[CS:S (ALL)] Mayhem
Ingame name: Mayhem (it can change to other things but main one for now is Mayhem.
Steam username: I don't wish to give
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:65489651
Age: 15 16 on spetember 1st
English knowledge: Intermediate
Other languages: Little bit of german french spanish and that about it
Previous bans: Teaming and barricade destoying
3 bans in total
Past admin experience: I was a GD EH and DH admin
ex admin for EH
GD still normal admin
DH i was admin within the server so worked partnership with them
Motivation: Hello everyone.
I'd like to say I have taken my thought of re-applying because I wish to show you all that I can be a great admin, and I want to show you all that I have the ability to redeem myself.
With EH, I have given a month and a bit with all of you. I got insulted by other admins, I was un-professional, I was rude to everyone and in most cases to the whole community. It was rough within EH for me as I've never been in authority of such a big community, with all of these rules. I have taken my time to review over and over what I did wrong. As you all know I was quite a bad admin, I admit it; I was horrible and probably the worst admin for EH. I gave EH the wrong look. I made people feel uncomfortable and I am back to rise to the challenge, to get along with everyone, and to look after this community once more.
I have noticed a few times when I go onto the server there are no admins online/in-game. I have experienced some really annoying factors in the game today. People blocking, player shooting props into me which got me killed with a lot of other players, and sometimes insults, which shouldn't be allowed. I have sometimes told people in chat to stop and help out when admins are not online.
I am active once again. I have risen from the dead as they say it, and I'm back to help out this community to behave this time and to actually help others instead of make situations worse.
I have been talking to Havoc to see if I should return being an admin. I have been having doubts of what might happen if I do. I feel like I will be insulted once more. I feel like I will be a nobody. I feel scared in a way.
If I did get accepted back as an admin, I wish to show you all that I can do better and I can help people that are seriously in need. I want to help members of the community.
I am really sorry for what has happened in the past with me. I've changed matured and I sure as hell can show you I have. I'm ready for that one more chance with you all.
If you don’t know me already, I am Angel DeathKing. I'm not the best person in the world. I know that, but I can show you I can be, in-game, out of game and wherever possible. I even done bans and gags while in class, which isn’t allowed in my school!
This one more chance will develop my admin skills, the ability to cope with multiple tasks at a time when sorting out player’s questions, doing (un)ban/gag requests in-game or sorting out rule breaking in-game. I want to work with all of you once again. I want to help everyone out once more; be able to work with other admins; be able to know the limits till I’m in the wrong, to have loads of fun in game with people that don't rule break and to help those in need.
I am here for the community. I have helped a little but I want to help this community loads more than just a little. This community is probably the best and The only way to succeed in becoming the best we need to work as a team to make it the greatest community. We need to make the people feel that they are welcome to make them feel that they're actually enjoying themselves and not just feel like they're being played within the game.
Lastly I want to make the game much more enjoyable by doing special maps, cutting the rule breaking and to make this game much more enjoyable.
Thank you to all the admins that bothered to read this and I hope I can redeem myself.
Referred by: Havoc
About me: Hello, my name is Davy. Im from England. I'm 15 but very nearly 16 which will be
on the 1st of September. I'm obviously a male ^^. I go to school but at the moment as you all should know it’s the holiday so I’m spending time on the EH server now.
I have been playing CSGO with some friends of mine and Havoc is a noob (Just to tell everyone. Joking but he is bad

.) I have been very depressed over the last few months and I guess I still am. I have been thinking of committing suicide and well it didn’t happen. I have lately been taking my time researching and being a geek type person.
I have been in my school Rugby team and we won a trophy for second place. I am proud of all the team for this.
I am a very lovely person when it comes to normal chats and can be funny. I have lately had a very bright side of me and made my ex gf laugh so much. most people would Throw their ex aside but I don't forget people and I keep myself alongside my friends and family.
Some say I’m cute some say I'm an ass but I'm a great person really. I just have those moments where I don’t feel good and I feel the worst ever.
I have been told that I look way older than I actually am, because I have a beard and well my face just looks like I’m 19 or 20.
Thank you once again for reading this.
Favourite Server: Zombie Hunting V1, Zombie Hunting V3, CBBLE only 100Tick V5, Zombie Riot [EX V2]