[Go-Free SURF servers] Admin Application

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Ingame name Rayis Sylvan

Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/rayissylvan/

SteamID STEAM_0:1:184394118

Age 24

Location U.S. Central (Chicago)

English knowledge Advanced

Other languages Spanish (elementary-intermediate)

Timezone CDT (UTC-5)

Favourite GoFree Surf Servers [Surf] Tier1-2 {Easy Maps} SurfTimer|Store - by go-free.info (im looking into some of the other go-free servers as well now that ive played most of the maps that people rtv to when they dont want to try something new)

Past admin experience
Current PRG admin on all CS:GO servers, owner of a small Minecraft server, actual supervisory work experience IRL.

I feel like cheaters don't come by very often but the amount of toxicity that goes around has gotten decently bad, especially in some of the lower-tiered servers. People are there to learn and gain a bit of skill on the low-tier maps and are typically not the best because of how new they are to surfing. When these people ask for help there's always the handful of players who start acting toxic towards them, starting fights and yelling in their mics like a bunch of toddlers. I can simply go to a higher-tiered server to avoid it, but for those other people they can only do low tiers and either have to stick around and endure it or they just leave, which ends up just killing the server's potential player base.

About me
Masters in Mechanical engineering, twitch streamer, video editor. I play the server pretty frequently with my friends, sometimes I stream it live, and other times it's just something I do to relax. Pretty laid back, just want to make my relaxation activity a bit more relaxing for everyone playing.

Referred by
Ingame name TurtleGames KEYDROP

Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198420380413/

SteamID 76561198420380413

Age 16

Location Belgium

English knowledge Intermediate

Other languages Portuguese, Dutch

Timezone UTC+1

Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Surf_kitsune_fix , Surf_minetopia_fix

Past admin experience
I was Moderator on twitch for a guy but he had max 6 vieuwers.

I see a lot of racial slures are being used and a lot of voce chat spam so I would like to mute them for the other people that are trying to enjoy some surf time.

About me
I used to live in Portugal but when I was 5 I moved to Belgium and then I learened to speak English and Dutch.

Referred by
Ingame name Astronomical

Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/CheesyDoc

SteamID CheesyDoc

Age 16

Location Antwerp/Belgium

English knowledge Intermediate

Other languages Dutch, French, Croatian, i can understand balkan languages, a bit of german

Timezone Utc +1

Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Surf_Kitsune_Fix

Past admin experience
I've been a discord moderator in 3 servers.

So I've been surfing a long time now especially on Surf_Kitsune and sometimes I find people that say the n word etc so I just want justice and I like these sort of things.

About me
So I'm from Croatia but I live in Belgium I'm a student at Sint-Ludgardis in Antwerp I love science and engineering and I'm also good in languages.

Referred by
Ingame name I am Legacy

Steam profile link http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198254658904/

SteamID STEAM_0:0:147196588

Age 25

Location Sweden

English knowledge Advanced

Other languages Swedish fluently. bit of german.

Timezone UTC +2 CEST (UTC+01:00)

Favourite GoFree Surf Servers [Surf EU] Mesa/kitsune/tier 1-2/tier 1-8

Past admin experience
i've been admin three times before on the server. i loved it. loved playing and talking to people, connecting with the community and taking care of the server. sadly... i had to quit because of depression. i am feeling alot better now though so im back to being a surfer again so i guess im going to be trying out for the admin team again :) (and a little bit of bhop. yes, i know. im sorry :(... )

Well, what can i say that i havent said before? I love playing and connecting with people. most of you already know me and that i am happy to talk with everyone about anything and that im always ready to give a helping hand to people that want and or need it in game when it comes to surfing. I spend alot of time on the servers, just talking to people and trying to make it into an enviorment where everyone can have fun and enjoy their time there. Sadly though, now that im back to surfing im also back to hearing how some people misbehave in the servers. being obnoxious, toxic and still shouting racial slurs at people for no reason at all. Though its inappropriate regardless of context. My motivation as admin is as it has always been, just making the servers into a place where everyone can spend their free time and have a good time doing so. and ofcourse, who could resist having lotus mock me day in and day out ;) jokes aside, i think i'll make an excellent cut for the team as i've had admin experience in the past, mostly from this server and my overall enthusiasm for the server and the people in it.

About me
My name is Alex, I am a 25 year old guy that loves surfing and playing on cs:go i also play other games such as WoW, Mordhau on occastion and i've recently refound my interest for chess. i am a social person and i love talking to people on here and make friends. I do currently have a job, i work as a care taker for people with dementia though currently there are no working hours for me due to covid since i only work part time ¨hourly¨ so i have alot of free time on my hands till i get accepted into university. i used to love going to the gym but it's also become increasingly harder due to covid, so now i am just getting fatter for every minute haha.

Referred by None.
Ingame name TurtleGames KEYDROP

Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198420380413/

SteamID 76561198420380413

Age 16

Location Belgium

English knowledge Intermediate

Other languages Portuguese, Dutch

Timezone UTC+1

Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Surf_kitsune_fix , Surf_utopia_fix

Past admin experience
I was a mod on twitch for some one but he had max 6 viewers.

I see and hear a lot of racial swear words an a lot of voice scat spam and I would like it to mute those people so the other people can enjoy their time on the server.

About me
I was born in Portugal and when I was 5 years old we moved to Belgium so now I can speak Portuguese, Dutch and English.

At school I learn business economics.

Referred by
Ingame name gEtLoL'd

Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198835958186/

SteamID 76561198835958186

Age 25

Location NJ, USA

English knowledge Advanced

Other languages USA born and raised

Timezone Eastern

Favourite GoFree Surf Servers rookie/utopia/whiteout/ varied 1-2 / varied 3-8/ varied 1-8/ mesa

Past admin experience

I spend a lot of time in the varied servers, I have been around for a while as well! Most of the people that have been around for some time know me or have talked with me at one point or another. I have a lot of free time for the foreseeable future and I am pretty much just looking for a fun "job" to take up my time. Being an admin on my favorite servers would be a good solution!

About me
Not a lot to say really, grew up here in NJ and have worked as a firearms dealer here in NJ since I turned 18. I've been playing CS and surf for a long time and its probably the thing I enjoy most outside of my work, but due to unforeseen circumstances with my health, I'm having to step back from my work for the foreseeable future. Surf and CS have defiantly made passing the time a lot easier though! so there's always a bright side to every situation.

Referred by Nobody in particular, but I've chatted with a decent portion of the current admins once or twice in game.
Ingame name Scrib

Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/scribyyyyy/

SteamID STEAM_0:1:194592030

Age 17

Location Nova Scotia, Canada

English knowledge Advanced

Other languages None

Timezone ADT

Favourite GoFree Surf Servers [GoFree] Surf Utopia 24/7 !ws !knife !gloves

Past admin experience
I have been admin on a wide range of GMOD RP servers which can get very hectic along with a CSGO BHOP server called Quartz BHOP, it no longer exists. Other than that, I have had many leadership positions IRL whether that matters or not.

I feel motivated because recently I have gotten back into CSGO on this steam account and I remember this server from when I surfed on my other account. I've noticed in the time I've been on recently, an increase in the edginess of the Utopia server from the last time I played. I just really don't want to see this chill surf community lose the calmness to a bunch of racist trolls. I have always loved taking leadership roles in my life and since I'm going to be playing on this server and other Elite HunterZ servers I thought I should apply for admin, not only can I help out, but It also suits my personality at the same time.

About me
I play hockey and baseball pretty competitively, along with downhill mountain biking to which I compete in competitions. I rock climb and camp occasionally and when I'm not doing any of these things or I'm at school I am almost always using my PC, playing CS or LoL most of the time.

Referred by
Ingame name westvaillant

Steam profile link 76561199131939031

SteamID 76561199131939031

Age 16

Location exeter NH US

English knowledge Advanced

Other languages spanish, some latin and some french

Timezone EAS

Favourite GoFree Surf Servers utopia and kitsune

Past admin experience

Hi my name is west and im applying to be an admin for GoFree survers. Although I dont have days upon days on GoFree survers im really into surfing and feel being an admin would make that experience alot more enjoyable. There have been many instinses where there is no admin on and there is someone earraping or saying ratial slurs when I can do nothing about it exept for vote mute which never goes through. If I was an admin I could make the surver alot more enjoyable for other people considering I will be on about 5 to 8 hours a day. I also have gained a pretty decent reputation over the past couple of days, whether its helping people get better at the game who are new, or having a conversation with people and trying to break up fights as much as I can which I believe will be much easeir with admin. I am friends with acouple of other admins such as cinni who I go on discord with and homiesexualvibes. I bought VIP to see if I could make a change but unfortunatly some mutes just dont go through due to people being in groups and what not. I just believe I am a great candadate and I am looking forward to being admin. Thank you.

About me
I am 16 and I love hockey and gaming. I have a really good personality and am very open to people and that is the reason why I got into Phillipes exeter which was ranked #1 highschool this year. Although I am in a private highschool I have alot of free time on my hands which I can guarantee 5 to 8 hours a day on Go Free survers!

Referred by
Ingame name cosmocarl

Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/cosmocarl/

SteamID cosmocarl

Age 13

Location canada

English knowledge Intermediate

Other languages none

Timezone est

Favourite GoFree Surf Servers surf utopia

Past admin experience

because a lot of people are racist a homophobic

About me
i like wrestling i like video games and basketball

Referred by
Ingame name RadzA2

Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/abcdefghijklmnopp/

SteamID abcdefghijklmnopp

Age 14

Location UK

English knowledge Advanced

Other languages i speak a little spanish not much

Timezone BST

Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Mesa 24/7

Past admin experience

I love playing on the server i love the vibes I find it very fun and I would love to be an admin

About me
i am a normal 14 year old who likes to play video games I love helping people and helping out in communities I do like anime I am British (please don't bully me) i like sports and I'm a normal kid other than tht

Referred by
Ingame name Neb

Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198400943505/

SteamID STEAM_0:1:220338888

Age 17

Location United States of America

English knowledge Advanced

Other languages None

Timezone UTC-4

Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Utopia, Kistune, beginner, easy.

Past admin experience
I used to mod for a GMod ttt server for around 2 or 3 months but stopped once school started back up with the new system. I had spend a great deal of time on the server and was active in the community and in the admin discord chat and usually responded quick if someone needed to get on. Usually had the most hours in for the week.

After being constantly asked whether or not I was admin, I thought about doing it for a couple weeks, I love community and I am friends with the regulars and admins, and I want to be able to help in situations where an admin is needed or if someone elses opinion is needed to make the right call on a punishment, I want to be able to figure out the situation and not ban/mute someone on the spot without hearing out the whole story. I think that i made good judgement calls when modding for the GMod server and didn't take sides based on my liking of the person and could understand friendly banter rather than actual arguments or toxicity.
I play on utopia a great amount and I am trying to currently hit top 10 so I'm spending a lot of time on the servers and try to make the people in the community want to come back another time , many people have said that the Gofree community is great and the people are too ,it can keep interesting conversations going and I want to be apart of that and regulate the toxic people so we can have the conversations going. Even though I'm mostly on the utopia server I do play some of the other maps a couple times a week and would definitely swap servers if an admin was needed.

About me
I go by Neb online but people do know me by my first name Rocco, Neb originated from a bo2 spawn trapper named Nebzei and I stole it and shortened it later on. I just turned 17 last month and live in New York, next year I'm going to start taking classes on psychology and can hopefully make a career in helping people improve themselves. I used to be a huge NBA fan and played basketball everyday for years until they traded my favorite player away on my team I since have slowed down. I most of the time now either play videogames watch anime or do something outside. I learned to solve a Rubik's cube in 5th grade and became a speed cuber and went to a competition one year and placed in the middle, after a while i stopped solving them religiously but pick one up from time to time.

I talk to people if I'm there and there's a topic I'm interested in or have knowledge of, I don't really get into arguments or conversations if I have no idea what they are talking about so i can avoid conflict/arguments or cause confusion. With the right people I can nonstop talk about dumb things even if i have no clue what's happening. I started to play videogames when I was really young and my first game was Splinter Cell on the original Xbox, but after the Xbox my family became a PlayStation one, I met a lot of people online that I became friends with through games like cod, dcuo, skate 3 and 2k.

I don't currently have a job, and don't have many important things going on at the moment. and being the youngest of five boys most of my family has either left or is working/going to college so not much is happening at home.

Referred by Paul, NBJackJack, Cinni, Paul Lahner
Ingame name 7A-04 | Jayyy

Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198880299939/

SteamID 76561198880299939

Age 14

Location Great Britian

English knowledge Advanced

Other languages I speak abit of french and abit of german, nothing advanced, i know the basics

Timezone GMT / London

Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Surf Kitsune

Past admin experience
i have had admin experience in other servers (not in CSGO) in some FiveM servers

I would like to be an admin because i want to keep the server safe from modders cheating and trying to break the WR for the server. I would also like

About me
i am a 14 year old boy and i play world of warcraft alot, i also have been playing guitar for 6 years. (The ban on my account was from a hacker if your concerned or wondering)

Referred by
Ingame name Trxpsツ

Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/TrxpsYT/

SteamID 76561198273365284

Age 17

Location Northern Ireland

English knowledge Advanced

Other languages N/A

Timezone BST

Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Kitsune is my favourite, however I thoroughly enjoy playing Utopia

Past admin experience
In regards to CS:GO I have no admin experience on this.
In relation to other Admin positions: I have an admin spot in my city's Police Service where I can use technology in order to help fill in missing documents.

I would really love to be an admin on your servers. This to me is extremely important when gaming as it is not enjoyable when there is not a friendly community around it. I make it my mission in life to make sure everyone has a voice and to make sure they are not belittled and silenced by others. Being responsible for making someone's day better because you helped out with an issue they've had/ are currently having gives me the upmost satisfaction and I couldn't ask for a better position in life. I also play Kitsune when I go over to my friends house, I have logged more hours there than I can count because it is so enjoyable. I love helping people and this would be a huge honour to be Admin. :)

About me
My name is Corey, I live in Northern Ireland and I am a 2 time Silver medallist in the Karate World Championship. I love helping out at my local primary school when needs be and I enjoy surfing (quite a lot actually) I aspire to join the Royal Navy when I leave college and hopefully will be able to live life to the fullest. When random strangers are happy then I am happy.

Referred by No one has referred me, I saw the application while surfing and thought it would be cool.
Ingame name InboardCallum8

Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/Inboard/

SteamID Inboard

Age 15

Location England

English knowledge Advanced

Other languages Only know very limited French, English being the only fluent language.

Timezone GMT

Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Utopia and Kitsune! Sometimes play tier 1-2 servers as well.

Past admin experience
Nothing related to CSGO. However I have been admins in minecraft servers that have had a few hundred players.

I will love to help make the community a much better place for everyone by making sure to punish players accordingly if necessary. I have experienced some trollers and other things in the past and it would be nice to be able to help out when there is no admin in the game. I have also played on the server for a fair while lately so it would be a pleasure to help, not just with trolls, but with other things like applications.

About me
My name is Callum and I am 15 years of age! I love to crack a few jokes (when the time is right) to make everyone chuckle and have a good time. I tend to be a very chill and relaxed person, with a lot of patience, especially towards other people. I love to help others, and refuse to stop until that person gets it right (even if it takes hours). I also love to get to know new people online and making a good impression of myself. In my spare time I do waitering in a cafe as well as playing games and sometimes streaming! I also love getting into debates like... chocolate vs sweets (candy). I think of myself as a nice guy over all and I hope to make some peoples day just that tad better!

Referred by
Ingame name Rogue

Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198126557370/

SteamID Rogue

Age 16

Location USA

English knowledge Advanced

Other languages Arabic

Timezone Pacific Daylight Time

Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Mesa,Utopia,Kitsune

Past admin experience
I have been admin for several gmod servers in the past.

I have been surfing on Go-Free for a while now and I love the community and people have been telling me that I should apply for admin because I am a good teacher and I help people learn to surf. I always ask people if they need help with anything from getting a new personal best on a map to beating a map. I am very mature for my age and I am willing to take this very seriously.

About me
I am 16, I live in California and I have loved surf for a long time now. I play lots of other games and I also play normal csgo.

Referred by I was referred by several people, braden,nol9n,smithy,CalUfa and Prise
Ingame name BaconBits

Steam profile link http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198235153208

SteamID STEAM_0:0:137443740

Age 16

Location United States

English knowledge Advanced

Other languages none

Timezone UTC−05:00

Favourite GoFree Surf Servers 24/7 Kitsune

Past admin experience
Admin on small Discord servers | Also was an admin on a GTA RP server.

Gofree servers are the only servers I play on in CS and I hate seeing them be looked down upon when no admins are online and people are being racist in game voice chat. I love to engage in powerful conversations as well as listen to people's ideas on topics. With good moderation I believe surfing can help you not just surf but you can learn lots of information from the users. Also there's always someone to talk to which is the amazing thing about the Gofree community. I want people to not have to worry about racial slurs and all of crude things that people say over the internet. I've always loved playing on this server and I would love to help it out as much as I can. An admin relationship with the players are my most important thing in my eyes because without thorough moderation everything will be messy and people won't have a good time on the Gofree servers. I would love to prevent this from happening by encouraging discussions as well as remembering users so I can greet them when they connect. The little things are the things that matter when it comes to a user joining a server. I've joined other surf servers that aren't Gofree, I stumble upon people saying very explicit content that should not be said online. I remember to not join that server because of that. Basically I believe that people can join and not have to be worried about others targeting them for anything or a user saying things that shouldn't be said.

About me
I am a sophomore in High School and I'm an IT student as well. I play lacrosse and football and I am coming close to becoming an Eagle Scout. My hobbies are building computers and playing video games, I also enjoy playing sports.

Referred by Suicidal Toast
Ingame name Lockets

Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198142551793/

SteamID 76561198142551793

Age 17

Location Quebec, Canada

English knowledge Advanced

Other languages French

Timezone Eastern Standard Time| subtract 5 hours from UTC

Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Kitsune, Utopia, Mesa, Tier 1-2, Beginner Tier 1, tier 3-8

Past admin experience
None, although I have spoken to a few admins

Csgo surf is something that I never thought I would find interesting, but when I first joined the gofree community, I realized how much I enjoy surfing and interacting with new people on different maps. I've made a ton of new friends and I try my best to help out struggling beginners learn how to play, just like others did to me. I hate seeing racist and homophobic behavior from people while I'm trying to chill, and I want to be able to put a stop to these people whenever I have the chance. I also noticed a lot of french people on these servers and I speak fluently in both languages. If a french individual needs help, I would be more than happy to assist them in their preferred language.

About me
I'm a 17-year-old kid who loves video games, sports, and achieving in school. I've always been known as a nice kid that enjoys seeing others succeed. I started my gaming career at the age of 9 when my father bought me my first console, and ever since it's been one of my favorite things to do. I also enjoy helping others in my everyday life, whether it be with school, family, or just giving advice on any given topic. I've also been playing soccer since the age of 5, which taught me many important lessons on working well with others and in a team. I've had multiple jobs including working at summer camps, supermarkets, and even programming for my father's company, so I know what it takes to be mature and responsible in any given situation.

Referred by Suicidal Toast
Ingame name King

Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198321418315/

SteamID 76561198321418315

Age 20

Location England

English knowledge Advanced

Other languages Learning Norwegian!

Timezone UTC +1

Favourite GoFree Surf Servers EU Tier 1-2, and EU Tier 3-8 (occasionally US Tier 1-2)

Past admin experience

Ever since I was a young boy, I have always dreamt of...

All jokes aside, the GoFree community is by far one of the most diverse, welcoming and friendly communities I have come across in all my years of Counter-Strike,
and it would be an honor to be able to directly contribute to maintaining and furthering GoFree's status as one of the best servers around.

Given the opportunity I would aspire to be a friendly, active and level-headed admin. I pride myself on my ability to remain calm in stressful and demanding situations,
and this is one of the reasons I believe I would be good for this role.

Ultimately, GoFree is a community like no other. For me personally, it would be a privilege to have the chance to give back to the community which has given so much to me.

~ Ben (King)

About me

My name is Ben and I am a 20 year old Uni student, studying Mathematics at the University of Bath.

In my free time I like to play the piano, I have played since I was 4 and I honestly know how to play way too many anime intros... When I'm not being a weeb or doing maths,
I can often be found surfing on GoFree servers. :) I love to play volleyball and badminton, and I used to complete Rubik's cubes competitively (don't laugh).

Referred by
Ingame name иѕ · ƒs ٠ Itachi ˣᴰ

Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/Baconator888/

SteamID Baconator888

Age 23

Location Spain

English knowledge Advanced

Other languages Spanish, Catalan, currenty learning russian

Timezone UTC +2 CEST

Favourite GoFree Surf Servers All of them, specially 3-8 tier servers and 64t servers so i don't forget my surf origins

Past admin experience
I used to be admin back in Konvict Gaming surf servers, around 2013-ish? Then became admin on Counter Strike Network (CSN) around 2014 for 3 or 4 years. After that i decided to take a break (because of my neck pains) of maybe a year and then stepped out of the "administration" related stuff to focus only on my skills when i got back around late 2018

I think i could be a decent addition to your server because of my judgement when it comes to surf administration thanks to my +7 years experience. Although i can be a little bit harsh to people who randomly join a server and rtv out of the blue, which triggers me quite a bit (specially when i'm alone surfing, hence why my chat log might be kinda tainted in that aspect). I've had the opportunity to meet lots of great guys who had a big impact during my teenager stage, so i really developed deep fellings regarding surf, that's why i want to take care of it and look after surfers who try to beat themselves everyday.

About me
Just a 23 y.o spanish guy who loves surfing and getting to know new people. Currently studying Criminal Psychology and ex-semi pro csgo professional player. Funny guy although my limits of "black-humour" could be a bit questionable for some people xd. Love to travel and practice Taekwondo (martial art).

Referred by No one actually. I know several admins but i just thought i could apply
Ingame name xsu., grant (changes from time to time between the two)

Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198965639095/

SteamID 76561198965639095

Age 15

Location United States

English knowledge Advanced

Other languages N/A

Timezone North America East

Favourite GoFree Surf Servers I normally play Utopia, Mesa, Kitsune, or the Tier 1

Past admin experience

I've seen the question in the servers about if you want to apply for admin so I thought I would give it a shot and see what happens. I think it would be pretty cool and be able to join a community of surfers.

About me
I play cs:go a bunch and I mainly surf and try and have a good time. I'm pretty physically active most of the time and ya in my free time I play cs:go.

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