Ingame name RiftIsOffline
Steam profile link
SteamID STEAM_0:1:560953321
Age Ask Paul
Location US
English knowledge Advanced
Other languages No other
Timezone CST
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Utopia and tier 1-2
Past admin experience
I have been admin on a lot of discord servers (with the biggest being 2000 and growing.) As well as admin on mc servers.
Although I've taken a break recently to play Minecraft, I am usually quite active on surf. Now - ignoring the sheer amount of mic spammers, racists, and general toxicity (oh boy there's more) being a female gets me a decent amount of shit myself. There have been times ill be in the server and have 6-8 people at a time telling me to kill myself and go back to the kitchen; being general grievances to me and my friends' playtime. It get's really annoying when anyone starts a conversation and cant get two words out before someone screams the N word (amongst a life depleting amount of other slurs - like really, how do people know so many racial slurs?)
It doesn't help I usually get on the server from 11pm to 3 or 4am sometimes, and there are never admins online, let alone ones that can assist. When there are, they aren't always on the server and doing !calladmin takes a few minutes to get anyone on (if at all) and usually needs to be done more than once to get any attention. Now, as someone in a position of reviewal, I'm sure I don't have to tell you about the amount of ear bleeding screaming that can be done in just a few minutes is truly remarkable - and I am shocked the amount of people on CSGO aren't the majority of people who go deaf early on. It would be much quicker if there was already someone on to remedy the situations that come up, no?
Usually, the amount of toxicity doesn't bother me, sure it's really annoying and agitating; but I haven't even started on when it get's worse than just "shut the fuck up" or go kill yourself," one of the worst cases being when someone had heard about one of my best friends dying (which was a story on its own) and would say stuff about him; taunting his death. This happened many times, and I only ever successfully got an admin on for it once. They would say stuff about how he deserved to die, etc.
Because it was a group, I couldn't vote mute them - I couldn't stand up for myself or do anything to stop it since any time I pushed my p2t I would be immediately interrupted. Many times. It was moments like these where it went from really annoying or inconvenient to down right depressing and it made the game not fun for me, because although I enjoy surfing what makes it fun (and I am sure anyone would agree) is the communication in comms, which you simply cant get with an entire group attacking everything you do and say.
And I am not the only one who has endured this, friends, even people I have never met I've seen have similar struggles - not being able to enjoy a game without a surplus of toxicity rushing in on them. I have met a lot of friends on surf, and I mean a lot. I even met some of my best friends on gofree, people I talk to every day. But, it is saddening to me that the opportunity for me to meet the few like the friends I have now is shrinking, and I just want to be able to do something about it. I want to widen the opportunity for not only myself, but for others, because being bullied out of playing CS, or any game for that matter, is disheartening.
About me
If I am being honest, I don't know a lot about myself collectively. I have a habit to get philosophical - according to my friends, and they say it makes me sound crazy. We've talked about the standards of beauty, the idealization of relationships, whether life is black and white (like yes and no), the affect of mental health as an impact (there's more); and honestly those conversations are in which I have the most fun. I enjoy talking about - to anybody will listen, the wonders of world and the things it offers we have yet to fully comprehend. I have unnatural beliefs like McDonalds is a yucky restaurant and there are in fact other ways of handling anger than yelling, you CAN say sorry when you're in the wrong Becky - and I sleep with and without socks on; depends on the day. (I know, I'm a monster. I ask you refrain from burning me at the stake)
Oh, and my name is Rae. Nice to meet you.
Referred by Paul, Aquarius