Some maps I used to play which I'd like to see on the server.
zm_tmo_arena_v2h: Rather big map, but I think its good for 60+ players.
zm_redstripe_v6: Small but nice map.
zm_newcastle_final: Also small but genius. Loved playing it back then.
zm_firewall_samarkand: Made by my buddy FirewavezZ. Based on a silkroad map.
zm_firewall_aztec_v1: Also by FireWavezZ, nice gameplay imo.
zm_moon_roflicious_06: Fix of the legendary roflicious, I think every server with that many players should have it.
zm_desert_fortress_v2: Fun and popular old map.
zm_tzuwaza_b5: Definitely one of the best ZM maps.
zm_super_mario_v3: Sure small but fun map with enough good spots for humans.
zm_winterfun_b4a: Great update of a good map.
zm_band!t_facility_v3: This might be on the server as "special map" already, not sure.
zm_onadega_v3nn: Great and balanced map.
zm_lila_panic_quick_fw_fixed: One of my favorite lila panic maps.
NOTE: I've tested all maps and can savely say most of them need small fixes. All maps suggested for V3, I can always suggest more maps. One last thing is I'd like to ask for a higher sv_airaccelrate (1000 would be good) so you can make smooth 180 turns.