[Go-Free SURF servers] Admin Application

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Ingame name 2001 honda civic
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199014165472/
SteamID 76561199014165472
Age 11
Location U.S.

English knowledge Intermediate
Other languages none
Timezone U.S. east
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers 1-2 tier easy surf
Past admin experience
I have never been admin. I have some admin friends and they're all telling me to be admin.
to bring justice dammit
About me
Im not interesting
Referred by Shqwny, RAT SLAPPA, and I can't aim
Ingame name Logan
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198999511375/
SteamID STEAM_0:1:519622823
Age 14
Location US

English knowledge Intermediate
Other languages Some spanish from school
Timezone EST
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Tier 1-2 US
Past admin experience
I was admin on a friends rust server and on some discord servers.
My motivation for wanting to become an admin is not only to take care of people breaking rules, but to help make surfing more enjoyable in general. I'm on a lot during the day and night and notice many players bothering others and breaking rules. I want to help these players who are being bothered and give the appropriate punishment to those breaking the rules. In general make surfing better for everyone. I know the feeling you get when someone is saying racial slurs constantly or harassing players, and I don't want anyone to have to put up with that. A Lot of the time when seeing the situation it bothers me that I can't do anything to help out the players on the server and stop those breaking the rules.
About me
I like to player videos games, I play piano, and like to spend time with faimly and friends
Referred by Shqwny
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Ingame name alpaca
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/alpacalol/
SteamID wz_titex
Age 14
Location Canada

English knowledge Intermediate
Other languages Russian
Timezone UTC-5
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers surf_kitsune_fix_
Past admin experience

Im getting better and better at surfing.
About me
I'm Eric, I'm 13 and live in Ontario. I watch a lot of Fitz and used to watch raccooneggs. I'm into music and I run a instagram meme page https://www.instagram.com/alpaca.memez/?hl=en
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Ingame name StrangestPigeon
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/StrangestPIgeon/
SteamID STEAM_0:1:93308398
Age 15
Location South England

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages basically none, unless you wanna know where the library is in french or spanish
Timezone UTC+1
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Utopia [24/7] Kitsune[24/7] Begginer[24/7] Mesa[24/7]
Past admin experience
No admin experience on CS, experience on discord servers and twitch channels in the past, so Ive dealt with my fair of racism and mic spam.
Honestly, I love surfing, but every now and then you get people coming on trying to ruin the experience for others(whether this be mic spam, discrimination, and just being toxic) and id love to just be able to push them in the right direction with a little bit of support behind my back.
About me
Well, I'm 15 play a lot of games, currently in school, been surfing on/off for 5 years, love teaching people to surf, idk why just really fun seeing people get insane speed for the 1st time or learn new techniques.
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Ingame name Jwosh
Steam profile link http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198083068271
SteamID STEAM_0:1:61401271
Age Assuming that it's not an issue, I'd prefer to not state my age.
Location United States

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages I do not currently speak any other languages.
Timezone EST / UTC -5
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Utopia, Mesa, and all of the mixed servers.
Past admin experience
I was previously an admin for a fairly sizeable Discord server.
On the topic of motivation I'd say that two things stand out from the rest as being especially significant. First of which being that in the past, I have found it to be extremely bothersome to have mic spammers, among other things, interrupting what would otherwise have been legitimate conversation. Being able to deal with situations of this sort benefits all other parties involved, even if it is admittedly a more selfish motivation. Additionally, this to me seems like a fairly good opportunity to meet new people.

This is about as real as I could be, and frankly I'd prefer to not bore you with what is likely the standard line about wanting to help people, etc.
About me
Just your run-of-the-mill tech and science enthusiast with an interest in video games. I have fairly extensive knowledge in a number of specific fields, although really nothing spectacular. As of lately I've taken an interest in audio above all else.

I was an active member on Abyss from it's launch until roughly late 2016, and have within the last year started getting back into surfing.
Referred by
Ingame name Cobra3Z4
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199007485784/
SteamID 76561199007485784
Age 14
Location United States

English knowledge Intermediate
Other languages Some chinese
Timezone U.S East
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers None really
Past admin experience
Some Admin experience in Discord a few years ago
Just want to make servers a better place for people. i want people to have fun playing this amazing game.
About me
I always like to chill online with other players. i like to make new friends with people. this always makes me happy when i play games.
Referred by
Ingame name vigtak.
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198872458248/
SteamID 76561198872458248
Age 14
Location The Netherlands

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages Little French, little German, Dutch
Timezone UTC+1
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Mesa 24/7, Utopia 24/7, Beginner 24/7, Beginner Surf (Tier 1).
Past admin experience
I've been Moderator in some twitch streams with over 500 followers, i don't really think that's relevant tho.
I'm very active in the server and sometimes i see people bragging about their times, saying people are bad, etc.
I've also noticed that when there are no admins online, voice chats can sometimes be very toxic, i wanna help with that.
About me
I'm living with my brother and my parents, i like to chill and swim with friends, but i also like to just sit on my pc and talk with people, another reason why i like surf.
My sport is freerun, i do that with a friend, i've tried introducing him to the server too.
Referred by not really, Smuckel and Legacy know me but that's it i guess.
Ingame name nanicat on yt
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/nanicat2/
SteamID kianthegamer2006
Age 15
Location Netherlands

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages Dutch
Timezone CEST
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Kitsune and Beginner
Past admin experience
I'm not admin on any cs:go servers but I do have some experience for discord and reddit servers.
I would really like to apply for admin because I really like helping people and really like surfing on these servers
About me
My name is Kian and I mostly play games during the day.
Referred by I weren't referred by anyone I just saw the chat in game.
Ingame name Futtbucker
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/Thyawesomeness/
SteamID Custom URL
Age 20
Location United Kingdom

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages A little French
Timezone Greenwich Mean Time
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers SurfHeaven, Fallen Networks, Surf EU
Past admin experience

Spend a lot of time surfing. I would be very interested in helping other people progress and more importantly to keep out trolls who spam the chat and prevent civil conversation. Which is for me another reason to surf this reason being I like to talk to people on these surf servers.
About me
I am currently enrolled in a college where I study Maths, Futher Maths, Physics and Economics. I also do athletics where i compete nationally in long jump(sometimes).
Referred by No
Ingame name Shqwny
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/Shpwny/
SteamID STEAM_0:1:538811376
Age 16 Years Old
Location Canada

English knowledge Intermediate
Other languages French
Timezone EST
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Tier 1-2
Past admin experience
I've been admin on here about 3 months ago, I had a really good experience so that is why i'm applying today :)
I've been playing on the server for about a year, I've always been really active and tried to help every new player who had difficulty in surfing, I've also seen a lot of people breaking the rules but couldn't do anything since I didn't have any VIP commands or authority over the situation, my main motivation is helping the players and making them want to play daily on the server like I do. Plus I never see any admin on the tier 1-2 server so I would gladly like to help the server out by giving the correct punishement to those who break the rules.
About me
Smuck Today at 9:28 PM
just say "im a cute little Canadian"
Yeah I'm a little french canadian boy who like to play video games all day and talk with strangers on the "internet" I also like to play volleyball even though its hard to do it during these times, I'm also really sociable so I can pretty much talk to anyone so if you wanna talk to me go ahead :)

Thank you for reading my application ! <3
Referred by Lewis, Smuckel
Ingame name Jord
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/Jord1515
SteamID STEAM_0:1:546653275
Age 16
Location United Kingdom , Newcastle

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages None
Timezone UTC+1 (UK / England timezone)
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Kitsune, Mesa, Utopia, Tier 1-2 , tier 3-6, surf rookie
Past admin experience
i WAS the owner of a past discord server with around 500 + members.
to be totally honest, when i'm surfing most of the time the people in the chat are friendly and kind, but there is always them people that either spam music or are constantly blurting out racial slurs and telling them to stop only makes it worse. sometimes it can take anywhere between 5-20 minutes for an admin to come on after i do !calladmin and i think i would be a fast responder as i'm on my PC mostly all the time.
About me
so i'm 16 years old and i live in the north east of England. i like to chat with the people when i'm surfing and i think most people would say i give off a good impression. i think i would be a great role model for the gofree servers as i have been playing on the servers for a very long time. just over 2 years. I've met many of the admins such as: hex, legacy, oxii and roor. it would be great to be apart of the of the gofree team. i applied 2 years ago to be an admin, but back then i was immature and i wasn't surprised i didn't get chosen to be apart of the admin team. thank you
Referred by Oxii
Ingame name Tetris
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/Nilesyy/
SteamID 76561198276103511
Age 16
Location United Kingdom

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages French
Timezone BST
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers This one
Past admin experience
I have admind for a few discord servers (Memeologyand my own at this current time) as well as minecraft servers in the past, I understand that this isn't much compared to CS:GO Surf servers but this shows that I am capable of handling people and I know when and when not to ban/mute people
I have played on the server for quite a bit and really enjoy the community. I have not got much to do with my time and I think that this would be opportunity to get me to do something. I really feel that I would be dedicated to fill this role and I believe that this would suit me finely.
About me
I am a student taking graphics design, business studies and photography, but due to corona I cannot currently study these subjects. I play csgo for hours a day and a lot of that is in surf. My main hobbies is gaming and photography but I mingle with music every now and then and I have been teaching myself piano for many years, I took up this from my father. My school life was rather average, I made a good group of friends and I also did very well. If you would want anymore personal detail then just reach out to me
Referred by
Ingame name Soup Man
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199008504504/
SteamID 76561199008504504
Age 16
Location NYC

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages i'd say i'm pretty fluent in the English language but i despise using periods and commas. So i would be lying if i'd say i use `,. always.
Timezone EDT

Time zone in New York, NY (GMT-4)
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers i usually chill on Utopia but i also go on kitsune
Past admin experience
I don't have any actual CS:GO admin experience but I have been an admin in a lot of discords, of course, that wouldn't apply to CS:GO
I love these surf servers and the people on them, and sometimes people just are disruptive and mean. I would like to try and fix those issues. Also, I'd want to drug myself and finish Utopia like that
About me
I'm just but a humble guy chillin on surf wanting to talk to people and improve my time
Referred by i wasn't exactly referred by anybody but vortex told me to go and try to apply, so i did
Ingame name Paddleball89
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/Paddleball89/
SteamID /Paddleball89/
Age 20
Location England

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages none
Timezone Time zone in United Kingdom (GMT+1)
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers (UTC+01:00).
Past admin experience
little on csgo, though i have had other admin privileges in servers in games such as TF2. i understand the roll well and am applying to be an admin who will be online for a large amount of time.
i enjoy surf very much and want to be a driving force to make it a comfortable space for people to practice surf and enjoy conversation with people, without the trolls and people who spam bad language to make everyone else's experience worse.
About me
I'm pretty extroverted, despite this i spend most my time on my PC and further more on cs-go surf, I'm spending most my free time on surf and dislike the people who make the only free time i have worse with trolling and bulling. i am able to communicate well with people and dislike toxic admins.
Referred by no
Ingame name PLATOR
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198969442318/
SteamID STEAM_0:0:504588295
Age 18
Location Albania

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages Albanian
Timezone Eastern Europe
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Kitsune, Utopia
Past admin experience

Because i wanna keep the server i love safe and i will be a good person with everyone and if needed i will teach them too.
About me
im a boy that watches Anime a lot and plays CS GO
Referred by
Ingame name Achieved Sub 0:50!
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198850843366/
SteamID 76561198850843366
Age 18
Location United States, IL

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages I dabble in french.
Timezone CDT, UTC -5
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Kitsune!
Past admin experience
I was made VIP on one of my accounts years ago by another admin named "Zorro". I used my knowledge to educate the constant flow of new users which was more common to see a few years back. I am unbiased in my approach with the community.
Where do I start :). I have played on this server for years and clocked nearly 2000 hours on it across 3 accounts (all of which I will happily verify). Kitsune is my home in terms of surfing and as you can see from my username I just recently got my first sub 50 second run. I love helping people and goes in line with my job outside of gaming. I work in customer relations.
About me
Heck I sure love surfing! I am entering college in the fall for Computers and Information Technology. I have traveled to over 30 countries and enjoy roadtrips and camping. I also find plenty of time to surf! It is my favorite gaming hobby and I'd like to admit I've gotten pretty darn good at it too!
Referred by The memory of Zorro, previous fantastic admin.
Ingame name archinator999
Steam profile link archinator999
SteamID archinator999
Age 15
Location United States

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages none
Timezone us east
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers kitsune 24/7
Past admin experience

i want to help people
About me
Referred by
Ingame name Wayne
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/Rome4Life
SteamID STEAM_0:1:87276619
Age 16
Location Ohio, USA

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages None
Timezone Eastern Standard Time which is 4 hours behind UTC (I'm guessing that's what you were asking)
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Tier 1-2 and Tier 3-6 are my main ones
Past admin experience
A few years ago I was an admin on this server on Mount & Blade Warband which is more of a roleplay server.
I heard that the surf servers were in need of more admins from Bishop so I decided to apply since I have been playing a lot recently anyways. Also so that I can deal with people when they are breaking the rules (especially mic spam and those idiots that just scream the n-word). However, I must be honest that I am mainly applying to take some pressure off the other admins since I am on a surf server or am able to half or more of my waking day (12pm EST - 2:30 pm EST).
About me
I love to tinker with computers especially physically as in with the parts and building the pc. I am a serious person when I need to be i.e as an admin. I am going into my junior year of high school at a trade school to learn more about how a computer runs and how to fix one. Also, i'm not a hot-headed person, quite the opposite I am a very cool-headed person that does not jump to conclusions.
Referred by None
Ingame name Pacci
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/Gintoker/
SteamID STEAM_0:1:159547039
Age 23
Location NC, USA

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages none
Timezone GMT -4
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Wayne,Bishop
Past admin experience
Helped run old servers years ago, such as raid boss. Also managed/helped run OSRS private serversss.
been surfing for 4 years so why not. Wass told you could use help and while i may not be able to be on 24/7 when i am i'm there and im active.
About me
23, Work full time, Working on buying a house. Deep passion for games and have put my fair share of time into CSGO and the surf community as a whole.
Referred by Bishop
Ingame name Assassin Dert
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198883014990/
SteamID STEAM_1:0:461374631
Age 22
Location United States

English knowledge Intermediate
Other languages none
Timezone est
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers us tier 1-2
Past admin experience

Bigots are bothersome and theirs only ever 2 admins on the whole network.
About me
Bartender, in college for Web Development, i exercise and paint.
Referred by Bishop
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