

Active Member
5 Oct 2013
Hello everybody,

my name is Steffen aka gotcha, I'm from germany and i want to present you my first zm-map, zm_industrial_waste.

It is placed in a industrial setting, featuring lots of hideouts, a canal, a bridge, storages, buildungs and some specials.
My goal was to combine great Zombiemod gameplay with a realistic setting and good graphics.

The map has 64 players-support!

I put about a month of work in it and it's my first zm-map (I made various gg and fy-maps before).

I hope you like it and i would be very happy if you would put in on your servers :)

Thank you for your attention.

Yours, gotcha :)

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Here are some screenshots:

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Looks good, but remember we are a Zombie hunting clan, not zombie camping looks like a camp map, but i would love to try it :)
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According to net_graph, I had constantly 285-300 fps, with 64 players (bots), I had about 210-240 fps.
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Just tried it again (running the server directly from CS:S), gotta correct it, idle fps are 270-300 and with 64 players, it dropped to around 150, but it's still good playable.
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Tried it, nice map !

there is a few crazy camping spots tho, the little "room" under the bridge where there is a vent that you shoot out and go into that hole.
Thanks for adding the map to the mapcycle :)
I played the map this evening on the V1 with 64 players and it felt kinda balanced, what makes me feel good since this is my first zm-map. Even those camping spots were captured after a few tries. Humans and zombies won equally.
Mate it would be great if you could optimise the map some more for better fps, I tried it our on v3 and the only complain i got was that it gave ppl low fps(including myself). Other then that people loved it. If you don't know how to I'm sure gunnies would help he did great on his corpse maps good fps on that one.
Yes i've just played it on V1, low fps too bad.
There are also some spots that need some little finetuning, some places where 3 cts fit in and the rest just blocking.
Generaly looking good.
I'm about to optimize it at the moment but i got some leaks I cannot find :-(
Luckily, I got rid of that leaks :)
Now, I'm going to convert the non vis-blocking brushes to "func_details", I already applied nodraw textures to all non-visible faces.
I also added a "water_lod_control" to fade the water to cheap (I tried using cheap water textures but the looked crappy) and changed the fade-distances of the props.
While testing, i got constant 300 fps on the idle map.

Edit: I optimized what I was able to, so here is the new map:

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I hope the fps are higher now, otherwise I hope someone could help me optimize it. :cool:
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We'll try it out together and post all feedback here. There are other mappers that quite experciened, they probably will help u out if needed.
Fading the water to cheap will probably fix hugh fps.

Hey tried it out on v3 again and still very low fps it's a shame since this map is great imo. Btw I find the spot where the truck is with 3boxes very unfair for zombies.