[Application] Deanburger


Well-Known Member
EliteHunterz Clan Member
Retired SPA/HA
24 Dec 2010
In-game name: Deanburger, sometimes random stupid names ;D

Age: I was 20 last month.

Can you speak english and german?: I can speak fluent English but I can't speak any German.

Clan history (if none, leave blank): I have been in many clans before, but playing CSS for so long you can expect that.
Some notable ones are:
Team Coolermaster (trial)

These are all from my competitive days and are normal CSS clans. I played in ED and CAL with these teams in order to progress up the ladder, competitive play was where I had the most fun.

I have not been in any zombie mod clans before.

Any serious bans before?: I haven't been banned once on EH servers.

Do you have a microphone?: Yes I do, I sometimes go on Teamspeak to troll Niko.

Why do you desire becoming part of the Elite Hunterz (This is important): I've been playing on the servers for about 2 and a half years and they're what I spend most of my CSS playtime on. I really enjoy being part of the community and I see being in the clan as an extra step which I would like to take. I also think it's time I tried out for the clan since last time I was too inactive due to school to actually trial, but this time I've got nothing in the way ^^.
I've been asked a few times why I'm not in EH and each time I've thought it's a good question since I'm on the servers and the website so much, but I've kept forgetting to apply in the past few weeks.

Where you referred to this clan? If Yes, Who referred you?: No one has referred me.

Last but not least: tell something about you, your life, your hobbies, etc etc: My name is Tom and I'm 20 years old from a small village in Wales, UK. I currently work in a supermarket called Marks and Spencer and have been for 7 months, I got made permanent yesterday after being on a temporary contract for all that time :> I finished school about 1 and a half years ago after doing additional A Levels but decided university wasn't for me. Unfortunately because of the current state of the job market it took me a long time to find a job and my current one isn't completely ideal since it's something I'm not interested in. But life goes on ^^.

My hobbies include playing games (obviously) for a ridiculous amount of time, going jogging around where I live (when the weather doesn't suck in the all awesome UK), watching series, and going to the gym with my mate on my days off. I've played CSS for approaching 7 years and used to play competitively in leagues before taking a break to start playing WoW.
Unfortunately when I started to get back into CSS they decided to change the game by "upgrading" the engine which essentially ruined it. Therefore I don't play competitively anymore since there are so many bugs which can't be avoided. However, I still like to play ZM as it's a laugh and helps me to chill out as does watching my favourite shows!
I used to play WoW PvE at a high level as well but obviously that's not easy when you have a job as it takes so much time, haven't played for a few months but might start again sometime.

I hope you enjoyed reading my rambling :>

Deanburger xoxo

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Here we go. Don't think you need any luck, just patience 'till they said accepted =D
one of the top5 best players i have see in ZM!
and a friendly guy ;>
Break a leg! :D
Poor app.... good luck anyway =D
He knows that hes gonna get accepted ^^

And whut?!
5.04? This morning, your kd was 5.01! Haxx0r!

Ah and good luck :p
Hi there, Thanks for your apply

We will be looking looking around for you ingame and decide for further decisions.

I am now ur boss, you rule under me, also, ... your declined <3

Na gl baby :D
Thanks for applying Dean.

As with everybody else we will look into your Application and check out your gameplay!

Best of luck to you!

Elite HunterZ Recruiter AsH
You dont even need good luck :-D just wait for it:)
Good luck mate! ;-)
Thanks, champs :>