What do you guys think about removing zm_fail_inc?
-Camp-heavy: There's too many camping spots, hunting is near impossible as the mid area is just too hard to cover and the vast majority of players don't even try to leave their camping spots.
-Terrible performance: I'm using a i7 7700k with 4,7ghz, CS:S on (almost) lowest settings and 1280x960p resolution and my avg FPS are around 120-130, which feels laggy to me. Can't imagine how players with i5's or below are supposed to properly play it.
-Next Map: When Fail_Inc wins the vote its due to a player nominating it first. The players that do it ALWAYS nominate industrial_waste as the next map and it usually wins the vote, too. Which results in another 20 minutes of camping. (Industrial is Okay imo, just don't need both of them in a row)
I'd be happy if one of them gets removed. I'd be fine with either of them thrown out of the mappool, I just think fail_inc is worse.
I also think that you should give Huntingpark a try.
I have some map suggestions:
http://gamebanana.com/maps/18170 (played alot on old server use to be full when this map was on) On the server
http://gamebanana.com/maps/17095 On the server
zm_fidlers-green b2
http://gamebanana.com/maps/20178 On the server
http://gamebanana.com/maps/20607 Only supports 55 players
http://gamebanana.com/maps/31676 On the servers
http://gamebanana.com/maps/32123 On the servers but i will test it anyway as even i don't know it.
http://gamebanana.com/maps/22940 Only supports 32 players
http://gamebanana.com/maps/21221 On the servers.
Feedback would be highly appreciated
Could be a decent Special map on ZM server but before http://gamebanana.com/maps/139671 there could be crash so if anyone with map experience on eh can find the problem would be a fun zm map. dunno the size on it to if its huge nvm. also remember another map call zm_roy_zombieranch_at_night_b4 or something
Heyo been working on a new map called zm_pyramide_legends_alpha its a nice looking map must I say where you can activate a nuke in the middle of the pyrimade to boost time/ take over control by capturing the top of the pyramide.
Hope to see the map in v1 and v3
As if it is that hard to review a map and pick the decent once out. I could travel faster with a camel from Spain to Egypt. Check it and give your opinion back couse this takes forever. Or are ya a snale?