[Go-Free SURF servers] Admin Application

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Ingame name De_ad
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198053850178/
SteamID 76561198053850178
Age 13
Location United states

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages none
Timezone eastern daylight time
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers surf_kitsune_fix
Past admin experience
there are very annoying people and no one to get rid of them
About me
have started playing a lot recently
Referred by i was not
Ingame name Tendershot
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198386657915/
SteamID https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198386657915/
Age 15
Location Canada, NS

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages Minor French (basic understanding)
Timezone Eastern Standard
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Surf_Utopia_V3
Past admin experience
I know it sounds cheesy but when I was 14 I applied for jr moderator on a minecraft server called mineplex. I was given the role but eventually stopped playing minecraft when I discovered CSGO.
While playing on your servers I have noticed alot of people breaking the rules such at spamming in chat or even saying the n word (Nigger). I just recently started surfing and have had an overall good experiance on your servers gameplay and community wise but I think that for other players things such as racism and spamming will turn them away and I just don't want that to happen, I think people should be able to play ANY game to its full extent without being harrassed. I also need something in my life to replace a gap thats in my head for personal reasons I would not like to get into.
About me
I am 15 years old
Brown Hair
nah kidding, I love playing video games such as CSGO, H1z1, Minecraft and League of Legends. I play them alot and am always trying to find new games and game genres I can enjoy. I try my best to be a good sport in games but sometimes I slip (Don't we all). I am a pretty mediocre player at most games and like to set goals for myself while doing things IRL or In game to feel accomplished. I am also pretty good at reading people my friends tell me and I suppose that's good. I also play magic the gathering every other Saturday afternoon at a local card shop. I guess that is it for now, I hope this has given a decent representation of who I am.
Referred by Vortex referred me to apply and made it
Ingame name lil Baskin
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198958151006/
SteamID lilbaskin
Age 13
Location Cleveland ohio

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages German
Timezone Eastern time
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Begineer
Past admin experience
I was an admin for makogaming and astro gaming
I want to help out as many people as i can and meet many new people
About me
I have really bad anxiety and hide and get really depressed
Referred by no
Ingame name Trexbro001
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198350254399/
SteamID 76561198350254399
Age 12
Location New Zealand

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages English
Timezone GMT+12
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Kitsune
Past admin experience
Make the game with no cheaters
About me
Im 12 and i like to play cs go and other video games and i like to ride m bike
Referred by Nope :D
Ingame name Itz_Krystian
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/Itz_Krystian/
SteamID 76561198898118113
Age 15
Location Ireland

English knowledge Intermediate
Other languages i speak polish
Timezone GMT +0 london
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers surf_mesa
Past admin experience

I want to be a admin on your server because i would love to help with most things like helping in-game server when someone is being rude ect. What really drives me to be a admin is to meet new people as that always the best part because you could alot of new people and help them out. Something else that wants me to be a admin is that i could deal with people who are polish which you may not be able to deal with them Thats the biggest reason
About me
I am 15 year old. I am in 3rd year in Ireland. I play soccer and rugby. I love to game games i have been playing from when i was 5 years old (video games).
Referred by
Ingame name Jakrgirvan
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198197609025/
SteamID STEAM_0:1:118671648
Age 14
Location Northern Ireland

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages parts of german
Timezone UK (GMT+1)
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Kitsune
Past admin experience
I havn't had any past experiences because no one thinks I can help the server when I know I can.
I have always seen people being racist and mic spamming and there is never an admin online to deal with it and when i call for an admin no admins ever go on the are always to busy and I am on everyday so I will always be there for if anything was to happen I would able to do something to stop it.
About me
I am 14 i live in Northern Ireland I have always been a friendly guy I have fun on the server kitsune and help people when they need the help to try complete the game with the highest time even when im not admin I have conrtibuted a lot to the server helping people and trying to make the server a happier and for friendly server.
Referred by I have no one backing me up I am going in by myself to prove I can overcome everything.
Ingame name αqqυα
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198921129117
SteamID 76561198921129117
Age 12
Location Ontario, Canada

English knowledge Intermediate
Other languages French.
Timezone EST. (Eastern Time Zone)
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Tier 1-6, Utopia or Kitsune.
Past admin experience
I’ve had Admin on raidboss another surf server but I felt it wasn’t fun so I resigned. But other then that no I haven’t had any other csgo experience other then discord.
I would like to be an admin because it was my kinda day so dream to be an admin on GoFree servers since I started surfing on GoFree. GoFree has a very large community and I feel like I am known a bit in the community so some people may listen to me more over other people. Since I was playing on GoFree servers I came across a lot of bad people like racists swearing at kids and just overall acting disgusting and just broke a lot of rules. It really made me angry how they just join the server to make other people mad. most of the times there isn't any admin on some of the NA servers and I feel like that I could handle the NA servers more as they get more reports about bad people (In my opinion). I Feel like I would make a great admin just to help out I would love to I usually tell people to stop if they are doing something wrong. I have VIP at this moment soo have votemutted a lot of people.
About me
A hobby of mine is sports, it’s not really a hobby but I love doing them. I am a very athletic kid and I feel amazing when I’m outside and playing with and seeing my friends. Therefore I am usually in a very good mood when I go on GoFree. There’s just something about it that makes me love surfing and the community. I’ve had about 2 days now of total time on GoFree and about I think a Hour or so of spec time (Not really sure). I’ve been so happy ever since I met the csgo community and everyone says it’s very toxic but I’m sure I found the good half of the server. because of the community I’ve spent 11 dollars on this game, this is the first game I ever spent money on . Anyways I’m just saying I love the game and the community where it’s just I can’t quit csgo it’s just to fun.
Referred by No one
Ingame name Reset CSGOEmpire.com
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/01282019/
SteamID 01282019
Age 21
Location Philippines

English knowledge Intermediate
Other languages Tagalog
Timezone UTC/GMT +8 hours
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Surf_kitsune and Surf_utopia
Past admin experience

To help the community to ban trash talkers and cheaters
About me
I am a College student and i like to play CS:GO
while i dont have a work to do and surfing is my favorite to do in this game
Referred by
Ingame name Abra24
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/abra24/
SteamID abra2246
Age 29
Location United States

English knowledge Intermediate
Other languages spanish and french
Timezone east
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers
Past admin experience

i would like to make it so no bullies anyone or says any racial slurs
About me
i like building computers and i like to play videogames and spend time with my family
Referred by
Ingame name McDooGoo
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198959192222/
SteamID STEAM_0:0:499463247
Age 11
Location England

English knowledge Intermediate
Other languages Cantonese (a bit)
Timezone British Summer Time (i think)
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Kitsune
Past admin experience

I would like to be an admin because I always see people being really annoying (playing loud, unwanted music most of the time) so I would mute them (only if necessary) to give other players some peace. Also, I do not swear, so I won't break that rule.
About me
i like sports (especially netball and cricket).
Referred by
Ingame name zeyh
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/zeyhh
SteamID 76561198883747281
Age 18
Location Jersey, Channel Islands

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages 10/10
Timezone GMT+01:00
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Mixed, Utopia, Mesa, Kitsune, Rookie.
Past admin experience
Been admin on my own CSGO HNS server that was always full during the evening/night, had to deal with a lot of people who used scripts/macros and cheats. while also dealing with people who mic spammed/broke rules, etc... also been admin on other games such as, Minecraft back in the day, and Arma3.
I'm really loving the server and also the community, I have made quite a lot of friends and am always looking to make more, I really like what you guys have going and the community you guys are running. I would really like to be a part of what you guys have made.

I just want to have fun and give everyone a positive experience when they first join the server, as I'm good at surf I get a lot of questions from people who spectate me, sometimes asking if I can spectate them and give them a few tips or tell them what they are doing that is wrong or perhaps making them lose speed, I try my best to help them whether that be telling them what they need improving on or taking my time to show them exactly what they need to improve on, normally ill stick around and keep an eye on them to see if they've managed to improve they're time or speed in a section of the map.

I'm on my PC nearly all the time, unless I'm at work or out, which means I can spend a lot of hours across the servers however I play I encounter quite a few people who sometimes can be hot micing, playing music or even being toxic, there is only so much I can do, for example if someone is hot micing ill politely tell them that they're hot micing, because normally when people hot mic they don't purposefully do it, so a polite notice goes a long way.

I feel like I have the experience and ability to excel at being a role model for the community, I am familiar with how things work and with the commands and when they should and shouldn't be used.
About me
My name is Daniel, I'm pretty chilled out when I play, I love helping other people, this could be answering questions or giving advice that they've asked for, I currently work with a martial arts company and I am training to be a Sports Instructor, My hobbies include, Gaming, Mountain Biking (Enduro/DH), Gym, Building MTB sections with friends, I live on a tiny islands so their isn't always much to do, however I try make the most of it.

If you have any questions feel free to message me on discord as I'm more than happy to answer them :)

Referred by
Ingame name pawquin
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/pawquin/
SteamID STEAM_1:0:15633182
Age 18
Location New Mexico

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages Southern Tiwa, Czech, and Navajo
Timezone UTC - 7h
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers RTV Servers (EU and american both)
Past admin experience
I was an admin of another server referred to as AbyssNetwork, and have been an admin there for 2 years. I have the knowledge and experience of what an admin on a csgo surf server should have.
I enjoy surfing and talking to everyone and having a good time. It's sad and annoying when those times are interrupted by people who have no respect and just terrorize everyone. I would like to be admin so I can help keep the peace.
About me
I'm 18 and am a huge gamer and have been for 8 years now. My life is very sad since I don't have one and spend most of my free time on cs or watching anime.
Referred by
Ingame name Binkney
Steam profile link TTVBinkney
SteamID STEAM_1:1:442944331
Age 15
Location England

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages I am currently learning German in school but I'm not very good.
Timezone GMT
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Currently the begginer one
Past admin experience
I have applied for admin many times before on various servers but not been accepted for my age.
I would like to be an admin on this server because I am a big fan of CS:GO and it would be a great opportunity to be an admin on a server and a very good server at that. I have never been accepted onto an admin team before and it would be amazing to finally be accepted. I get bullied at school so when I come home I find that with surfing on your servers I can really relax and forget about everything.
About me
I am a 15 year old boy who enjoys playing games on his PC. I play golf in my spare time because it gets me out in the fresh ait, every evening I come onto my PC and play games for a couple of hours.
Referred by I was durfing and it came up with an admin join and I thought that it would be a good oppertunity
Ingame name Oxii
Steam profile link http://steamcommunity.com/id/oxiiplays
SteamID STEAM_0:0:69831473
Age 19
Location Essex, United Kingdom

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages German
Timezone UTC +1
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers All of the 24/7 Servers and the Tier 1 Beginner
Past admin experience
I was an admin on a KZ server back in 2017 but stepped down due to quitting CS
I would like to be an admin because I’m constantly playing on the servers every day and I am personally fed up with people coming in and being offensive/toxic. Instead of using !calladmin all the time it would be nice to be able to do something there and then as sometimes people leave before an admin joins. I feel like I would make a good admin as I’m always having a joke with people on the servers and trying to make the server a positive place to play and chat. I also enjoy teaching newbies how to surf (even though I’m trash myself lmao) and just helping people improve.
About me
I’m a 19 year old British boy, studying my accountancy degree and running my own business, I love having a laugh with friends and meeting new people. I play a lot of football and I’m a huge fan of collecting streetwear and shoes.
Referred by Wishy
Ingame name 1337
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197979437789/
SteamID STEAM_1:1:9586030
Age 20
Location Canada

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages French
Timezone Eastern timezone
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Utopia
Past admin experience
I had admin on a server called Ez 1v1. It was a small server maybe 10 people and went down like a year ago. It was a 1v1 arena server and I really enjoyed my experience as Admin. It was my first time and you do really get a lot of respect.
I would love to become admin as I love helping others. No one has even been great at first and by helping them I am making their day and making them enjoy surfing. I also love talking and I got a good mic. When I was new I always had trouble surfing and I want to give back and help everyone to make them enjoy the experience and stay on the server. I also love the community. It is chill and almost everyone is nice. You learn new stuff everyday on the server. I also love it when its peaceful. I will mute all mic spammers but give them a warning first. Hackers are not tolerated. What also motivates me the most is being like I said with people and helping them. To see a smile on their face is priceless.
About me
My name is Max. Like I said I am 20 years old and I love sports and video games. I've been in the CS:GO community for awhile now and I never regretted it. I play hockey twice a week and I have a small job to make money. I am very organised and reliable. When my boss at work needs me I always say yes when I can and always come on time. I am also very respectful. I respect anyone and can collaborate with anyone. I am trustworthy. You can always trust me and I never lie to anyone. I would like to say thanks for taking the time to read this application and giving me a opportunity to have a chance at being admin on this server.
Referred by Percival
Ingame name ThreeDay
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198403575781/
SteamID 76561198403575781
Age 14
Location Thailand

English knowledge Intermediate
Other languages Thai
Timezone UTC+07:00
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Kitsune
Past admin experience

My motivation was just that I love csgo surf and I realized I play kitsune a lot! and so I would just really like to be an admin.
About me
I play on most occasions but I have school and my homework to do but basically, I could play cs everyday
Referred by
Ingame name ItsMeHydraSufs
Steam profile link http://steamcommunity.com/id/HydraSurfing
SteamID https://steamcommunity.com/id/HydraSurfing/
Age 14
Location United Kingdom

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages I don't speak any other languages but i can understand some of them .
Timezone GMT
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Kitsune / Utopia
Past admin experience

i would love to be an admin because i am very active on the surf servers , they seem like so much fun , i know i am not the best surfer in the world but i can multi task , i can take care of the servers and learn how to surf at the same time
About me
i enjoy video games and just playing in general but there are alot of sides to me / if i need to be serious i can , but i also like having fun. I would love to be there for the server when other admins cant
Referred by Kitsune server , game chat
Ingame name Elton Varg
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198366787184/
SteamID STEAM_1:0:203260728
Age 16
Location Umeå, Sweden

English knowledge Intermediate
Other languages Swedish
Timezone Central European Summer Time
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers I usually play on 24/7 Utopia, kitsune, mesa and beginner. But sometimes i do mixed servers
Past admin experience

I play alot on the gofree servers, its almost the only surf servers i play on. The community on gofree is nice and i love talking to the players. I play almost everyday after school beacause i dont have other stuff to do.
Sometimes i just feel like there isn't enough admins on the servers so i tought that i would apply:)
About me
I'm 16 years and live in sweden, on my spare time after school i most often play csgo or hangout with friends, on the weekends i don't play so much beacause then I'm just with my friends. I have very easy for school so i don't work at home so I have alot of time to play cs
Referred by
Ingame name Keener
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198074997235/
SteamID lener1011
Age 14
Location United States

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages none
Timezone Central Time Zone
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers Utopia Surf Map
Past admin experience
Everyone on Utopia has agreed the chat has no moderation and is always toxic. Examples like people mic spamming and saying racial slurs. I am always on about 2+ hours everyday, and I could make Utopia a better place.
About me
I am trying to start playing the guitar, I love to play video games. I like working out, and getting outside.
Referred by no one
Ingame name Harold
Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/MattHarries?tscn=1557939738
SteamID qwertyas262
Age 17
Location United Kingdom

English knowledge Advanced
Other languages Just English, understand some words in French and German but far from being able to hold a conversation in that language.
Timezone GMT
Favourite GoFree Surf Servers EU utopia, mesa, kitsune, tiers 1 and tiers 1&2
Past admin experience
None unfortunately, would like to gain some as I am quite active
I enjoy helping people improve and talking to others in the server.
About me
I enjoy playing on the whole range of Surf EU servers, I also enjoy helping people improve their times by allowing them to spectate me or spectating them to give them tips, should they want any. I do not claim to be a top tier surfer, of course, however i do feel I am good enough to lend a helping hand to people who are new to surfing or have been away from it for a long amount of time.
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