Today the gameplay was more interesting. Either better maps or the HP for Zombies went up. Zombies even won some rounds.
A few suggestions in totally random order:
- By default, show the !market menu when a player spawns.
- When you buy something from the market, the menu should close. It happened to me that I bought a weapon and then I pressed 1 or 2 to switch weapons and bought something I did not want instead.
- In the market menu, make the first entry "reload" instead of "buy". You need ammo fast and not go through the menu to your weapon.
- Make Submenus: 1. Pistol 2. Shotgun 3. MP and so on. This way you find what you are looking for much faster.
- Look at other Zombie Riot servers to see what maps work. Better a few good maps and not many bad ones.
- Make the medpack much cheaper. I think $200 or $250 would be better than $850!
- Maybe instead of buying health with !medic, allow humans to heal other humans by pressing the use button. This way you cannot heal yourself, but you watch out for your mates. The models already have the medic crosses on them

Ammo and weapons:
- Make Ammo cheaper: $500 or so for reload instead $850.
- Increase pistol ammo. In boss rounds I empty the 450 rounds so fast and then need to knife the bosses

(( Pistol ammo should not run out.
- I would restrict Auto-Sniper, M249 and AWE. Scout is OK.
- Give every human also an HE when spawning by default.
- I would adjust the boss behaviour if possible. They make fast jumps forward - stand still for a second - and then jump forward again. At least I would increase the knockback a bit. It is almost impossible to run from them, especially if you only have a USP.
- About zombie HP: it feels that the regular zombies could use some more, about 20% maybe and the bosses a little less -20%.
- A workaround to avoid that all zombies come from the same direction: after a zombie spawns, the zombie will be teleported to a random point on the map. That will be pure survival.
- Spawn the zombies continously. This way they do not come in waves, but from more directions. If this is not already this way.
- If players respawn in Round 2 or later, let them have a bit of money so they can buy at least a Deagle or so. Because the Zombies become more powerful, an USP is to little.
- It should be possible to pick up weapons/ammo for lets say 5 seconds after a mate dies.
- Something to try would be to disable the secondary weapon, give each player a MAC10 as default and increase the HP of zombies.
- Give players a bit of money after EVERY round. A bit more every round.
- I really hate two boss rounds. I would do the following order and less rounds, but each more different:
--- Round 1: Normal zombies, pistol, no money, slow zombie respawn time.
--- Round 2: 1/2 normal zombies, 1/2 advanced zombies, normal zombie respawn time, a little bit of money to buy an MP at beginning of round.
--- Round 3: 1/4 normal zombies, 3/4 advanced zombies, fast (continous respawn), enough money to buy Galil or Famas at beginning of round.
--- Round 4: Boss round. Only 4 instead of 6 bosses, more HP than now, or maybe each boss with different HP (1 easy kill, 10000 HP, 2 normal 17500 HP, 1 Über-Boss 30000 HP that maybe respawns later in round?), no zombie respawn. Enough money to buy AK or M4 at beginning of round.
I think this should be it. I hope the server will be a success. I like it very much!
Or simply gimme admin access and I will make it the best zombie server ever!
@ AlawY: I wanna have babies with your Internet connection.