[online] zm_clouds_v2_1


Dances With Zombiez
Staff member
Special Admin
EliteHunterz Clan Member
25 Oct 2013
Hello map makers!

There are some small issues with clouds that needs to be fixed.

1. Camping fattiez should lose a lot of hp in secret room. I noticed that smart zombiez simply camp there and dont go out anymore for the rest of the round, giving them an unfair advantage:

2. Replace 2 sodas by 2 sofas or delete 2 sodas:

3. Close this window to prevent players from shooting down the cade

Generally this map is very CT sided and endangered to be removed from nomination list. Ideas for balancing the most popular overpowered camp spots that I didnt mention are welcome!
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The map itself has a CT win ratio of 5.8 - I wouldnd mind if any map maker adds 2nd ways to any of the camp spots that currently only have one direction to defend. Primary I am talking about the cable car which can easily be defended by few CTs against the whole server. I guess all other spots are easy to conquer for skilled fattiez.

Let's be honest:

  • map is absolutely CT sided, a lot of zombiez stop playing after being infected or simply hide in secret spots
  • map got a lot of secrets and secret spots plus special suits, giving super powers

Both criterias normally disqualify a map from being on nomination list.
What I have changed in the secret room:

90 seconds after rounds start humans camping inside will start receiving 5 dmg per second.
25 seconds after rounds start zombies camping inside will start receiving 125 dmg per second.


Overall the map should be ready for testing, I doubled checked everything. If needs more changes - tell me ^^


I closed it like that, closing it completely will make it ugly looking imo. I don't think there are enough trolls that will want to destroy barricade after this change. but ofc can close it completely if needed.


  • zm_clouds_beta.bsp
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Hey Bear,

If u use custom content, locate the stuff inside the custom folder located in your cstrike folder now the five head trick ^^
when u finished a map, pack it with vide, safe it, before u try it in singleplayer rename the custom folder like custom_test
now u will see a standart cstrike without any custom content, its like paw above he dont own the custom sky so he will see blurry sky or other missing custom stuff

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Looks good so far! Thanks @The Bear Jew

The last remaining issue is the cable car spot, which is next to the secret room probably the most overpowered camp spot. Does anybody have an idea how to balance it a bit better without losing it's characteristic?

My idea is:

  • add a nother bridge that is built stone by stone with every fatty that falls down the sky in this area
  • add another bridge which is build by a secret button

The bridge of course should be not bigger than offering way to 2 fattiez next to each other and it should reach the camp spot from another side (left side, right side or behind).

Another idea: Add a kind of ramp right or left of the camp spot and add a secret teleport?

Ideas are welcome :)
This tutorial is by far the best i have found for packing up the map with the custom files:

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add a nother bridge that is built stone by stone with every fatty that falls down the sky in this area

I love this idea! Maybe the closer they get, the more of the bridge would be build for each zombie that falls down :D
Hey Bear,

If u use custom content, locate the stuff inside the custom folder located in your cstrike folder now the five head trick ^^
when u finished a map, pack it with vide, safe it, before u try it in singleplayer rename the custom folder like custom_test
now u will see a standart cstrike without any custom content, its like paw above he dont own the custom sky so he will see blurry sky or other missing custom stuff

I know but I always forget to use VIDE when I finish compiling ><'
Good idea paw, closing the windows or using a glass window that absorbs most of the damage could help a lot and would be an easy fix.
Incrementally building a bridge as suggested by easy sounds funny and would be something different. Wouldn't mind that either, but it is probably more effort.
We could also mirror this part of the map. So what I mean is that we could have a similar path leading to the camp spot from the opposite site. Then everytime you fall down you get randomly teleported to one of the two sides. -> Zombies can attack from two sides, but humans could also get to the camp spot from two sides.
My idea: Creating another pathway for zombies which teleport them behind the camp spot. also with that - extending the bridge and closing the windows as paw mentioned would be enough to make it balanced IMO.

Screenshot (28).png
Screenshot (29).png

(ofc would look much better ^^)

I think making stone by stone after a zombie falls is possible and be a more fun idea but it's out of my league rn, I can learn it ofc but it might take a while(a week[?]) because is a whole new level of editing for me atm(could be easy, don't know yet)

Tell me what you guys are interested in, soo I could start working on it.
I suggest to close the windows as suggested and who knows, maybe this is already enough. Otherwise feel free to select one of the options that you prefer or that is easier for you to achieve.
If you have fun in trying one of those more complex approaches, then be my guest. But in general I try to keep things as simple as possible so that you don't have so much work and the bigger the changes are, the bigger the risk to make things worse (even though I dont see much issues with the suggested options).
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Bear's work is amazing, but you are destroying the map..
That only remains my opinion, but Cloud is 50/50 as for all the other maps .. when the zombies work in teams they win, when they play the little train well they lose

I understand the idea of making the maps fair play, but now we wake up a little late, don't you think ? The players, there are less as many as 5/6 years ago, and even less than 10 years ago .. if we want to scare the remaining players away, this is the right move to make ^^

What I mean is that we had to do this from the "beginning" (And with all the "mapper" in the team .. it's sad to come to wait for Bear so that in 2021 he make changes planned from the beginning..)

If we start like this, ALL the maps need a change .. I understand that the secret room is a big plus to modify it, but from there to change everything I think there is abuse
You want to make a hunting server when 80% are there (just like me) to stay in the same place and get all the kills

On the other hand the 2 platforms where some like to stay a whole round, nobody talks about it .. I have already seen Paw win alone, at the top of his platform, waiting for the zombies to come one by one (Yes because it is very rare that they happen to several) and shoot to make them fall
(I'm talking about the one who doesn't have the magic deagle)

In short, I admire the work of Bear, but I am against certain projects because I think that it will destroy the map .. just as we unfortunately could do for the office rush .. a map much less played and less appreciated by the players because the changes came much too late..

I still wrote my opinion because I know that some think like me, but unfortunately, it is useless I guess
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That only remains my opinion, but Cloud is 50/50 as for all the other maps
It's not 50:50. If it was 50:50 i wouldnt have started this thread. The map is very unfair to zombiez and therefore endangered to be removed to special map list.

On the other hand the 2 platforms where some like to stay a whole round, nobody talks about it
This is why I started the thread: To gather ideas. I never said my examples are the only spots to fix.

You can either paritcipate here and in all other threads that are opened and those that will follow or simply continue complaining without helping at all, an attidude quite popular among many players btw ;)
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I can't really agree. Yeah I am still here but I have lost a lot of my interest to play on this server within the last 2 years and one of the main reason was the increasing number of unbalanced maps.
Of course there are the 'noob' players who just like to get easy kills and therefore love maps with op spots but there are also players who like a challenging or at least fair gameplay. We will never be able to make everyone happy but I think well balanced maps are also a good balance for the average player :p
The map is not 50/50. It has a ct winrate around 85%, which is way higher than most other maps. Let´s get that clear.

A multiplayer game must be fun for both sides. I´m sure that this is one of the reasons that elitehunterz is the zm server to survive longterm and that gameplay similar to what we see on clouds and 8chambers is something you will almost only find in singleplayer games.

I also really hope that we are going to stop this clear division between "Campers" and "Hunters". It creates a toxic "us" and "them" mentallity very similar to what we can for example see in football. It can be fun and healthy to create division as long as the goal is to bring people together, but honestly what i mainly observe on the server is people taking their frustuation out on eachother. I havnt even heard a single definition of being a hunter or a camper, that to me makes sense and yet they are daily being thrown around as if they are words for "good" and "bad".

I want to look at wether or not a map offers something for both cts and zombies and clouds for example just doesnt right now. As a zombie you can get shot from all angles from all distances, which is just stressfull. You can barely catch a breath and when you get to the cts you are almost already dead before you even begin to attack them. Im not arguing you cant get the cts and that zombies cant work together, but do we really want this to happen from such a harsh foundation?

Zombies can have fun. Lately we have actually been playing Janno´s pyramid map quite a bit and you should see how many zombies use the cannons together. Some players have even started to be dedicated to firing the cannons when playing the map, which i find to be hilarious. Mechanics like this is something Janno and i have a lot of fun discussing, because there are so many possibilities to explore and i think he has done a good job with them on his maps so far.

To sum up my main points i can say that it must be fun for both sides and that we should be carefull with falling into the trap of thinking of "correct" maps as being eighter "camping" or "hunting".
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