maps | List + Add/Remove requests!

hi, there is a list of the maps of the v1

------------ in the Nominate List ------------


------------ Special Maps ------------

And for my part i request the remove of Temple, desert prodigy, forgotten town and Marbble.

temple: Too big, bad-made but beautiful map
desert prodigy: very too big and hard-camp spots
forgotten town: too big and so much hard-camp spots
Marbble: Unplayable with the respawn

thanks for taking a look a that ;)
I agree very much with forgotten town! Bad map for our servers..
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Here's some -personal- toughts about the subject :

If Marbble is bad, then cbble is too since they're tooo similar !!

Forgotten is worst in v3 with all the awp campers, so I dont see why you dont like it for v1... Personally I think it have quite nice open space for hunting, with a few hard spots, i agree on that, but in general it still good

Same goes for temple...

However I cant speak about desert :>

You must know that only few maps meets the strict v1 requirements, so it'll be easy to remove maps that are not "perfect" but it's almost impossible to replace them ! people will endup playing only the same few maps again and again (even now they're complaining about this fact)

It would be great if we find someone who is willing to fix some maps so they fit our servers (v1 mainly), but till then, the problem will persist :-/

Cheers <3
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hi ennisay, i feel what you want to mean about marbble, its the same kind of map as cbble and rush too. But i don't know why, the respawn systems looked specifically boring on marbble for me atm the moment that i played it... ( too much bloks on the doors ) and the gameplay was like very "chaotic". Maybe just a bad hour with a lot of blokers atm i don't know.
For about forgotten town, i agree that it can be worst to play in the v3... but awp and auto-sniper are a major part of the v3 and if you and some others players don't like it too, feel free to request a remove like me ! ;-).
For my part i pratically never play in the v3... so i care, submit ideas and stuffs only for the v1 atm... And for finish about Temple, hm, this map serve simply to nothing for me... beautiful environment in it but bad made and campy as hell. at each time that this played a lot of players leave...
And for the fact that its hard to find some good maps for the v1, there is a lot availiable ... (look at para's list on previous posts). They maybe need some fixes by a mapper and as you mean it looks that eh don't have one. What about Wolfram ? he made maps completely and fixed a lot. Some of his maps are on the v2 and in special on v1 v2 v3. Maybe that he is not still active for eh i don't know.
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Didn't know that forgotten town was in v1 also. It wasn't before..

It could stay at V1 :cool: when there no snipers are.
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I've added a new map to v1 zm_veskerland_v1_1 feel free to test it out.

//Speedox, zizoun, we will look at your map requestes soon.
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zm_natalyas_ship_v4Added to v1 and v3, has broke the server's physics + low fps ... Removed till a fix maybe...
zm_subway_b3 verry nice map but verry big... Rejected

zm_cocktail_v3 Looks nice, Added to v1 and v3, yet to test for real... (We tried it after natalya, but server was broken already)
zm_AnotherMapbyScarFed_v1b Added to v3 only => There's an big ERROR sign, when people ran into it, the game crashed for them (Thanks to Easy)
zm_paper_town Added to v1 and v3, yet to test for real

All added maps are available to admins only as special maps
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Suggestion: Removal of zm_marbble_v2.

Reason: Block, after the respawn plugin got added, lots of zombies started to block the small doors, so the respawned cts who can't shoot, can't get past them. This way the cts gets trapped and infected.


agree with Klovn - next to the fact that marbble is kinda laggy if server is full, it seems to have insufficient spawn places. "All teams are full" make it difficult to join a team (havent had this problem last 3 weeks but I was less active and havent played marbble on full server).

Maybe replace it (on v3) by EH Fast and put it to special map list?

Further suggestion: Methinks following maps could be added to v3 nomination list (although they are campy, they do fit v3's gameplay):
- zm_westwood_final (we need more small maps for late night and players like it)
- zm_little_italy_v3 (small and funny too)
- zm_eh_fast_final (already regular map on v1)
- zm_farm3_nav72_unlim (got some hard spots, but - tell me if I am wrong - stats are pretty much balanced)

Last but not least: Is it possible to re-activate special maps zm_fubar_towers_v5 & zm_dust2_papys_aperos4_2? Both maps like marbble dont provide 64 spawns but are a welcome variety at night, if servers are not full. Maybe put them in an extra map menu, to prevent sleepy admins from picking them at prime time xD.
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eya ,

I was thinking about a new map one that is not simply a square. Thats why I created this map you can take a look if you like. I've made a corridor kinda hospital/underground base. In the main rooms I stuffed some boxes so ppl can camp/be safe from the zombies (like in ccble). I also added a door with a code pad on it the code is 1,2,3,5 when you open this door there is a shotgun for the humans they can use it 8 times to push back the zombies (special wep ofc XD). I've also added a elevator that goes to 3 floors 1 with boxes and 1 with entrance of base (you cant exit but the entrance is a good hiding/run to spot). I also made some little passage ways for zombies to move easier from room to room. Not like in cbble or the rest where you just walk in circles.
I hope you like it and please let me know what you think its free to put it on the list. =P

kind regards,

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eya ,

I was thinking about a new map one that is not simply a square. Thats why I created this map you can take a look if you like. I've made a corridor kinda hospital/underground base. In the main rooms I stuffed some boxes so ppl can camp/be safe from the zombies (like in ccble). I also added a door with a code pad on it the code is 1,2,3,5 when you open this door there is a shotgun for the humans they can use it 8 times to push back the zombies (special wep ofc XD). I've also added a elevator that goes to 3 floors 1 with boxes and 1 with entrance of base (you cant exit but the entrance is a good hiding/run to spot). I also made some little passage ways for zombies to move easier from room to room. Not like in cbble or the rest where you just walk in circles.
I hope you like it and please let me know what you think its free to put it on the list. =P

kind regards,


Hello, Enissay and i tested the map, and it has potential, but it needs a few fixes.

I made a video of some of the things that needs to be fixed.

1st) when you open the secret room, you can't get out again, and you can't get into it again later, so if ct's goes in there they can't get out, and zombies can't get in.

2nd) The elevator, it's quite buggy, sometimes it doesn't stop by the next room, and sometimes you can get stuck in the roof. Imo it should be removed totally, and replaced with stairs like in zm_officeattack, where there are stairs that connect all 3 floors. Also perhaps more than 1, so you can get up from different places in the map.

3rd) The second top floor, perhaps remove it or add something to it, for now it's nothing.

4rd) The top-floor, perhaps add something to it? The floor is also quite buggy, you can't run normal on it.

5th) The tubes, they're quite decent, but you can't get into them, i think it would make the map pretty awesome if you could.

6th) The special weapon, if you can do something so you can get rid of it again.

Else nice job, an update would be nice imo, get a few things fixed, the elevator would be spammed and bugged way to much now, and ct's would be unreachable in the save room. Also dark maps are usually not popular, if you want then perhaps fix it and make it brighter, but it's up to you as it's your map, but for now we won't add it.

Regards Klovn aka Red Devilz
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Imma edit the map this weekend to the suggestions you made. And im creating a tunnel map you have to run across to open the door at the spawn to activate a nuke everyonein the room is safe and will survive the nuke. Maybe something new for EH kinda survival of the fittest.

Kind regards,

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done editing the map took some time but I think its finished now. I left the elevators out and added some stairs I updated all doors they not buggy any more. And I added a vent that goes from the left to right and you can also drop out in the middle.
take a look if you want and feel free to add it on the list. =P

kind regards,
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Hello, i took a look at the map and as i said before, the map has potential, but it still needs a few fixes before it's done.

I made a video again.

If you can update these things then i'll add it to v1 an v3 as specialmap, and if it gets popular enough, it may can get on the nominate-list on v1.

1) The tubes, so you can get into all of them, and go through them.

2) The entry to the vent at 7:30 in the video, it's quite hard to get into.

3)The vent at 9:00 You can't get over the "opening" you will fall down no matter what.

4) The door on the top, you can bug it by spamming "e"(the button you use to open doors) so those on the other side can't open it.

If you somehow can fix those few issues then it will be added to the servers.


Regards Klovn aka Red Devilz
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