[Go-Free SURF] enliST
Please enter your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:60264450
What is your ingame name: enliST
Link to your steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/enliST/
Where do you live (At least specify from which country): US East Coast
How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 13
Do you speak any other languages other than English: Not fluently.
What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): EST (UTC -5)
What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): I usually play on the 24/7 Mesa a lot, but I have played on Beginner and I think it was yours.
Past admin experience: None in CS:GO, but I have owned servers in other games.
Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question!: So, I was just surfing my way over on Mesa today, and someone started chat spamming. It then got worse. Someone was playing really racist songs in voice chat, and other people joined in on the bind spam. And I really thought someone should do something about it. Now I looked and I didn't see any staff on, and sadly this happens a lot. I really don't seem to see many staff members on the server at all! This is why I would like to change this community, and make it a fun place to be. Not a place to have bind spammers, and racists.
Tell us something about yourself: I may be thirteen, but don't let that fool you! I have been told by my English teacher I have mature perspectives! Just kidding, but really I do feel like I am above the maturity level of my average age. My main hobbies is technology I built my first computer last year when I was just 12, and I am trying to start to learn how to code, although its really hard to learn by yourself. I do go to school from 7AM-5PM every day, but I am on the server a lot. I usually like going on to relax and see how everyone is doing, and becoming a moderator would make it much more fun to interact with the community. If you have any more questions please don't hesitate to add me on steam and shoot me a message!
Referred by: No, just the !dowant command!