Server Problems or Issues

extension will not be added.

as for restriction i'll now set to 1 and see what happens
everytime i try to connect to any server CSS crashes with an error - i think its caused by some new video advertisement loading after log in-its still loading and then the error appear. can u delete it :confused:
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- Scoutzknivez Server
- This isn't an actual problem, but can be if you think about it.. I know it sounds a bit strange.. I've noticed that you haven't got an motd you can read on the server, so many gamers are playing with really bad rates. They are ofcourse not doing anything wrong, but on a scoutzknivez server rates should be good. You guys could install a plugin so players could check their rates, like they have on Edollos server. I hope you guys will read it and reply back to me if it's going to be fixed. As said earlyier, it's NOT a problem, your server is a really good server to play on. Me and my friend MADBOT (Rank 1) think its one of the best RPG's available and enjoi playing on it. So thumbs up to you guys!
- Constantly.
Hello, thanks for the feedback, actually our MOTD is delivered to us from our sponsor so we cannot change it.

What i can do is in fact install the rates plugin. I will probably modify the server soon to make it DM RPG which should be more enjoyable :)

I will let you know when i do that
everytime i try to connect to any server CSS crashes with an error - i think its caused by some new video advertisement loading after log in-its still loading and then the error appear. can u delete it :confused:

Hello, do you have the latest flashplayer installed?

actually our MOTD is very vital for us and we cannot remove it, i suggest you to doublecheck if your system is up to date and has the flashplayer plugin installed.
Please let me know if that solves your problems
i have same problem and of course also with the GD servers that also belongs to you!
ill try the flashplayer method and post if it works..

my problem is the same i connect and 4 secs later it hangs and giving me message:"memory so and so is pointing on memory so and so "read" cannot proceed or sth like that
It would help if you could write the whole error message and not just some parts of it.
das würde zu 0,0000001% helfen!
Das Problem ist ein sehr weitverbreitetes(das mit read write) und es gibt 10000000 mögklichkeiten woran es liegt!

aber ich bin mir sicher dass es mit dem server zusammenhängt!!!ich kann GG auf ver. servern spielen ich kannn zm auf ver. servern spielen nur auf den von EH(also zombiemod by ghostdivision and zombiehunt by elitehunterz) sind es die mich abstürzen lassen und zwar wegen der werbung mit dem video, wie oben erwähnt!!!!

naja ich installiere grad css neu und hab neuen flash raufgehauen!

wenns dir hilft hier ist die Absturznachricht!

hl2.exe - Fehler in Anwendung
Die Anwendung in "0x77f4234e" verweist auf Speicher in "0x00708040".
Der Vorgang "read" konnte nicht auf dem Speicher durchgeführt werden.
Drücken Sie "OK" um das Programm zu beenden.

für mcih liest es sich als ob das blöde programm auf einen geschützen bereich im ram zugreifen will um von dort aus zu lesen....und zwar durch das blöde Video....könnte sein dass ein Virus wichtige informationen aus meinem Computer klauen willl und die Programmierer einfach nur n blöden Quelltext hingeklatscht haben der das spiel cRASHEN LÄSST!!
even after reinstalling css again(1 hour) and de- and reinstallling newest Flashplayer and after f**** 10 times restarts of my computer i have the same problem with "read".

5 of my friends who are also playing ZM on your servers cannot manage that problem!

nor its good for serverpings it also costs you alot of players i think!!!

cant you change MOTD(NOT REMOVE BUT CHANGE) Ad to a non video ad please!!!!!!!!!
After hours of thinking Mindnapping brainstorming and extreme clipboarding i came to the answer................................fuck this ad remove it and evrythings good!
Hello if we remove the ads we can also remove the servers, we'd get no income.

you have to understand that servers don't run on players but on money.

Please try to run counter strike source as administrator and tell me if that works.

if that doesn't work then once launched it go to the task manager and change the priority of the process: hl2.exe to something higher, and try again.
if that doesn't work then try, by using the task manager, changing the affinity to only 1 core and then try again.

Please do all the above to see if that solves the problem, if that still doesn't please report back with as many details as possible about your PC
ok i thought that would work nikoo but im already Admin and i had set the priority to highes....i joined server and thought YESSSSS but i tried !motd and again got stucked because of i had only luck cause it didnt load on my first join like yesterday when i got kicked again after mapchange!!!!

Is there no chance to CHANGE the ad to another.....u have first time video ad...why?
windows vista and seven do not run programs as admin, try right clicking the icon of counter strike and then select "run as administrator"
if that doesn't work please report back and wait, i contacted our sponsor to know if there is a known solution to this.
hey nikoo thy for help but i have XP....i also tried to lower the RAM timings....didnt work....
i dont know what to do....why u havent PINION ad like before....would be better XD
and is it neccessary to pop motd up when u join? i dont think many are clicking on ads btw
and also u have dozens of donators?! why u need some cents from ads.....or is it more rentable?
but again thx for trying to help me nikoo
it's not a click for money campain, it's a "how many sees it" campain and believe me this is our unique main income.
anyway please whoever has this problem provide me with those info:
operative system + 32 or 64 bit:
ram size and version (xxx DDR3):
Ram clock (1333 MHz):
A speed test link from
your graphic card:
and very important, your nation:

with this we should be able to track down the issue.
thanks a lot
ok i will check my computer with dr. hardware 2012 and post the screenie here
nikooo u really need my speedtest?i m a little ashame of them but if you need so....