[Go-Free SURF servers] Admin Application

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[Go-Free SURF] Zoru

Please enter your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:54454723

What is your ingame name: Uzalu

Link to your steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/kjsdabfodbak/home

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): Spain

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 16

Do you speak any other languages other than English: I speak romanian, spanish and catalan

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): UTC + 1 in winter UTC + 2 in summer (its weird)

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): i usually play begginer and rookie

Past admin experience:

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): Becouse i wan't to be admin to interact more with players to help them and everything i can do.

Tell us something about yourself: Well as i told im 16 and from spain, I started surfing like 3 years ago in romania with a local clan. Now 3 years later i still play surf. Im at highschool and that means i havent got so much time to play like 2 or 3 hours a day. And that's all friends.

Referred by:
[Go-Free SURF] CoSiOn

Please enter your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:102593972

What is your ingame name: CoSiOn

Link to your steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/CoSiOn/

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): Illinois

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 14

Do you speak any other languages other than English: Polish

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): Central Standard Time

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): I usually play on surf_mesa, surf_utopia and surf_aircontrol

Past admin experience: I have never been admin on a server in CS:GO but I had past admin experiences with games such as Minecraft and Team Fortress 2. I was really mature and reliable to help out a new player or to help discuss something.

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): Like I said in the previous question, I have never been an admin in a CS:GO server so I would be so honored if the staff of this great server were to accept me. I've never had troubles with anyone in this server so one reason is because it has a really nice community and in a nice community you want to be known better so you just aren't some player sitting all alone with no one to talk to, you can talk to players that know you for being a staff member of the server. Another reason is because I've had lots of past admin experiences in different games and I know how to handle situations like advertising and racism. Another good reason to me, because I have so much free time after I am released out of my school. I get home and have nothing to do. This reason is kind of a personal reason but for me it is a good one. I'm pretty sure it's also why other people are applying as well.

Tell us something about yourself: Something about me? Alright, well I was born in America. I was raised in a simple home and I've started playing my first PC game which was ROBLOX when I was 6. When I saw this computer, I was like, "Woah, what is this?" I started playing and I've been playing ever since. I'd be made fun of at school for being a "computer nerd" but did I care? No. If they wanted to make fun of me in front of me or behind of my back, let them. I am who I am. Continuing on, as I began to become more mature, so did my selection of games.

Something I am afraid of to say...

I have the highest pitched voice in school. (Out of all the boys, of course.) That is why I am afraid to talk on the mic, because the fact I have such a high pitched voice, I would be insulted. I've played matchmaking before where I literally say one call out and my team mutes me because "I'm so annoying."

Referred by:
[Go-Free SURF] TheRealGodMM

Please enter your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:145898008

What is your ingame name: TheRealGodMM (changes alot)

Link to your steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198252061744

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): USA

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 14

Do you speak any other languages other than English: UM A LITTLE SPANISH

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): eastern i dont know what utc is

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): surf begginer #2

Past admin experience: i used to be an admin on sevral other servers but i never really played jail break so i stopped playing on the servers but i surf almost every day.

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): The reason i want to be a admin on your servers is because i have noticed some of the servers lack admins and there are always music bots in there and people being rude to others in a bad way. and i would like to be admin to help result those things and not have those kind of people talk or be in the server if they are going to be rasicst or anything like that.

Tell us something about yourself: im in the eighth grade i love to play counter strike aswell as many other games i play sports and i enjoy long walks on legos (PS I LOVE ZACK )

Referred by: zackmadness
[Go-Free SURF] Killertudse

Please enter your SteamID: STEAM_1:0:29154128

What is your ingame name: Lund

Link to your steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198018573984/

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): Denmark

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 19

Do you speak any other languages other than English: A bit of german. Also learning spanish.

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): GMT +1

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): To be honest, there's not one in particular. I usually jump around from server to server when I'm bored. But if i have to choose one, it would be surf mesa. Still trying to grind that highscore time!

Past admin experience: I've been admin on tons of servers. I've also been a SPA admin here for a while, but decided not to stay in that position, as i didn't think it would be fair, because i was unable to do my job, due to lack of time, spent on school.

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): I'd love to be a part of Elite-Hunterz again, and help with whatever i can. I finally have the time to play computer on a daily basis. Elite-Hunterz was one of the first communities i ever joined, and i appreciate all the good times i had here, therefor i am more than willing to help with whatever i can . This is honestly the main reason i am applying again.

Tell us something about yourself: My name is Frederik. I am 19 years old and i live in Denmark.
In my free time, i spend my time doing homework - Going to the gym, or of course playing Counter-Strike.
Im not really good at filling out these "Tell us about yourself" things, but i think most of you know me :)

If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me.


Referred by: Klovn
[Go-Free SURF] Lotus

Please enter your SteamID: salthouse

What is your ingame name: Lotus

Link to your steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/salthouse/

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): Canada

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 17

Do you speak any other languages other than English: Some French

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): -7 (EST)

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): Surf Rookie, and a little bit of beginner, fruits, kitsune, and mesa

Past admin experience: I have no previous admin experience on CS:GO servers, but I do have some previous admin experience on multiple RPG games.

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): I'd like to be an admin on your servers because I want to be able to help people in your servers, and I feel like I can not do this without the ability to mute/gag players who are being pointlessly noisy and toxic. Other than mgL there doesn't seem to be many admins on the surf rookie server, at least when I am around, so I think giving me the powers of an admin would only result in a more positive community being established in the GoFree servers.

Tell us something about yourself: I am a struggling high school student, scraping by with 70's and 80's and part of that is because I am a big gamer. I love to play games, especially CS:GO. I can't guarantee I'll always be on GoFree servers, but I can guarantee with the amount of CS:GO I play you'd probably see me show up in a GoFree server at least once every day. I am a professional go-kart racer, and other than gaming, racing is my one true love, and I wouldn't give it up for anything. I love the Big Bang Theory, and I watch a lot of WWE

Referred by: mgL_truth
[Go-Free SURF] Lewis2858

Please enter your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:55479709

What is your ingame name: Lewis™

Link to your steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/LewisFisher10/

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): Scotland

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 18

Do you speak any other languages other than English: No

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): GMT/UTC

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): I play all of the surf servers availible

Past admin experience: I have administrated a few CS:GO TTT servers and a couple of minecraft servers

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): I feel like I could contribute greatly to the community and help new players on the servers. I do not often see admins online so i believe that adding more would help the servers grow!

Tell us something about yourself: I live in Scotland and i am currently studying Math, English, Physics, Mod-studies, PE and Music. I love football (Soccer) and play with my local team every Sunday. I am an avid gamer with loads of experience across all game platforms.

Referred by:
[Go-Free SURF] Randy

Please enter your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:25799134

What is your ingame name: Randy

Link to your steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/RandyP/

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): United States

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 26

Do you speak any other languages other than English: nope

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): Pacific

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): Surf Beginner 24/7 US
Starting to expand onto other 24/7

Past admin experience: Admin for SMG Clan in Halo 2 Vista for a year, and XGC when I was in High School for over a year.

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): I play the server a lot. Currently ranked top ten with a 45.8 second time. Through my time in the server I have dealt with an overwhelming amount of racism, mic spam, bullying, and trolling. When rare is fine, except this particular server is very rarely moderated. I am mature and reserved but when the server starts dropping players due to a few obnoxious unstoppable players, there needs to be someome to step in. I learn maps to a ridiculous extent, and teach all that ask. I would just like to keep the experience positive for all players.

Tell us something about yourself: I'm a software engineer out of san francisco, have competed in games to make some money when younger, and currently a late night gamer.

Referred by: nope.
[Go-Free SURF] Seemlesssky

Please enter your SteamID: 76561198274041955

What is your ingame name: Seemlesssky

Link to your steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198274041955/

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): The United States Of America

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 14

Do you speak any other languages other than English: Some Spanish

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): EST.

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): Go Free Surf

Past admin experience: Was an admin on an two ArmA 3 Altis Life Servers. Had to deal with complaints, compensation, ETC.

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): I would love to be an admin on this server for two reasons, One some admins can be very annoying, Two I love to talk to people. If you are playing and an admin comes and turns on annoying music it makes people leave. If an admin is talking and is social it makes people have more fun.

Tell us something about yourself: My name is Steven. I am social and love to talk about random stuff. I love to adventure and explore the unknown. One hobby of mine is to fly planes.

Referred by:
[Go-Free SURF] ChoBroooo

Please enter your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:107512892

What is your ingame name: xXxNiGeL_BuRkExXx #Fallout 4

Link to your steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/NigelBurke

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): United States

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 17

Do you speak any other languages other than English: Partially French

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): EST

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): Surf_Beginner

Past admin experience:

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): There are a ton of reasons of why I want to be an admin. First of all, I was first interested in being an Admin for other servers and websites for many years, but never could do so because you had to be a certain age or a certain time of joining. I noticed on your servers, at least your surf_beginner servers, that they are filled with racism, swearing, and harassing other people. I usually try to ignore it, but I feel that there needs to be more admins. I know this game is intended for more mature audiences, but bullying is still not okay. I know that I have rights to be a good admin. I have faith that if I become an admin that the servers can get rid of a ton of harassment and racism, making it a cleaner and better community.

Tell us something about yourself: I have been a PC gamer since January 2015. I have written a 5-Star guide on Fallout 3, with over 15,000 views, explaining how to fix it. I love tennis. I am an honor student (Grades that are all B- or higher) I love cats and dogs. I have ADHD, but focusing has not been a huge problem.

Referred by:
[Go-Free SURF] Hengselman

Please enter your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:49429492

What is your ingame name: Hengselman

Link to your steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Hengselman

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): The Netherlands

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 15

Do you speak any other languages other than English: Dutch (fluently), Spanish (basic)

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): +1:00

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): I usually play one Kitsune 24/7!

Past admin experience: A DarkRP Gmod server for almost 1 year.

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): I usually play on the server with some music on and I sometimes get annoyed by people spamming or advertising in chat. The sometimes don't get muted, just because there is no admin online. I thought I could maybe help by being very active!

Tell us something about yourself: I really like gaming! I got into CS:GO 6 months ago and I love everything about it! When I'm not playing CS:GO I'm probably studying or playing some funny games with my friends!

Referred by: None
[Go-Free SURF] Rendalbe

Please enter your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:82063557

What is your ingame name: Lord Potato Chip

Link to your steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/dannysurfs/

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): United States

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 18

Do you speak any other languages other than English: No

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): Eastern Standard Time

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): The surf_beginner server is the one that I play on particularly, but sometimes I play other ones. I am still trying to improve my time on that server before I change.

Past admin experience: None

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): I enjoy surfing on your server/s, and sometimes when I join there are people who are self advertising in chat, being offensive, rude, or obnoxious. I'd like to help the servers become less toxic (when they are) by gagging, or if necessary, banning people when it is called for. I play your server/s almost every day, so I am definitely a dedicated and active member. In short, I would like to help the servers, and I'd also like to be a part of something as fun as the community that you have grown.

Tell us something about yourself: I'm an 18 year old senior in highschool, and I often play video games whether it be on my pc or a console. I enjoy playing these games, and when I first saw a video of players surfing on CS:GO, I knew that surfing is something that I'd like to learn how to do.

Referred by: No
[Go-Free SURF] PnD

Please enter your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:36108117

What is your ingame name: PnD

Link to your steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/pdolivet/

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): Canada

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 17

Do you speak any other languages other than English: French

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): EST

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): I play most beginner tier maps of surfing; kitsune, mesa, fruits

Past admin experience: I can demonstrate admin expected experience because I had help organize clans in DayZ, CoD and even mobile games as Clash of clans.

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): I believe that I'm a young responsible adulte and I have what it takes to show leadership and guidance. I have recently committed myself to helping almost anyone on surf_beginner and other easy novice maps. You should absolutely pick me as an admin over anyone else because I'm not afraid to communicate and take action when it is needed. I believe that having me as an administrator to the surf maps could really help develop not only the surfing experience for others but the atmosphere as well. I have demonstrated excellent leadership in other games and I'm willing to participate in the CSGO surfing servers.

Tell us something about yourself: Originally born in Singapore,Singapore, a very European background but live in Canada. I am 17 years young and I love playing video games. From CSGO to Ark survival to Garry's mod, I like to think that I stick in the FPS genre but very open minded. I like to stream sometimes on Twitch.tv/mistexotic (not advertising) and share experiences with other players. Generally I have a great personality and always willing to help others no matter the cause.

Referred by: Bgrfty
[Go-Free SURF] Giuliano911

Please enter your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:107328343

What is your ingame name: twitch.tv/giuliano911 ⎞⎞

Link to your steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Giuliano911/

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): canada quebec montreal

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 14

Do you speak any other languages other than English: french/italien/swedish

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): UTC-05:00

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): I Mostly Serf On Aircontrol But i tend to switch time to time.I Moslty Come On With Friends.
I Pass My Free Time On Most Serf Servers.

Past admin experience:

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): 1:Help out The Community
2:Most People Dont Follow The Rules And Adminds arnt Really there to warn them
3:My goal as a Admin is to ensure a fun, safe environment for all players. As issues arise, I will strive to handle them with utmost professionalism and equality. It is my mission to maintain the peace on this wonderful server!
4:I do wish for the best of the community by joining the staff
5: feel like being a Admin could help me make this server a more player friendly place
6: I'm good at reading the chat and I am a decently fast typer to compensate for the Admin role
7:I hope you take my application into consideration and I thank you for taking the time to read it.

Tell us something about yourself: Im A Stream/youtuber
I Play alot Of csgo Over 1k Hours played
Im A big trader trade alot of knives
Im 13 turning 14 very soon :)
Im Mature
Im Male
I Dont play Any Sports wich gives me alot of time on my hands
Im in Sec 2 Grade 8
If You Need More Info Feel Free to ask

Referred by:
[Go-Free SURF] Luqy

Please enter your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:93073874

What is your ingame name: Luqy

Link to your steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198146413476/

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): United States

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 13

Do you speak any other languages other than English: No

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): Central Time Zone

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): Most of the surf servers, but I would be happy to play any of your servers if I got accepted.

Past admin experience: None

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): I have seen some amazing things on your servers. It is a great community. But what I don’t see a lot of is admins. I would love to be one so I can help out the team. I can play for over 2 hours a day and I love meeting new people. It would be awesome if I could join your team.

Tell us something about yourself: I love to play soccer in my free time. I've been playing CSGO for around 6 months now and about a month ago I started surfing.

Referred by: Silhouette
[Go-Free SURF] BolltGamer444

Please enter your SteamID: 1:105052733

What is your ingame name: {Trading Knives}

Link to your steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/hassankhanok

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): Canada

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 16

Do you speak any other languages other than English: Yes, French and Persian

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): MTT

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): I play Surf Beginner and like 24/7 ones

Past admin experience:

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): I really like keeping servers clean, because having a clean server is a very good thing, and a good community will be very good to have and a lot of people come and surf for fun and others come and distract, insult and be racist and that is really bad.

Tell us something about yourself: My name is Parsa and I am 16 years old (my birthday was like last week) and i like making people laugh and i like laughing and i really enjoy playing Video Games.

Referred by: Zackmadness
[Go-Free SURF] PancakeThursday

Please enter your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:68144895

What is your ingame name: YourM8Max

Link to your steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/pancakethursday/

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): Canada

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 14

Do you speak any other languages other than English: No

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): Eastern Standard Time Zone

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): The servers I play are usually most 24/7 surf servers and sometimes the tier 1-3 servers the servers I spend most of my time on are the 24/7 Kitsune and the 24/7 Mesa servers

Past admin experience: I have had a lot of past admin experiences on GMOD servers and I was admin on 1 CS:GO jailbreak server.

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): I would like to be admin on the server because I love being an admin and meeting the community because the community is very nice on the servers but I would also like to help the community from people that are breaking server rules or being very toxic and mean and I overall want to help make a change in the the server and also meet the amazing community of it too.

Tell us something about yourself: My name is Max I play football and love video games mostly CS:GO, H1Z1 and Rainbow Six: Siege.

Referred by:
[Go-Free SURF] jeremywilliams

Please enter your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:115723156

What is your ingame name: Andy BignardZ

Link to your steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/loloolololl/

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): u.s

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 18

Do you speak any other languages other than English: germen

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): (AST)

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): mosto f them like the simpsons one and mesa and begginer

Past admin experience: I was admin on gmod server and tf2 server i hve 3 year of experience im mature and serious when comes to dutys.

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): Cause i want ot keep the server clean and make it a playable envirment for people. And because im dedcated to my admin dutys. And i beleave this server is fun to play and i wunt to keep it that way.

Tell us something about yourself: Im easy going i dont lose my temper easy. im nice guy i give people 2nd chances cause see good in people. I love the office and walking dead im very active. I take my dutys serous than i should. i take pride i nwhat i do.

Referred by: no one

Please enter your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:71852048

What is your ingame name: ✪PRIME [TRADING]

Link to your steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/primemax/9

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): Australia

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 14 (15 soon)

Do you speak any other languages other than English: Nope

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): UTC +11

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): Air control

Past admin experience:

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): Because i love helping people out when they need it, i will not give over exaggerated punishments and i will only give them if necessary. I am never bias and i like to make friends

Tell us something about yourself: I am easy going and nice to talk to - People tell me i act and look older than my age

Referred by:
[Go-Free SURF] GGC_vvvrmj

Please enter your SteamID: STEAM_1:0:86651150

What is your ingame name: GGC_vvvrmj

Link to your steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/GGC_vvvrmj

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): Canada, Quebec

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 18 years old

Do you speak any other languages other than English: French

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): - 5:00

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): I recently started but I am definitely going to try all the servers.

Past admin experience:

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): I am in college in computer science. I want to go in the video game industry and, since I have no past experience, I thought it would be cool to learn the "behind the scenes" of map making / server making.

Tell us something about yourself: Even though I play video games a lot, I still play hockey and golf. I currently work at as a boss boy in a restaurant.

Referred by:
[Go-Free SURF] NightmareCS

Please enter your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:59630957

What is your ingame name: Nightmare

Link to your steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Demon_tv/

Where do you live (At least specify from which country): United States

How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 18

Do you speak any other languages other than English: no

What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): Eastern

What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): Surf_mesa

Past admin experience: i have been admin on alot of servers mainly retake and surf servers

Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): i love ur servers they are fun and always interesting

Tell us something about yourself: im a pretty easy going person who loves csgo and surfing

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