
I enjoyed hunting on this map. Sadly zombies are quite marginalised. Haven't played the latest version though so I don't know how well it plays for zombies.
Map is strongly tilted in favor of CTs. Every inch of the map is another camp spot. For example, today I couldn't even get a breather to regenerate my health when playing as a zombie. Gunfire coming from every camp spot direction, roof, crates, everywhere. Was running around the map in a desperate attempt to find a single spot where I can avoid being fired at for one second. Hard to reach camping spots, which require a lot of precise jumping under a heavy fire from the camping resistance + backup shooters from across the map. Sometimes I feel bad for killing zombies on this map, because I know how tough it is for them :)
Sup guys,

I'm back with the final revision of zm_industrial_waste.
It's in v7 now and I don't want to put more work in the map, since I like what it became.

The last few months I started works on a new zm-map (more infos coming soon) and I wanted the map to be finished.
I did various fixing, optimizations and balancing.

So here it is:

Pick it, while it's hot ;-)

(unfortunately, uploading here didn't work, so I used a file-hoster)

Yours gotcha.
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Nice! :)

could you please replace the v1_6 on the V1 with the latest version?
Thanks Gotcha. Hope that a new version of this map is more balanced, because the old one favors CTs with many hard-to-reach camping spots.
The map was uploaded to all our zombiemod servers ;) including V2 and V3! please let me know
to be honest i dont like this map at al i leave almost everytime it comes cause its not hunting it could be okey for v3 but not v2 and v1 if u ask me it could have been so much better
i removed it from the maplist because i swear, when the map loaded like half of the server players disconnected, they just don't like it, i think it's because of the FPS.
This map as an huge potential and if the map gets optimized it'd be a blast!
Ok, that makes sense. It was because of some people were asking few times, now we got an answer.
Did you find any solutions for the FPS problems yet, Niko?
Did you ask Gargantua?

Or does any of you guys know how to optimize properly?

I can give you the .vmf if you add me on steam.
I'm sorry, I really don't know what to do to make it work properly. I have no idea how to optimize it...
No i couldn't find enough time to study how to optimize a map.

On top of that, gargantua has been inactive for years, i highly doubt i'll catchi him :s

Anyway perhaps on the forum here somebody knows how to optimize a map?
-learn how to use hint/skip textures, and don't "func_detail" everything, especially the walls. tons of youtube-videos on this :)
-also, you can add a fog_controller(i think thats the name) and sett the max view(draw) distance at 3000 or something.
-make sure you set the water in you're map to change to "cheap water" at a short distance.
-and every prop dont need a max view(draw) for more than 1500-2000. 1500(cars, doors, windows, plants) for static and 1800 for phys objects(sofas, vendinmachines), is nice.

the most important is the hint/skip textures <-- this guy knows what he is talking about <-- this and the next 5 videos is about optimization. Again, fixing leaks and Hint/skip is the most important and most effective.
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