and high.
giving them access to this place that separates the zombies from the invisible walls,


This place can be easily fix, even if it's not too hard for zombies to climb here and slash the human(s).
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Soup and i found an invisible block at this door.

Basically wanted to say this for a while,but I now decided to address some stuff regarding the current state of the map:

- Unplayable for humans,zombies can fly literally everywhere on the map,leaving them no choice but to stack altogether and hide inside buildings.

- A great example of the outcome from the previous statement is this.Note that players cannot get infected through that little window and,it isn't shown in this picture,there is actually a prop humans can shoot in there ( a little trundle to be exact),making them impossible to infect. + Plenty of lag on the server since they are all in there.


- Another problem is this door right here,I did not get a live example at the time but almost every single round ( especially at the start of it) there are people getting stuck in it and cannot move unless they are killed or teleported by an admin.
Please fix..


Final notes:
On top of fixing the above,I would suggest,if someone is willing to take on this project,reduce the power and the height that the boosters launch you.Especially for the 3 boosters that are near the water area,a decent player with really no effort can navigate throught the whole map with them,let alone an experienced one-he can be a real terror for the poor humans trying to hunt on this map.
I strongly disagree on your first point:
- Unplayable for humans,zombies can fly literally everywhere on the map,leaving them no choice but to stack altogether and hide inside buildings.
The unplayable map has a almost perfect balancing of 1.2. Cts won 348 rounds so far while ZM won 288. Few maps have stats close to this, The old version was unbalanced and unfair, having win ratios of 15 in favor of CTs, meaning that CTs won 359 while ZM only won 24 rounds. The fact that CTs need to pay more attention now does not mean it is unplayable. Most players enjoy the new features and even the most hardcore autosniper on his most hardcore camp spot now needs a certain amount of skill to defend himself. Ever since the map had been updated I played it a lot - and it's great to hunt there. It's no longer great to go to a high spot and farm poor zombiez, one needs to have skill and attention to survive, but both as zombie and as CT we can win rounds now.

The small spot isnt that much of an issue too. First of all, this had always been there. It hadnt been patched as it's under the good old Easy rule #3: A good spot never works twice in a row. Plus with newbiez discovring this spot we got edgerz that cause this spot to be taken even at first attempt. Let's also not forget that it takes long to built this barricade, only few manage to built it and even less succeed in building it. But yes I agree the window might be enlarged in next version, but i dont think it's a critical issue

Agree on the last spot too. Now that the overpowered autosniper spots dont work anymore our scared players barricade a lot in this house, This spot hadnt been used since many years, therefore it wasnt on our list of spots to fix. Neither the doors should work like they do (as they are bugging props) nor should there be props in the house in such numbers.
There is no balance there, people can win in 2 cases. 1) if they manage to barricade themselves in the house. 2) 1 zombie spawn is unsuccessful, 3-4 zombies fail to infect others. There are no other options, zombies fly all over the map, they can reach any place, hunt? a zombie can fly behind you or right on your head :)
There is no balance there, people can win in 2 cases. 1) if they manage to barricade themselves in the house. 2) 1 zombie spawn is unsuccessful, 3-4 zombies fail to infect others. There are no other options, zombies fly all over the map, they can reach any place, hunt? a zombie can fly behind you or right on your head :)

:D There is perfact balance, those numbers dont lie. I played this map 5 times this week and it was 2:3, 3:2, 2:2 or 3:3 every single time. And when was the last time you were hunting on roy @svetoi? I mean these is your choice of weapons:


Your playstyle (farming with autosniper on safest spot a map offers) is harmed a bit, I admit this mate. You need to watch out for not being killed anymore. You cant just look for afk fattiez now, you cant just shoot helpless fattiez in a corner anymore without the risk that your spot will be taken from different ancls as you didnt defend those zombiez who know how to get you. It's exactly what I said in my previous posting:
It's no longer great to go to a high spot and farm poor zombiez, one needs to have skill and attention to survive,

This was a wanted fix, the other option was to remove roy highway from nomination. As fattiez know they can win a round now and kill CTs on spots that were unbeatable before we suddenly have action on this map. No more afk'ing, no more hiding in the darkness (old tunnel).

There was no hunt before on old roy highway. Hunterz left when this map was loaded, players had one goal: reacing one out of a dozen safe spots and hope there is no motherzombie among them. At least players go hunt now as they know that they cant hide on every spot this maps offers for 20 min, waiting for those poor zombiez who dont know that they dont have any chance to win., The only moment CTs started to hunt was in the last 10 seconds or if there were only 1-3 zombiez left.

Ps. Those boosters rescued the map and ever since it was added people give me feedback of how much fun this map now is compared to 20 min of boring autosniper massacre.
Pps. With a next update those other two spots should be fixed
With our changes some old issues that hadnt been a problem in a while occured again. Like Soup mentioned the house is the main issue, or more precise the doors


The funtion (closing after a few seconds, bugging props inside) and size (too small) of those doors make it almost impossible for zombiez to break into this house,

My ideas are:

A) Make breakable doors and increase it's size

B) Fix this bed

C) Remove 2 of 3 sofas (one Soda and one sofa is enough to barricade a door or better...

D) ...add a second door so each door needs to be defended and 2 props per door. This spot seems to be in need of a second entrance. Maybe a breakable wall (small entry) will do the job too

E) Another option is to make some windows bigger. Maybe the easiest solution, I am not a mapper, cant say

2. Before they find out, I'd appreciate it if you also fix the other house (spawn zone house)
A) make the door breakable and bigger like in [1.]


B) Alternatively: Bigger windows

C) prevent this from happening (this is the only second entrance I remember and it can be closed by a single soda)


  • Remove all the boxes, remove one of the 2 sodas, fix the bed
  • add a prop blocker at the chimney

3. unsure about this. of course its frustrating if this spot is used by many ppl but... is it critical? I mean it will rarely work twice in a row, maybe if zombiez are very noobish. The first thing in new round I'd do as zombie if this spot annoyed me before is rushing there and preventing it from happening again... nevertheless


Possible options will kill this spot:
  • remove the wheelbarrow
  • increase one of the windows a bit (just enough to have 2nd entry)
  • make the small wall on the right side breakable
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B) Fix this bed

Regarding this spot,I would say that is quite unecessary,it's pretty easy for the zombies to take over this little house,the bed and vending machine in there are not enough for the entrance to be covered,they just slide through them and get to the humans.

3. unsure about this. of course its frustrating if this spot is used by many ppl but... is it critical? I mean it will rarely work twice in a row, maybe if zombiez are very noobish. The first thing in new round I'd do as zombie if this spot annoyed me before is rushing there and preventing it from happening again... nevertheless

Also regarding this,the suggestions you put on the table I think will ruin the balance and make this spot completely unusable.Only things I would suggest about this specific spot are these:
  • add a propblocker so that you cannot shoot props in the spot.
  • make the side window ( the one right next to the crouch entrance,same wall) a little bigger so that it doesn't server as a second entrance,but people standing to close to it can get infected and punished for their foolishness.

I am all in for the other changes you suggest and could not agree more.
But for me,boosters also need a fix.It's not an option to completely remove them as it would greatly ruin the balance.But if I was into mapping I would make them work as I describe here: 3 boosters making it easier to access the road area,3 boosters making it easier to access the water area.
With how the boosters are currently working,you have 3 boosters on the road area that are not really strong but can use them to cover great distance on the road,and you have 3 boosters in the water which get you anywhere on the map.I would simply fix the 3 boosters in the water area so that you can use them to navigate that area much more easily but not use them to fly anywhere on the map.
Ever since the map had been updated I played it a lot - and it's great to hunt there. It's no longer great to go to a high spot and farm poor zombiez, one needs to have skill and attention to survive, but both as zombie and as CT we can win rounds now.
I must've played it on bad days or something. Now with all those boosters there's even bigger need for going either into high spots or hide inside buildings. If you're running outside now, you usually end up getting killed either by a zombie from a booster, or by a human who just got infected by a zombie from booster...
Then you have players who are able to "exploit" boosters and fly into insane heights, killing everyone on roofs, rendering those spots useless. Last spots available are exactly those two places mentioned above. I can guarantee you that 90% of time humans win is because of those. Not because of actuall "hunting".
And no, I don't say that from spectator perspective, I actually played it and most times humans won a round, was because of those spots.

And I disagree about skill and attention, you can have all the skill and attention in the world, you won't win against multiple zombies coming at you from boosters all around the map.

In it's current state, this map is garbage. Would give some ideas to try em out but you have your numbers so nothing is gonna happen.
Give your ideas as I gave mine, maybe your ideas are better. I am not demanding that my ideas are the perfect final ideas for highway, I gave my input at the beginning of this thread and at least numbers say our fixes are succesfull. Actually I am uncertain about the small spot, but I doubt that a soda or sofa will cause the same problems (never seen anybody successful shooting a big prop into this small space). So simply removing the wheelbarrow might be enough already.



Maybe the boosters need a nerf too - I personally didnt experience bad issues about it all the time like you guys did, but I've seen players every now and then who are able to use those boosters in a way that certainly wasnt intented. The orginal idea was to add 2 boosters in the upper area to improve movement and hunting options and another booster to get those spots zombiez had a hard time with. Reducing the boosting power might be a good idea.

At the end of the day it needs a mapper who tries to fix it and admins that test the new version. The reason why I give specific advice (and in some cases instructuions) is I've seen other fixes over the years in dozens of maps that didnt work and unfortunately I dont have time to test 10 versions of each map.
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a lot of great input has already been given by all who have spoken so there's really only one thing i want to add, unless someone has already said this and i missed it, but if there's one thing i believe about this map, it's that the tunnels were truly the best part of it and i cant speak for other hunters (i can however vouch that the vast majority i know all loved the tunnels and have complained about them being gone multiple times since their removal) but speaking for myself, those tunnels were grounds for some of my favorite hunting experiences back in the day, being sandwiched from either side especially and having to escape that dark horror was always a blast.. i really feel like all other issues with the map aside, if tunnels were brought back, this could be a map that all players can once again enjoy, no more hunters being disappointed and leaving at the sight of this map after loading screen, well, for the most part at least imo.

edit: also, to add to slowian's point, tunnels could be the solution to the booster issue, wouldnt even have to nerf them really if we just brought tunnels back ;)

Update :​


- Seconde Entrance inside the house

- Some props has been removed (2)

- Map has been optimised (especially inside the buildings)

- Props fixed (You can no longer cross the props).


- Window more larger
(Don't edge guys).

- vphysic_clip added
( You can't bring props inside)


- vphysic_clip added
( You can't block the fireplace anymore
with the vending machine)

I modified the boosters,
It's less powerful,
Before, zombies can take the whole map using only the boosters.
I didn't have modified the roads boosters.


  • zm_eh_highway_final_v2.bsp
    24.7 MB · Views: 90
Sorry - but I have to puke a bit :D :

This is absolutely the worst update ever - and only for the worse.

2 things: Closing of the tunnel, and Adding boosters is 1 thing too many.

Boosters is fun and ok - if CT can take cover in tunnel, and vice versa.

Boosters can make Zombies fly all over the map, and in best, all CT do is camping, hoping that they can fight off zombies - there is never hunting anymore.

Is EH V3 going to be a camp server?

My suggestion is: please add the tunnel again, so CT have a chance hidding, and hunting from the tunnel

I understand that maps could need a fix or update, but when things aint broken, please dont update :)

EH Highway is a big map - no problem in that - just like 4Way, big maps give possibility to have CT hunting and nabz can camp - please let us also have a few of these big maps still , to keep the diversity on the map pool

That was my puke for today - now 😍
uploaded for testing