[Recruitment] Elite Hunterz

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Ingame name kvanta se os
SteamID 76561198109668355
Age 26

Good afternoon, been playing on your servers , I want to become a part of your project, I play every day, work day and night at home.
Clan history
Previous bans

About me
I live in Europe, I do all sorts of projects, I work as a Manager, I like to play cs zombies, I never break the rules.
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Ingame name kvanta se os
SteamID 76561198109668355
Age 26

hi, I have been playing on servers since 2018 , the game is very fun, there are funny moments, I like to play, I remember in 2018 I only played on the v1 server there were a lot of people, I didn't even know that there is a v3 server)) sometimes I go to v1 , but people do not go. I already applied, but I didn't realize the seriousness of the clan selection. We will return the popularity of the server with our skills in the game. in battle, friends, on the hunt!
Clan history
Previous bans

About me
I work as a Manager , I play zm at work, I also like to play at home, you know that you can do everything in this job)) so to say some freebies, I play video games on the PC, I appreciate the fun in games, but you also need to remember the rules.
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Ingame name MONSTER³
SteamID STEAM_0:1:56220267
Age 28

Why would I want to join the clan? It's very simple, I've been on the server for years and this isn't my first attempt to join the clan. My KD at the beginning was very bad and my game art wasn't exactly the real one either. Now after years and over 5000 hours I'm sure I should try again and again, I stand for Elite Hunterz and would do anything to become a member of the team. I would be very happy about a positive answer. Thanks for reading up to here, until then. Greeting Dominic
Clan history DH (but a long time ago)
Previous bans

About me
Hello my name is Dominic but everyone call me Dodo.
I'm actively on the server. I am 28 years young and live in Germany I like to be in nature and love my family. My passion is and remains playing on Counterstrike Source.
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Ingame name Cosuke
SteamID 76561198025650237/
Age 22

because i wanna join the best
Clan history
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About me
i love cs
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Ingame name Erzo
SteamID STEAM_0:1:526080637
Age 26

Its basically the onyl zombie server in CSS that is awesome.
Clan history
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About me
Enjoy playing CSS with skilled players :)
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Well i had brothers account but it got lost.....
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Ingame name [ΞD] Hard
SteamID STEAM_0:1:456161124
Age 16

Every Where need good behave and good person
but i think i am someone think me about not a good
Clan history Elite Ducker
Previous bans
4 time [other account]
this account only one by easy.
About me
all member and admin know about me
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Ingame name showa, Synthwave
SteamID 76561199101161514
Age 25

I have been playing ZM for around 2-3 years, and I made alot of hours the past 4 seasons. When i feel like to play a game, its CSS on the EliteHunterZ servers.
Clan history silenthunterz, solohunterz
Previous bans
2019-04-12 teaming (12 hour)
2019-12-13 teaming (48 hour)
2020-05-29 leaving to avoid death (15 min)
2020-10-17 "bunnyhop script" (perm)
About me
Dutch gamer who had too much time.
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Ingame name ☆Itz-_-Tim☆
SteamID timur519
Age 28

i been join your server since 5-6 years i cant remember and i like elitehunterZ server alot and im very calm and friendly person or helpfull :)
Clan history
Previous bans

About me
about me my hobbys: football basketball gaming playing more EH zombie server
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i dont have other acc i have only my main acc
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Ingame name ☆Itz-_-Tim☆
SteamID 76561198012815933
Age 28

idk why i like join EH Elite-HunterZ and im very calm person and friendly
Clan history EH clan would i like it
Previous bans
i been never banned just kicked
About me
hello my name is tim and im 28 years old and i can german and english :)
my hobbys:
Fav Gaming Elite HunterZ Server (Css)
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nope dont have other acc
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Ingame name jD
SteamID STEAM_0:0:36364939
Age 34

When we work only with our heart, success is fleeting. But if we work only with the head, relying on logical thinking, we get the task done but somehow the beauty is missing.

To be successful throughout life, I need to balance love with logical thinking. I am then better able to see all the options available to me, which will lead to greater success.
Clan history
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About me
I am a certified Microsoft Dynamics 365-BC consultant working for Microsoft.
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Ingame name Typhoon
SteamID [U:1:865825099]
Age 17

I have been playing on this server for a very long time. And I devote almost all my free time to playing on this server. And I want to somehow become a part of it. I really want to enter the top ten players, but not by camping, but by walking and shooting. I am against camping, where 10-20 people standing on some roof shoot at one poor zombie
Clan history
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About me
I'm from Russia. I do boxing, I do swimming. I love, I love technology! I am studying IT. In my free time, I just like to lie down, play games, walk down the street with my friends. I really love animals (I hate flayers, they have a separate place in hell)
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Recommended by No, I found out about this server on YouTube. In the future, maybe I will recommend someone myself =)
Ingame name Mf®ᴅᴋ
SteamID g4fred1
Age 24

I have around 5000 hours on CSS in total, and I would say 3000 of those hours have been spent playing ZM or ZE. Just recently I decided to try out ZM again, as of now the lockdown is still in full swing, so I have the time to accumulate some additional hours. The reason I came back was that I saw videos of the server on Youtube, and I remember playing on 'here' back in 2017-18. I'm pleasantly surprised to see that elitehunterz is one of the few ZM servers that continue to be active. My desire to join the clan really lies in the fact that only the best can make a server outlive all the others, and who wouldn't want to be a part of that? I cross my fingers!
Clan history
Previous bans
Banned; 1 day - Using mouse scroll too fast fire duel elites.
About me
Studying to become a specialist regarding energy. Love to windsurf, hate pies.
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Ingame name ᴰᵉⁿⁱᵉᵈ

SteamID denied996

Age 24

My motivation for wanting to join EH is that I've hunted, maimed and/or kill dozens of fatties in my career so far on the server. I have also performed In much the same way while playing as those damned fatties, eating as many edgers, naders and napers as a good fatty is expected to do!

Clan history Elite Duckers

Previous bans
Banned once some time ago when I first joined the server for using a macro.

About me
Unpredictable gamer! Sometimes a lazy camper and others a heroic soldier on the front lines.

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Ingame name Minato

SteamID 76561198079659367

Age 25

Played on Elite for years now only coming back to the game after a few years. In the past month i've met new members of the community and enjoyed playing along side them. Would love to join elite to share the support for the community and try to help make it better if that's even possible as it's good as it is. And of course because there is no other clan like EH :)

Clan history Was an part of TmF Gaming for most of my css history

Previous bans

About me
I'm 25 and as you can guess i love gaming it's probably one of my best hobbies but i also like to go out with friends and enjoy some airsoft and explore like mountain climb ect.. i currently work as a security officer so i have lots of time for gaming even in work! Love to do some drinking games while playing me and some buddies would make some rules like if you get killed = 1 shot.. fun stuff. I am big into my anime aswell as one of my favourites would be death note. Not much going on in my life to be honest, simple gaming life as a young adult.

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Recommended by I was not i decided to apply on my own
Ingame name Vince T-IX

SteamID STEAM_0:0:58804391

Age 18

Want create brand new Clan for add some competition between the players and Clans as the individual rank system is kinda boring.

Clan history

Previous bans

About me
My hobby is slay fatties in :).

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Ingame name All my previous used usernames: Jast3r, Southwood | SW, Exrol, Tactical boi, Amogus, Sigma-13 "Cold Dead Hands", Sigma-13, Omega, Sigma, Omega [ITA].

SteamID 76561199003502764

Age 14

I want to join the clan for the community and let the others notice that joining the EH is worth it a lot! And because I want to support this way the creators or admins of the server, I will not be disappointed if I join this clan. I know it! I have some good memories on this server, too, that I think it's time to go to the next level or something like that. I hope that I will make it.

Clan history

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About me
I used to practice swimming (planning to redo it again in a while) to do something else other than gaming. I'm a teenager that is obsessed with technology and games! My behaviour is shy. I don't socialize a lot because of my well again behaviour. I learned languages in the first superior of high school, but it didn't go well. Still, hopefully, I passed, and I'm going to the second superior, but this time I want to learn about mechanical parts of cars but not only vehicles, but I don't know yet and assemble some parts that I think will be better for me.

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Recommended by Nope.
Ingame name knose

SteamID 76561198024397910

Age 28

I love CS:S and I absolutely love EH Servers. I enjoy them since years now and I want to join the community now further.

Clan history I dont know if I ever joined a clan in CS except steam groups with friends

Previous bans
I never got banned as far as I know

About me
When I'm not working im producing beats or play games (often CS:S EH V3)

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no I don't

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Ingame name Hellf!re™

SteamID STEAM_0:0:19047318

Age 52

I have been Admin on this Server for a short Time, it makes me a lot of fun. There are new challenges every Day and it never gets boring. to make the whole thing complete, I want to become a part of the Elite Hunterz Family.

Clan history

Previous bans

About me
My name is Alexander, 52 years old from Berlin. I did an apprenticeship as a butcher. Then I was in the military for 2 years. I started working as a DJ when I was 15. I was traveling all over Europe to play. I did the whole thing until 2007. I worked at the airport as a check-in agent until 2020, including for Lufthansa. I have been a pensioner due to an illness since 2020.
I go swimming 1-2 km a day in summer. My hobby is snorkeling. Love to travel, mostly to the Indian Ocean. I am cancer and I love the sea.
I am a positive person and enjoy life, you only live once :)

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Ingame name Evolution

SteamID Evolution

Age 35

I like to play zombie hunter games.
.. Since couple months i play zombie hunting games from elite and its fun

Clan history ZFC and GC|

Previous bans

About me
Iam a dad of two kids..
Work in IT and hobbie are fitniss movies and gaming.

gaming on pc and now these days on ps5

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Ingame name Ace

SteamID 76561198116651301

Age 21

Recently rejoined CSS after my last computer was demolished, source was and still is my favorite game by far. Seeing how much has changed since the last time I've played (2015), its great to see a community such as Elite Hunterz still active, of course the game in general has evolved and its sad to see plenty of servers abandoned, but after playing on the ZH server, I play almost daily now. I wish to join and be a Hunter so I can rekindle with those who still enjoy the game and have a spot amongst a great clan and community.

Clan history None in CS but in Zombie Panic Source. Clan is no longer alive.

Previous bans

About me
I'm Ace, I'm 21 years old and I reside in Canada, I know two languages, I play the guitar daily and in a small band. I have a part-time job and currently in college. I've been living on my own since I was 17 so I'm pretty independent. My life is alright right now, not the best but always looking to improve. Making friends and building relationships with other great people is quite a hobby of mine, I have plenty of stories to tell. I hunt yearly and love to be outdoors.

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