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If you didn't notice it already but...

Santa is coming!

There is an event, a raffle and a special skin only for the christmas time.

Check the full description here.

My work is done for today ^^
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Hey everybody,
I reduced the slots of server V2 V4 and V5 to 32 maximum players.

These servers are just great, even better than V1, but unfortunately not many enjoy them as much as some of us do.
Therefore we see no need to have more than 32 slots right now.

This will also help populating the servers as one is more likely to join a 25/32 server rather than a 25/64 server ;)

Other than that We, at EliteHunterZ, would like to wish each of you a Merry Christmas and a lot of happiness!

Enjoy ;)
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Hello guys!

I am pleased to announce that our GMod Prop hunt server is online!

Join now!
i added 5 csgo idle servers for your own enjoyment:

and we're working on a zombie escape server already:

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i run a quick activity check and removed the following admins for inactivity:

Sauce_Piquante :D

If you are in the list and think something is wrong or i missed something please contact me ASAP!

Else you might re-apply whenever you feel ready again :)

Thank you for your time until now!
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Reactions: Sauce_Piquante :D
New changes of the premium levels:

Model management
All premium levels

The Sam Fisher model is now available for everybody in every premium level. A reserved model for admins only does not exist anymore.
Premium Level Six

In addition to the Sam Fisher model, every Level Six donator gets the Batman model permanently for his steam account.
Donating Admins

The model restriction no longer takes effect. Admins who have been contributing get access to every model as long as their premium level is active.

Item management
Raffle ticket with period of validity

The raffle ticket can now be used as long as the premium level is active. A limitation like before has been removed.
All changes are applied automatically within the next days.

Best regards!
Hey everyone!

I moved our forum to a safer host and we had some troubles dumping the backup from the other server due to its amazing size ;)

everything regarding the forums should be resolved now, we might change again soon to provide better feeling, but for now it's okay.

You may notice that clouflare is now part of our system in order to gain a small advantage over the DDoS attacks.

Time for me to take a nap now.

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I just upgraded our new host a second time.

This should speed up the forum
Watchdog was implemented on both main servers, this means that if one gameserver crashes for whatever reason, it will restart in maximum 10 seconds!
More to come soon
our CSGO server was reinstalled and optimized! it's now perfectly fine and anyone can join it!

All our counter strike source servers were also revised by me and some configs regarding sv_tags were corrected
Ladies and gentlemen, here is an announce before i go to bed:

  • Garry with a huge garry's mod experience has accepted to work on our DarkRP server and make it an awesome server to play on! We trust him to make that server an awesome new one for the whole community. So thank you Garry for taking this offer and helping EliteHunterZ!

  • Meg AKA sauce piquante is like one of the best ZE players and really experienced with it! He accepted to become the responsible for that server, he will be playing the boss role over me ;) (not really i'm still the boss hahaha). He will be working on the ze server and I really believe he can do something epic with it, let's expect this server to grow as big as V1!

As for other random news:

  • We moved the forum database because it caused too many troubles where it was, now it should be better. However we're planning to move our forum and all our databases again to a managed hosting provider (got a friend for this) where we will pay for a high quality service which I am sure we will get ;).

Some more random news:

  • We want to still remind how important your donations are to us! We are doing many changes in the community and they cost UP to 1500 euros or even more! we do our best to spend our money in the best way it's possible and guarantee to this community the best services possible!
  • We want to thank these users in particular for their help and support (2014):

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Here are the current statistics of the Steam Games! Interesting fact: CSGO has now doubled TF2 (F2P) and is 5 times more populated than CS:S!
This is why we're also opening many new CSGO servers :)
Do you already have the game? If so visit our servers! (to be posted soon in the CS:GO subforum)

Current Players

Peak Today

388,504609,237Dota 2
33,367101,885Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
30,44259,913Team Fortress 2
23,14361,845Football Manager 2014
19,04644,648Sid Meier's Civilization V
14,17133,476The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
10,32131,007Garry's Mod
10,08424,509Counter-Strike: Source
WE NOW HAVE 5 CSGO servers! We're looking forward in populating them all!
Join them, invite 3 of your friends, play 5 minutes and i assure you the server will be full! TRY TO BELIEVE! DUST2 24/7 DeathMatch 128tick - by EliteHunterZ - |RANK - ALL WEAPONS|
Click Here To Join DUST 24/7 DeathMatch 128tick - by EliteHunterZ - |RANK - ALL WEAPONS|
Click Here To Join OFFICE 24/7 DeathMatch 128tick - by EliteHunterZ - |RANK - ALL WEAPONS|
Click Here To Join INFERNO 24/7 DeathMatch 128tick - by EliteHunterZ - |RANK - ALL WEAPONS|
Click Here To Join NUKE 24/7 DeathMatch 128tick - by EliteHunterZ - |RANK - ALL WEAPONS|
Click Here To Join

We are looking for admins!
I couldn't get rid of bots on csgo with normal commands because valve sucks.

Solved it in 17 lines of code xD
#include <sourcemod>

public Plugin:myinfo = {
    name = "Real Bot quota",
    author = "Nikooo777",
    description = "Enforces the damn quota",
    version = "1.0"

public OnClientPutInServer(client){
    new String:name[32]
    if(!GetClientName(client, name, 31))
    ServerCommand("bot_kick %s", name);
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Reactions: SOUR
We noticed that V1 and V3 crashed often during the last days.

I changed the way our automated system recognizes if a server is down.
Now, before restarting the server, it will TRIPPLECHECK if it's really down.
This should prevent false positives hopefully
We don't really often go public with DDoS attack reports but I really want to share this one with you guys.

So at about 21 CEST i noticed that our V3 server was empty (DAAAMN), that wasn't absolutely normal. Stranger was the big red line i saw in the ping graph.
Thing was simple, either a plugin failed hard and made the server unplayable or we were under attack.
I did 2 steps in one: restarted the server and checked the connection running for that port. Surprise! A quite big DDoS attack was directed for our beloved all weapons server ;)
We were kinda caught by surprise because it's normally handled router level and we don't really see so much traffic at our port. anyway I didn't lose time and i proceeded securing the server manually (I shouldn't explain how here else i'd be helping our fellow attacker). after few minutes of playing around with router and server firewall we isolated the issue and everything got back normal. However what's impressive is that our guy didn't stop the attack, and he's yet still attacking our routers which is kinda funny.

Here are some graphs that show how impressive the size of the attack was compared to a normal daily usage ;)
To sum it up for you: the bandwidth used was big enough to transfer an HD movie in few seconds

After 15 hours the attack stopped :) I estimate about 2500GB of wasted bandwidth for the attacker.
Everything is smooth


  • DDoS protection_hour.PNG
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We now have webshortcuts on all CS:S hunting servers. The websites open in the motd frame.

This is the full list of available commands by now:

!vip, !premiumAll Premium Levels
!modelsModel Overview
!gameserver, !overview, !gameserversAll our Gameservers
!raffleOur forum Raffles
!banlist, !bansEH Sourcebans
!facebook, !fbEH Facebook
!forumOur Forum
!join, !group, !community, !ehEH Steam Community
!statsYour Zombie Hunting Stats

I bought a new domain name to try one thing,
you can join our servers by typing:

connect or their respective ports ;)
Hey everyone,
To keep you guys updated here is what is going on:

Every admin, special admin, head admin was kicked from the team.

Each of us was asked to re-apply for their previous position.

We did this because lately it became confusing on which special admin/head admin did what, which special admin/head admin still had time for the job and who really cared.
Same for the admin team, lately we noticed a drop in professionalism on how certain situations were handled, therefore we are making sure that anybody that is in the admin team knows the rules and understands that being professional is the number one key in this team.

Probably you will notice a bit less admins ingame due to the fact that it takes some hours to re-recruit the admins, however the worst part is already behind us :)

Our aim is to re-recruit every single user into the team, however because times change, it's probable that we will lose around 10-15 admins, and perhaps some higher ranked members as well, depending on the situation.

Hopefully this all will be for the best of this community!

Finally i have some news for you again:

we bought another server and we're spreading services within the new DDoS protected boxes. We still didn't move every service into the safe zone and we need to make sure that we don't overload the servers too much.
Alongside with this, we opened up a new project called aimed at giving out free gameservers. It is a very new project and it's well promising, we will keep you updated with this as well.

For now that's it!

Enjoy gaming with us!

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