[Go-Free SURF servers] Admin Application

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Ingame name Bacon Bits
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/CC4TheWIN/
Age 16
Location United States

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages N/A
Timezone Eastern
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Surf_Kitsune
Past admin experience
I'm an admin on one of my friends discord server (crashey area) it has easily over 100 people.
I want to be an admin because I would like to take responsibility and I want to be apart of a good community. I've been playing on these servers for a good amount of time and I would love to take control and do what is right for the server.
About me
My name is Cole and I am a freshman in high school. Over the summer I built my computer which led me to go to a technical school to learn more about computers and IT. I play football and lacrosse and I love to surf and play CS:GO. I'm also a big Lil Uzi Vert fan so you can test me on his songs.
Referred by
Ingame name Dra'nakyuek
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/41247912
SteamID 41247912
Age 21
Location United Kingdom

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages None
Timezone UTC +0
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Surf Beginner lately getting points up
Past admin experience
Just Discord servers but same thing applys in my opinion. Servers had 30k+ members.
I play on the servers a lot and usually when im on the voice chat is unbarable it would just be nice to be able to keep the server a fun place to be and not have to disable vc completely.
About me
Main hobby is fitness as it ties in my with my job, also gaming when i can which lately is a lot of the time since lockdown haha.
Referred by
Ingame name Dynasty
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/notdynasty/
SteamID 76561198375944769
Age 25
Location United States

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages Basic French / Spanish
Timezone EST
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Rookie is my favorite but I enjoy them all
Past admin experience
About year ago I applied for admin on GoFree and for that time ive also had VIP commands.

Years ago I was a basic mod for AbyssNetwork with Mute/Kick/Suspend commands.

Outside of admin experience for surfing servers I am a twitch mod [multiple channels], discord admin [5k+ members], highly vouched on sythe.org and I also run a small discord myself for a group of online gamers.
When I originally joined the server (Over a year ago) it seemed to be very welcoming. I enjoyed that and I would like to mirror that experience for every user that comes online to play.

Throughout my time on the servers ive encountered a fair amount of toxicity, racism and just harassment. I have tried my best to help in these situations by having conversations and asking them to stop as well as using VIP commands to attempt to deter any further issues but in some cases im unable to get the issue resolved and as an admin I would be able to create the total solution.

I want to help everyone on the server have good time and actually enjoy learning and getting better without
unneeded "obstacles" and I genuinely believe earning "GoFree Admin" will benefit the community and GoFree.
About me
Im 25 and I live on the east coast of the US.

I have been playing console/PC games for over 16 years.

I have a work history with YouTube(Machinima), Google and Microsoft.

I do not play CS:GO online competitively. In fact I only play community servers but 99% of that consists of surfing within the GoFree servers.

I own a small IT company and work from home the majority of the time so Im able to be available on the computer almost 24/7

Outside of work and PC games I drag race seasonally!

If you guys have anymore questions about me or my prior history in gaming, work or administration please feel free to reach out! (Discord: Dynasty#8603) Also my UID is in my signature.

Thank you so much for your time!
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Ingame name cosmin2468
Steam profile link http://steamcommunity.com/id/ cosmin2468 /
SteamID 76561198256721564
Age 15
Location Ireland

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages Perfectly fluent.
Timezone +01:00
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers I mostly play on surf kitsune and surf utopia.
Past admin experience

I want to become an admin on this server because I enjoy helping people whenever I am able to. I know there are a lot of people that do not respect the rules and ruin the experience for other players, so I want to be able to help the community have a good time playing on these servers. I am also really active on the GoFree Surf Servers (I play at least 2 or 3 hours everyday).
About me
I enjoy playing CSGO surf and other games, I am 15 years of age, if someone asks me for help I will do my best to help them, I like to talk to people and have fun while at it.
Referred by None of my friends are online at the moment Im typing this.
Ingame name ItsJustMeJaay
Steam profile link http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198313725912
SteamID 76561198313725912
Age 15
Location United Kingdom, Wales

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages N/A
Timezone British Summer Time ( BST )
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers kitsune and Utopia
Past admin experience
I've been an administrator with communities that differ from the CS:GO scene. They we're mainly within discord servers or Teamspeak servers.. But they were involved within the gaming scene.
To be entirely honest; i love gaming, i love the gofree servers and I spend most of my hours on there... So why wouldn't i want to help out the community and possibly make it better?

Besides, there is nothing worse than being on a surf server chilling with a few people and then someone joins and starts shouting down the mic with outrageous stuff.. i'd rather be able to stop them in their tracks rather than just be a sitting duck and let everyone suffer.
About me
Hello, my name is Jay. I am currently 15 years old and i guess here is a few things about myself.

I spend around 80% of my time on my computer playing csgo surf servers. Its just a wonderful place to meet new people and just chill.

if I'm not gaming, I'm typically on discord making a bunch of jokes to make people laugh or I'm browsing through Reddit.

I am just someone who loves to have a laugh ( within moderation, of course ) and make everyone forget about all the shit that is going on in the world #GoAwayCoronaVirus
Referred by ✪ Spicy [Selling] (He's a good mate, so you could ask him)
Ingame name wadiyatalkinabeet
Steam profile link http://steamcommunity.com/id/andrewian99/
SteamID 76561198103128019
Age 21
Location United Kingdom

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages No other languages
Timezone UTC+1
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Utopia 24/7
Past admin experience
Voluntary admin on a site named Freecycle. Moderated multiple groups of real locations in the UK. Approved/declined posts whilst following the guidelines. Removed spam posts and made the group a better place for members to post their unwanted items.
I've always had an interest in being in a role such as an admin/moderator. Being in that role on a game I like to play in one of my favorite servers has really caught my interest. I have a lot of free time on my hands at the moments and I'm more than willing to put my time into something like this.
About me
My name is Andrew and I am 21 years old. I live in the United Kingdom. A couple of my hobbies include playing games, listening to music, playing sports and coding/software development. I'm not currently in a job due to medical issues but in my last job I worked in sales. My preferred job would be working as a software engineer and I spend some of my days working towards that goal.
Referred by
Ingame name Michaiel
Steam profile link http://steamcommunity.com/id/itzfrapiz
SteamID STEAM_1:1:95241917
Age 18
Location United States

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages none
Timezone EST (GMT-4)
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Tier 1-2 Easy Surf
Past admin experience
I have been an admin on previous surf servers. I have also been an Administrator for forums as well.
I would love to admin on this server because I first started surfing on Mesa 24/7. I learned on these servers and have been here for about 4 years now. I also am in college for IT and want to become something in administrating. I also love to keep a clean server, who wants to calmly surf with mic spammers?
About me
My name is Josh, I am 18 and currently going to college. I have been surfing for about 4 years now and it has become very addicting. I love cars and own a bmw myself that I love. I also hope to become one of the next admins!
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Ingame name SH8D
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198273087230/
SteamID STEAM_0:0:156410751
Age 19
Location Sweden

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages I speak Swedish and English.
Timezone (GMT+2)
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Surf meza 24/7, Kitsune 24/7, Utopia 24/7.
Past admin experience
I got some knowledge on how to use certain commands by having my own server for a bit.
Iv'e always enjoyed playing on your servers and i've played a good bit on them aswell. I just feel like i'm playing a pretty good amount on your servers and i thought to my self, why not apply for admin i know the commands i know the rules and i just feel like i can help people out that way while still enjoying surfing.
About me
My name is Wiliam i'm from Stockholm Sweden and i'm 19 years old. I work as an IT consultant and a graphics designer. I've been playing CSGO since 2008 and played surf since 2013 when CSGO came out.
Referred by
Ingame name X12 Blizzard
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198877778710/
SteamID x12_blizzard
Age 14
Location United States

English knowledge Intermediate
Other languages German
Timezone (-5:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Kitsune 24/7
Past admin experience

I have been helping out a lot of people recently on kitsune 24/7 and have a good time overall. I would really just like to help the surf community out a little bit more.
About me
I'm almost 15, I don't stay inside all day i actually do fun things like sports and hangout with friends. But whenever someone needs help i am there to help them. I don't have a job so this would be my main priority. :)
Referred by
Ingame name Danny
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/kocvevo/
SteamID STEAM_1:1:81772960
Age 19
Location United Kingdom

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages Basic Russian
Timezone GMT
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers 1-2 Mixed, 3-6 mixed, 1-6 mixed, kitsune, utopia (EU unless someone is playing on NA and wants me to join)
Past admin experience
Admin of a popular ARMA 3 server from 2016-17, 100+ players daily, thousands in the database
As stated in my last application, I am on the server every day. I have since become friends with alot of the regulars and i'd say im well known on the server now; from helping new players, to helping regulars learn skips and helping keep the server free from toxicness using VIP features.I have had a few people since then telling me to apply for admin if i havent already. i overall just want to be part of the growing community and be able to help out wherever i can, it has seemed to get alot more popular during this lockdown period and id be more than happy to assist with the current admins. Also about the chat logs, since that was what got me denied last time, i was talking to a friend and we were just joking, I assumed it wouldnt have affected my application but i now realise from an outside view into the one sided chat logs, it can seem toxic. My bad, Since then ive been very careful in what i say and I apologise for any misunderstandings/ what seemed to be toxic <3
About me
So as said in the last app, nothing has really changed. Im waiting to start the army and got my date delayed until after May at the earliest, giving me lots of free time. Im 19, been playing PC for about 9 years and recently started surfing again roughly 2 months ago maybe. Pretty sure im addicted at this point.
Referred by Sup m8, Splitzey, Paul, Naba, Josh
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Reactions: Splitzey
Ingame name Comrade Communist
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/0xemma/
SteamID STEAM_1:0:111557289
Age 15
Location NB, Canada

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages A little french
Timezone UTC-4
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers tier 1-2, rookie 24/7, utopia 24/7
Past admin experience
Have been admin on multiple large gmod community aswell as multiple large Discord Communitys
I'd like to be a admin to try and help with some of the stupid on utopia 24/7, to help the server ive spent alot of time on. I really want to help the amazing community within go-free and make it a more enjoyable place to be.
About me
i am a student currently, aspiring to go into the field of pentesting, currently OSCP certified working on OSCE overall tech nerd
Referred by
Ingame name Splitzey
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/Splitzey/
SteamID 76561198878133378
Age 15( 16 end of month)
Location Ireland

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages N/A
Timezone UTC+01:00
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers I play all EU servers and most NA servers apart from ones like 1-6
Past admin experience
I think that I have became more mature in this server as time has progressed.
I still feel like i would be would be a great addition to the admin team. I feel this way because I try to help out as much as possible on the server despite me not being an admin.
This is my 4th time applying and i really do hope that it helps in showing my motivation for being an admin as i believe that it shows my dedication.

I am a lot more mature then the first time i applied over a year ago, i have learned a lot by surfing on go free and i feel like I get on well with everybody on the server and i am known in the server.

I am aware that my chat log isn't amazing but i am working to improve on it as i feel it may hinder my application in being accepted.
I have been surfing on go free for over a year now and I have a lot of play time on the server.

Despite me not being an admin/VIP, I do try to help out on the server, whether it be with people not following the rules or just even mic spamming. I am also trying to be more active in the discord as to be honest I never used to use much at all.
About me
Hey, my name is Patrick ,i am from Ireland and i am 15, 16 the end of the month.
I like to spend a lot of my time on CS:GO and just playing PC games in general.
I only have 1 year left of secondary school, and i am then hopping to take a year of for myself.

Myself am not sure what i want do after school but it would probably be involved with computers.
I have about 800 hours in CS:GO.

I have been playing games for around 10 years so around when i was 5.
Referred by Danny, 6k :7,Paul.
Ingame name Bacon Bits
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/CC4TheWIN/
SteamID STEAM_1:0:137443740
Age 16
Location United States

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages none
Timezone Eastern Time zone
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Surf_Kitsune
Past admin experience
I am an admin on my friends discord server which has over 100 people.
My favorite game is CS:GO and I've been playing it since 2016. I've always been astonished when i would see videos of people surfing and that made me want to have a go at it. Kitsune is my favorite map and I would love to take a responsibility into my hands and show my leadership skills in doing what is right for the server and making sure the server is nice and clean.
About me
I am a freshman in high school and I am working in an IT class to learn more about computers and telecom. I play both Football and Lacrosse and I am an overall active person. In my alone time I'm always playing some sort of game on my PC. I've worked as a ski instructor this winter and I know what it is like to help someone that's struggling on a hill and on a level they can't get past.
Referred by
Ingame name xAntay
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198960143461/
SteamID 76561198960143461
Age 15
Location toronto canada

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages none
Timezone est
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers surf mesa
Past admin experience

Because some people scream or mic spams and it pisses me off but thats the biggest reason why
About me
umm loser that stays home and plays gamed
Referred by nope
Ingame name poboi
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/poboi06/
SteamID poboi06
Age 14
Location California

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages Very limited Spanish
Timezone UTC-7
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Utopia, tier 1-2 surf
Past admin experience
Managing 2 discord servers in the past
I've been surfing on them for a while and I feel Indebted to the org and want to pay back all of the fun hours I've had on the servers.
About me
Hey im poboi, Im a 14 year old kid that loves video games and making others laugh. Along with cs I play osu! and overwatch. I also like anime.
Referred by
Ingame name PeppyFuzzball34
Steam profile link http://steamcommunity.com/id/peppyfuzzball/
SteamID 76561198968691435
Age 15
Location United States

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages A small amount of Spanish
Timezone New York - Eastern Daylight Time
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Kitsune, tier 1-2
Past admin experience
I play very often on the servers and want to help make the server less toxic, so I would like to become an admin in order to make the servers more enjoyable for others.
About me
I am in my high school drumline, and I have encouraged many of my friends to join these servers.
Referred by N/A
Ingame name Person
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/Eggto2rg9297n2ech8xd1j79cdw/
SteamID Eggto2rg9297n2ech8xd1j79cdw
Age 28
Location UK

English knowledge Intermediate
Other languages None
Timezone UTC +1 BST British Summer Time London
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Surf utopia
Past admin experience
Used to be admin on a TF2 trade server before it got shut down.
I would like to be a admin on your servers because i like helping out people who need help and i try to help in anyway i could and i think i could be helpful to the servers.
About me
My hobbies are exercise (cycling or running)
I like to watch Anime sometimes
Referred by
Ingame name dann1e
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/dannie123/
SteamID STEAM_1:1:245990105
Age 16
Location UK

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages Romanian
Timezone GMT/BST
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Utopia
Past admin experience

I play this server every day, and I find that there are no admins at times. I would like to be an admin to make sure that the server is running fine. I like to help people.
About me
I am a mature surfer who has been surfing on and off for 2 years. I like to help people who don't know how to surf. I know how to impose sanctions if needed.
Referred by
Ingame name nate
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/protests/
SteamID STEAM_0:0:79598518
Age 15
Location United States

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages Some Spnish
Timezone Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) -0400 UTC
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers 24/7 Kitsune US
Past admin experience
Was an admin before and got removed from the team for inactivity.
I have started playing again more recently and am noticing all of the mic spam and whenever I call admin I never get a response. I would like to help out a keep the mic spam to a minimum.
About me
I play basketball and like to ski. I also like playing CS:GO and PUBG for fun even though I suck at both.
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