[Go-Free SURF] SearAm
Please enter your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:136176866
What is your ingame name: SearAm
Link to your steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/diegotheloser/
Where do you live (At least specify from which country): Canada
How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 14
Do you speak any other languages other than English: I also speak a little bit of Chinese
What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): EST/EDT
What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): surf_aircontrol_ksf
Past admin experience:
Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): I would like to be an admin on your servers because I can be on a lot, (therefore not being an admin that goes on once a week, or so). I would give out warnings (unlike some admins who just gag you). I would just be a chill admin and no one would know, so I could see people's behaviour when there is not an admin around.
Tell us something about yourself: My friends think I'm a funny guy. I like surfing and playing competitive. I like playing basketball with friends.
Referred by:
Please enter your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:136176866
What is your ingame name: SearAm
Link to your steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/diegotheloser/
Where do you live (At least specify from which country): Canada
How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 14
Do you speak any other languages other than English: I also speak a little bit of Chinese
What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): EST/EDT
What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): surf_aircontrol_ksf
Past admin experience:
Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question! (the more you write, the better): I would like to be an admin on your servers because I can be on a lot, (therefore not being an admin that goes on once a week, or so). I would give out warnings (unlike some admins who just gag you). I would just be a chill admin and no one would know, so I could see people's behaviour when there is not an admin around.
Tell us something about yourself: My friends think I'm a funny guy. I like surfing and playing competitive. I like playing basketball with friends.
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