[Recruitment] Counter-Strike: Source (ALL)

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Ingame name JUNIOЯ'
Steam username xx_xartof_xx
SteamID STEAM_0:1:29157775
Age 23
Location France

English knowledge Intermediate
Other languages French
Previous bans
Past admin experience
Let's briefly summarize (From the farthest to the most recent) :

- ZgF (ZeGamerFun) : Administrator on a Minigame server (Team destroyed)
- CA$H : Administrator on a Minigame server (Team destroyed)
- NDS (National Deagle Shooters) : Administrator on a DeathMatch RPG Server (Destroyed Team)
- ĤΣŁŁ'Ź (Zombie-Hell Community) : Administrator on a ZombieMode and FFA (Only de_dust2) server (I decided to leave)
I have a lot of motivations, I will start with the server :

I think there is a very good admin presence, they do very well their "job of admins". Solidary, listening, and sometimes crazy ^^
Of course, as in any server there can be overflows (cheating, insults, Porn / Racist Sprays) and each admin has a life outside the computer, and I can be present that day on the server to avoid any problems, and remind some, the good manners ..

Then the forum :

The forum is clean, I like to read the conversations and, I want to suggest ideas (for servers) that could perhaps please. These ideas I do not want to talk on the forum publicly, because I've already been stolen "things" in other forums .. knowing that the zombie server V3 works well, it's not impossible that it happens ..
I also want to participate in the ideas of other admins, if there are, with my point of view of a 23 year old kid, who has already spent 1 year of his life on counter strike: source :')
About me
My name is Thibaud, I am 23 years old and I am a beautiful French male. I am currently looking for a job, I do not know how it is in other countries, but in France it is a real problem

I always found time to play computer (For the curious, you could see my hours on CS: S ^^), outside the computer, I often go out with friends, meet up, change the ideas .. (like most people on earth I think)
I love graphics, I find it fascinating ! If I am accepted, it will be with pleasure that I will offer my services ^^

In Game my name is JUNIOЯ', it will be 10 years that I have this nickname. I started playing in 2009 under the nickname "Kenny", which quickly became "Junior". This nickname comes from "My Wife And Kids", a series that I immediately hooked, and especially Junior who immediately attracted me with his absurd humor

I can write a novel but it is not the goal, I am open to any questions if you have any !
Referred by DeltaForce
Favourite Server Zombie Hunting V3
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Reactions: original Lodo
Ingame name Svetoi
Steam username Svrtoi2010
SteamID STEAM_0:1:21532120
Age 32
Location Kazakhstan

English knowledge Beginner
Other languages Russian
Previous bans
Chat for 30 minutes, I was drunk
Past admin experience

I just wanted it) But seriously, there are no admins when I play, and others interfere with playing. it is sad . always record demos? this is a consequence. The game will ban the player for 1 day but only 2 days after he did it) lol
About me
To write about myself, what's the difference that I write? because this is my point of view, it is possible to write what is acceptable, but it will not be true, I see no reason to write something. it will all be subjective, I am as I am. Is it necessary to tell everything as at an appointment with a psychologist? people to judge by business and not by conversation.
Referred by
Favourite Server Zombie Hunting V3
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Reactions: original Lodo
Ingame name 彡King ™ / ¤ØBeggaؤ
Steam username ¤ØBeggaؤ
SteamID STEAM_0:1:36997966
Age 23
Location Germany

English knowledge Intermediate
Other languages German /English
Previous bans
I know of no banns
Past admin experience
unfortunately not
I want to become an administrator on your servers because I want to help in the community. I've been playing a lot on your servers lately and I really love both the community and the players! For me, it's important to give something back when you enjoy yourself what other people have spent both time and money to build. So being an administrator is the best way I think I can do that.
About me
I am 23 years old and come from Germany near Frankfurt. After my school, I started an apprenticeship as a mechanic and successfully completed it. at the moment I am preparing for my master's examination and hope that I will pass it. otherwise I regularly go to the gym and play football with my friends. if you want to know more about me you can ask
Referred by ghssanyhea, Virus
Favourite Server Zombie Hunting V3
Ingame name NR______1
Steam username [ΞD] NR______1
SteamID 76561198373487794
Age 44
Location Norway

English knowledge Beginner
Other languages Turkish, Norwegian
Previous bans
Helped zombies once and got 1 day ban. (not my proudest moment)
Past admin experience
no experience.
I play almost everyday and I have been in top 10 players for a long time. Everybody knows me as Superman ingame.
About me
Middle aged turkish man that lives in Norway. My english is not very good, but I manage with what I can. My love for Zombie games are too much.
Referred by
Favourite Server Zombie Hunting V1, Zombie Hunting V3
Ingame name Bouncer
Steam username laz_boy
SteamID STEAM_1:1:15350058
Age 28
Location Germany

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages German, Turkish
Previous bans

Past admin experience
I have been an admin on multiple other servers and games, nothing special to say, i did my job like i was supposed to, i either left out of losing interrest or the server shutting down.
My reasoning/motivation is that there have been mutliple rule breakers, fun destroyers, how ever you wish to call them on the servers. Often enough, there sadly is no admin online, and making a report would/will take too long to give them the right punishment in the time, they either leave or don't care. I'd want to sort out these problems as fast as i can, so people can enjoy the gameplay that the server provides.
About me
Im a professional chauffeur for different companies, for example bayer, McKinsey, mercedes etc.
I am normally working all the time, but when i have freetime, i'd play counter strike to relax from the daily routine.
Referred by I got information from a player called "easy" to apply here when i asked.
Favourite Server Zombie Hunting V1, Zombie Hunting V3, ZombieEscape
Ingame name EH Salem
Steam username sanad55415
SteamID https://steamcommunity.com/id/salemtheboss
Age 32
Location UAE/ Abu Dhabi

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages Arabic perfect
Previous bans
yeah for testing only to help build the server long time back
Past admin experience
yes I was a head admin but went for long vacation for 5 to 6 years.
1- I have admin experience
2- I learn from my mistakes and help to improve myself
3- I like to help people
4- I will watch for rule breakers and give them warning and if they kept on going for rule breaking then I would take the right decisions.
5- a lot of admins and people know my behavior and I would take admin seriously.
6- I would be gladly to help you guys in any ways to improve EH
About me
I am male 32 years old I was born in UAE, I like to help people, gaming, reading books and watching TV.
I work as an Engineer in my company and my background is Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineer.
Referred by EH Easy
Favourite Server Zombie Hunting V1, Zombie Hunting V3
Ingame name [Ξʜ] NorthernLight
Steam username ketchupboy89@hotmail.com
SteamID STEAM_0:1:1589327
Age 22
Location Germany

English knowledge Elementary
Other languages German
Previous bans
I never got a ban.
Past admin experience
I was admin here maybe 1 month ago, but quit for some reasons which i don't need to mention here.
Some years ago on a Rust Server, a few gmod servers, 1 cs:s and a cs:go server.
The community needs help, that is obvious, from my point of view. There are so many rule breakers and that's annoying af for me and the players who wants to play. I want to help the community and support delta with server work (if needed).
I can't play in peace anymore because people know i'm not admin anymore and getting annoying af with blocking following and blocking, jumping on my head and and and. i don't want to become an admin to be able to play in peace, i want to become an admin to stop such things that players can play the game without such "trolling".
About me
Hello Hello!

Most of you know me but, let's go:

My name is NorthernLight, mostly called North, Northern or Northy. My irl name is Justin and i'm 22 years old.

I'm from Berlin Germany.

I work atm in a big bakery so i'm mostly online at night, but i change my job this month.

I play so much overwatch atm, and yes i think that's all what i can say :- D
Referred by Easy (If it's still ok), Deltanoob
Favourite Server Zombie Hunting V1, Zombie Hunting V3, ScoutKniveZ
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Reactions: rhodo
Ingame name mohamed.
Steam username mohamed.
SteamID STEAM_0:0:516761474
Age 25
Location Palestine, Gaza

English knowledge Intermediate
Other languages Arabic
Previous bans
i don't have
Past admin experience
i'm admin on NiDE.GG Zombie Revivial (Server Admin)
I can help the server, and i'm a manager of some servers!
About me
Mohamed, Age: 25, from Palestine, Gaza,
Referred by aF! mohamed.
Favourite Server Zombie Hunting V1
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Reactions: unlozejenz
Ingame name croix
Steam username android0504
SteamID STEAM_0:1:54225593
Age 22
Location Croatia

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages Croatian, Slovenian, a bit of German & Italian
Previous bans
Past admin experience
Used to host my own CS:S servers few years ago where I've gained some of the admin experiences, and got familiar with sourcemod admin plugin as well.
Been admin 2 times on EH already but due to real ife obligations I was forced to step off.
I want to contribute to the community again as much as possible and support it by my in-game spent time. I am able to hop in the server at every time of the day.
I see situations throughout the day when no admins are online or insufficient ammount of them are online, so I think I could fill those gaps whenever possible.
I will tend to stay and do my admin service as long as possible, and if I will not be able to do so I will notify you on time and think more brightly than I did till now.
About me
I'm 22 years old coming from Croatia. I like to spend my free time watching sports, such as my favorite one; football. I like to play it with my friends from time to time. On the other side regarding to my job I am working as a martime nautical officer onboard the ships (switched to tankers recently). I've already sailed and visited most of the Asian countries during my apprenticeship, such as China, Vietnam...), as well as some of the European (Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, Finland...), and just recently I've also visited Venezuela, Morocco and many more. I can say that I really enjoyed it and I'm looking forward for some more. That's mostly it. If you've got any further questions about me regarding or regardless to this application feel free to reach out to me anytime.
Got some ups and downs when playing CS:S, that's why my stats are so weird such as I am from time to time.
My username will be croix and I will tend not to change it anymore. Got bored of my old one :)
Referred by N/A
Favourite Server Zombie Hunting V1, Zombie Hunting V3
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Reactions: unlozejenz
Ingame name M@$ter
Steam username thor794klon
SteamID 76561197995669422
Age 22
Location USA, IL, Chicago

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages Russian
Previous bans
Past admin experience
1 year on regular public de_dust2 server (2015-2016)
I play on the server everyday i most of the times there is no admin on server. Most of the gamers brake the rules or block so I was getting infected and even could say anything to admin. So I think im spending a lot of time (about 3-4 hours of straight game) over there and I could make sure that everyone follow the rules.
Thank you
About me
22 years old, love to play css zombie on my free time
Referred by
Favourite Server Zombie Hunting V3
Ingame name M@$ter
Steam username thor794klon
SteamID STEAM_0:1:35403694
Age 22
Location USA, IL, Chicago

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages Russian
Previous bans
Past admin experience
1 year on regular public de_dust2 server (2015-2016)
I play on the server everyday i most of the times there is no admin on server. Most of the gamers brake the rules or block so I was getting infected and even could say anything to admin. So I think im spending a lot of time (about 3-4 hours of straight game) over there and I could make sure that everyone follow the rules.
Thank you
About me
22 years old, love to play css zombie on my free time
Referred by
Favourite Server Zombie Hunting V3, ZombieEscape
Ingame name fEnG.
Steam username Kurt_2982
SteamID STEAM_0:1:169595694
Age 23
Location Bonn Germany

English knowledge Intermediate
Other languages Deutsch, Chinesich
Previous bans

Past admin experience
I was an admin on the Server like 2 years agao, but It wan't seccesful, because I wasn't taught how to use the command in the right way, and I was too young.

After 2 years, I return to this Server and this time, I'm ready to take the responsibilities, and make our server better and more welcome.
My motivation to becoming an admin are, to help players, to make our server better and more welcome to everyone.

And also to punish those, who break the rules.
About me
Hey Guys, I'm Feng and I turned 23 today.
At moment, I still go to the school, because my family moved to Germany 8 years agao.

On April 2020, I'll begin my Traineeship as nurse.
In my free time, I like to spend times my Family and my friends, and more important, to spend time on EH V3.
Referred by
Favourite Server Zombie Hunting V3
Ingame name AspectCSGO
Steam username jetspiderkid
SteamID 76561198805248599
Age 16
Location Utah United states

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages None I speak english thats it
Previous bans

Past admin experience
I have been a admin on some discord servers and other surf servers that shut down due to lack of money but also There was this game I played called Fivem which I was a admin on there for 2 years and such I have been staff on different server communitys and stuff for a while and I ca
Well I want to become a admin here to stop all the toxicity and to help people with stuff such as Where and stuff is the discord the forums how to navigate it and such also to stop rule breakers make sure people have a fun time and feel safe where they can come and just relax and surf listen to music and ride the waves and rollercoaster I have been playing on it for a while and I know how to surf also I have been playing CSGO For a while so yeah
About me
I am 16 I love to play Video Games also Basket Ball And Football I love to hang with sum of my friends and just enjoy life we only have a certain amount of time on this earth so enjoy it but surfing is where I can go to also relax and just get away escape I have been through some traumatic experiences but it never stopped me from achieving
Referred by No I dont no much people but i want to
Favourite Server Glass_War, ScoutKniveZ, GunGame, Minigames, BunnyHop, twotowers/poolparty DeathMatch
Ingame name MONSTER²
Steam username schokopickser
SteamID STEAM_1:1:56220267
Age 28
Location Germany

English knowledge Beginner
Other languages ger
Previous bans

Past admin experience
I do not have so much experience as admin
I am a very active player and would do for you
I play on your server every day [V1, V3] and have heard that more active administrators are needed. Since there is no admin there.
And I want to become an administrator so I can help the community by resolving if other administrators are unavailable.
All in all, I think I could be of use to the admin team and the EH community and I really want to offer my help.
About me
My name is Dominic, I'm 27 years old, I live in Germany / Wuppertal and I do not currently work. My hobbies are playing football and playing in Elite Hunterz servers.
With friends very important things, more to me you can ask.
Referred by
Favourite Server Zombie Hunting V1, Zombie Hunting V3
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Reactions: unlozejenz
Ingame name cURTI$
Steam username youngbuck4045
SteamID STEAM_0:1:422350536
Age 24
Location Germany

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages German
Previous bans
Past admin experience
My previous admin experience was on this community.
To start of why I wanna get admin back is, to get rid of these rulebreakers who are clearly not following the server rules. By that I mean, I am competent and reliable admin who is willing to enforce the server rules if needed. Moreover I have already experience in this position so there is going to be no issues at the start hopefully. I believe that I can bring value to the team on the servers. Considering everything I know about the job and about myself, the position of an admin seems like a perfect choice.
About me
My name is Buck and I started playing on this community around 2009. From there on I started playing regularly on the servers where I started to get to know the other people. If you wanna know anything else lemme know
Referred by
Favourite Server Zombie Hunting V1, Zombie Hunting V3, CBBLE only 100Tick V5, ZombieEscape, Glass_War, ScoutKniveZ, BunnyHop
  • Like
Reactions: unlozejenz
Ingame name Sir.Lauuu
Steam username scorpion_stf
SteamID STEAM_0:1:90516936
Age 19
Location Romania

English knowledge Intermediate
Other languages No.
Previous bans
I haven't had any bans
Past admin experience
I've been Admin on Cs 1.6 and Cs Go. Never been on Source so far.
I was thinking for a while to apply for Admin on this server, because it's actually the only server I am playing on. I want to apply because being an Admin it's nice, because you can help other players, you can take care of the server you're Admin on, you are part of a team, it's a nice feeling not gonna lie.
About me
Well what should I say about me... I'm a 19 years old guy that loves music and to draw. Gaming is kinda my only hobby at the moment.
I am actually working so I have to use my time wisely for everything.
I love doing things together as a "team", doesn't matter if that's in a game or in real life.
Don't really know what else to say, sorry if that's too short.
Referred by -
Favourite Server Zombie Hunting V3
  • Like
Reactions: unlozejenz
Ingame name JIRNIY_EVREI
Steam username dogn72
SteamID STEAM_0:0:20519585
Age 23
Location Russia

English knowledge Intermediate
Other languages Russian
Previous bans

Past admin experience
Was na admin(surf/jail) on the PROGAMEZZET for a bout 2-3 years. now it has only CSGO servers and old forums are deleted.
There are a lot of small offenses that users do when no admins. if an admin be there they will not do them.
Also like this server, still playing css and it's one of the three servers that i play. Want to help to support
good atmosphere.

Have more than 2900 hours, good online, experienced enough - I'm a good option :)
About me
Bla bla bla idk what to write here.
Like football, but unfortunately, the season is over.
Like playing dota 1 in wcs
Referred by
Favourite Server Zombie Hunting V1, Zombie Hunting V3
Ingame name Patan
Steam username icewolf2002
SteamID STEAM_0:0:66017449
Age 20 years old
Location I live in germany.

English knowledge Intermediate
Other languages german, russian
Previous bans
I´ve never been banned before.
But I was permanently muted for 4years because of admin insult.
As I said in my ungag request, I cant really remember anything about it except that I was young and stupid.
Sorry for the childish behaviour.
Past admin experience
I was admin on two german jail servers that had to go offline because the owners unfortunately didn't care anymore. (CSS)

I was admin on a popular Minecraft PvP Server named HotPvP.
The reason why I want to be an admin on your servers is something big for me.

People always ask, whats the meaning of life?
And I can tell you, that my meaning of life is to make other people happy or to help them!
I assure you, it's the best feeling ever when you see someone smile or be thankful because of your actions.
That's what my life is about! I also want to become an police officer or a soldier one day but more about me down below!

All in a nutshell I just want to make this game as pleasent and as fair as possible.
I love playing videogames + helping people which is the perfect combination for me! It's two favourite freetime activities combined into one which is outstanding and makes me want to do my job as perfect as possible.

I know this server for almost 5 years and also played on it back when I was 15years old, which is kinda amazing in my opinion.
About me
My name is Daniel and I was born in germany.
I am 1.96m tall, weigh 109kg, got brown hair and honeybrown eyes.

Im currently 20 years old and study on a school for further educations. My main subject in school is business and economy. The dream of my life is to be a soldier in the german Bundeswehr or to be a police officer one day.

In my spare time I often read books about god and the world. I love to read and learn about money, real estate, time-managment, personality-development, conspiracy theories, everything about the human and its brain and psychology.
I'm also very interested in playing videogames, go to the gym or watch funny movies. I play videogames for at least 4 or more hours a day.
My favourite music artist are Tupac and B.I.G.

I guess that many of you would like to know why I know the russian language. My parents were born in ukraine, chmelnizkij but moved to germany 20years ago because my father was in need of a urgent heart surgery. I'm able to talk russian fluently but still learn how to read kyrill.

I hope that maybe one of you has same hobbies and wants to have a great conversation with me.
Referred by sadly not but I know that I would be an good admin.
Favourite Server Zombie Hunting V3, Glass_War
Ingame name Panos
Steam username panos_1312
SteamID STEAM_1:0:218463401
Age 20
Location Greece

English knowledge Intermediate
Other languages A little bit German
Previous bans

Past admin experience

I have been playing on your servers for few years and I would really like to be able to help the other players, for example to help somenone who is stuck. I would also like to be able to "punish" those who are breaking the rules.
About me
I'm currently studying iformatics at university. In my free time I like playing games with friends such as CS:GO, CSS or PUBG. I am an outgoing person and I like experiencing new things/situations.
I would also like to point tha my favorite server was zombie hunting v1 but sadly it is almost empty every time I check so i now play on v3.
Referred by
Favourite Server Zombie Hunting V1, Zombie Hunting V3
Ingame name Big Boi
Steam username noux45
SteamID STEAM_1:1:502112813
Age 14
Location Pakistan

English knowledge Intermediate
Other languages Urdu
Previous bans

Past admin experience

Mostly the reason for me becoming an admin was that in my timezone, Most admins aren't online, which means that some players would break some rules and wouldn't get punished for it.
About me
I'm a 14 year old from PK, I usually play games and i'm generally a pretty nice person.
Referred by
Favourite Server Zombie Hunting V3
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