maps | List + Add/Remove requests!

Here are some maps i would like to see be added and one to be removed:


This map is gorgeous and actually thrilling to play. Is there something that hasnt been fixed yet?


It´s a map that apeals to both campers and hunters. Simple and fun :D


I remember this as being one of my favorite maps on the server a long time ago. It is a classic circlemap, but it stands out by having more varied chokepoints than most similar maps. I would love if it was dragged out of oblivion.

zm_filth (im not sure what the newest version is)

It has been in rotation not to long ago. I already miss it.


I would like to have this map leaving room for another one on the maplist. I mean this with respect for the mapmaker. It has a lot of amazing elements to it such as the style and creativity of the camp spots.

This map has a ratio(ct/t) of 9,9. This means that for every time zombies win one round, cts win 10. That is a winrate of 91%. Among the frequently played maps, this is completely uncontested. Clouds and canals for example, while being as high 5,9 and 5,6, still doesnt even come close. I understand that even people with opposite playstyles in such a broad mod, have to be under the same roof, as long as the playerbase isnt bigger, but let me remind you again that it has a 91% winrate for cts, while its a frequently played map. I think it should be put on hold untill a more balanced version would be made.
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Hello i checked eh map stats and i found this map "zm_ruined_town_v5_fix" [add on nomination list] and "zm_ruined_town_v3" [ add on special map list]
I would like to request for a map to be added or at least checked out. The map's name is zm_roy_the_ship.
It's not a hunting map which may go against some principles of this server, but it is a very fun and old map. I used to play this map WAY back in the day (2008) and I personally feel like it deserves a chance to be played.
I feel like this map deserves a chance, because you were able to find this map on many servers in the old days and it is legitimately fun and since v3 has so many players, all the spots would be utilized.
Of course I don't expect it to be added, but it would be cool as a special map.
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Hellooo! This map was requested 2 or 3 times already, unfortunately it neither fits our game idea of zombiehunting nor our settings. As far as I remember it was tested and not fixed. I dont find the thread telling us the tecnical issues of the map but here you see head admin's answers:

Nevertheless provide me a download link and we will test if it is fixed and suits our special map list :) v3 camperz probably like it.
Hellooo! This map was requested 2 or 3 times already, unfortunately it neither fits our game idea of zombiehunting nor our settings. As far as I remember it was tested and not fixed. I dont find the thread telling us the tecnical issues of the map but here you see head admin's answers:

Nevertheless provide me a download link and we will test if it is fixed and suits our special map list :) v3 camperz probably like it.
If you previously played an edited version of this map, then I sadly cannot give you the download link since I don't have it. I only know the original version that's on Gamebanana

I would like to request some maps for V3 that I think would be good for hunting, and are balanced for zombies and humans - if humans want to camp then I think zombies should have a chance to destroy them :eek:

Unfortunately most players do camp but when they realise humans have an advantage if they attack in groups instead of camping, then I think these maps would be a great edition to the V3 server.

The maps are:

Piranesi - it has plenty of boxes to defend and has sections, so once an area is cleared hunters can move on to clear the other sections
Solo - good balance for humans and zombies
Hoook - spooky map with interesting spots, and hunters can win
Origin - I don't know why this map was removed - it also has sections for hunting
Zmso - also has sections for hunters and good spots to defend

It would be nice to see more hunting maps added as maps such as cbble, fast, rush, marbble etc are popular, and I think the maps above have the same style

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I find hoook to be an interesting map and like solo aswell. Piranesi has a spawn without a buyzone though so that would have to be fixed.
I would like to see zm_Origin back in the Rotation, very good hunting map. Piranesi is also nice
this map is available as special map until it will be balanced. Afair @SOUR wants to take care of it when he got time.
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I think something should be done to give zms a better chance on canals. Maybe a small box and a ramp like this or some other minor change that might put more pressure on the autos in the middle:
maybe canals should be added to the map update list ( i didnt found it there), it's a disastrous map but not in all points , its sometimes a funny map when you hunt 1-3 hidings zombies with 60 humans :D
I think the hide spots for zombies shouldnt be changed .
Its like Paw says the zms needs a better chance to win, i would prever more runboost ramps to the middle high spots and a second way to the roof.

a other problem:

Most regular players want to play this map to get AFK kills for a higher HLstats score.

here some ideas:
maybe canals should be added to the map update list ( i didnt found it there), it's a disastrous map but not in all points , its sometimes a funny map when you hunt 1-3 hidings zombies with 60 humans :D
I think the hide spots for zombies shouldnt be changed .
Its like Paw says the zms needs a better chance to win, i would prever more runboost ramps to the middle high spots and a second way to the roof.

a other problem:

Most regular players want to play this map to get AFK kills for a higher HLstats score.

here some ideas:
View attachment 14852
Moreover, even though this map fav for humans, adding No-Fall damage would be nice to prevent suiciders.

Since Counter Strike:Source's zombie mod is nostalgic for me in general,I would like to propose some oldschool maps to be added in the Elite Hunters map rotation(most of you might remember these,others might not).However,I remember growing up playing these maps being chased by never stopping waves of zombies and having a blast in general.

Pretty old map with quite some spots for humans to hold but I think there is equal chance for zombies to win rounds too.I don't recall everything but there might be a few secrets here and there.
One of the oldest if not the oldest lila panic remake.Pretty standard layout though some spots are tweaked and more barricade-holding related rooms have been added both in the outside building and underground area.
15 year old map,just a plain big container ship with a few spots for humans,a driveable little ship nearby and plenty of water area of zombies to hide in ( I see this might become an issue leading to it being a special map )
Personally one of my favourite maps I used to play.Most like going as a special map with all the secrets existing in this one,+huge trolling potential for those rulebreakers ( im talking about a specific area on map ).I also see zombies most likely getting massacred by auto snipers.This map needs some testing to be played on the servers.
I am not sure if zm_roy_the_ship also caused bugs or if it was just that natalya_ship map that resulted in floating props... I think all those maps are or were on the server, but you know, where is usually a reason why maps are only available as special maps...
Hi I remembered some old good ZM maps that I used to play on 10+ years ago and I thought it would be a good idea to check them.

Optimized version ( better fps ) is attached zm_downtown_optim.


I hope you check them :), Thank you!


  • zm_downtown_optim.rar
    1.4 MB · Views: 204
  • zm_downtown.rar
    772.5 KB · Views: 221
  • zm_eso_assault.rar
    37.8 MB · Views: 217
Hello guys,

zm_base_day and zm_unpanic_v2 are available as special maps already and need admin's supervision (due to bugs, exploits and unfair spots afair).

zm_roy_the_ship had been proposed at least 6x (that I remember), unfortunately (as Data said) this map struggles with our mod settings and had to be removed from EH.

We'll have a look at the other maps asap.
Bad news about the remaining maps guys:

zm_downtown is not finished, got miltiple visual errors plus there is no sign this was made for zombiemod. No hunting area, no camp spot, nothing. The settings of the map in general is poor.

zm_downtown_optim breaks halflife.exe and cant be tested.

zm_eso_assault doesnt match our mod either - although it is one of my fav standard maps (funny, small and balanced) it surely wasnt made for zombiemod with lacking camp spots and it's long crouching vent. Can't be added unfortunately. After few founds of slaughtery all CTs would crouch into the vent, not only causing stuck/Lag issues but also be in a safe area that is impossible to beat for zombiez.

(Plus map has visual issues (lightning) as a sidenote.)