Server Problems or Issues

Cant connect while server is not full
Not conneting to eh v1 server
Hello gambler, Server I have trouble because I only see the password and I can't go in. But why do you have to have a password? Can anyone help me? CS S.jpg CSS 1.jpg
CS S.jpg
CSS 1.jpg

«Because of the possibility to evade a Mute or a Ban on EliteHunterZ, through the Steam Family Account sharing, the EliteHunterZ Team decided to block all Accounts from our Server's which try to connect to our CSS Server's.

The Blocker is running since 22/10/2020 around 8 p.m. while you connect the Blocker will check in a 2 Step verification if you are using a Family Account, and will deny the Access to join. Also every attempt will be logged.

For a long Time period we didnt want to use a Family Account Blocker, but since some Player's on EliteHunterZ abused it in the Past we had to.

Our Team will be checking the Logs from time to time, hopefully we can deactivate it in future again.

What if you're using a Family Account for a legit reason?

If you aint using this function for a Ban evade, feel free to contact the HA/SPA Team and we will find a solution together. We aint wanna block Players which wanna enjoy our Servers!»
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İ only see errors. İ know existince of some peoples must be count as error but seeing players i love as huge shiny error is depressing. İ can see premiums in their special skin but others are all error. Was not that bad at fist bc it is so easy to kill humans while they are huge shiny error they cant hide from your knife but i couldnt know who is cringe human and who is zombie if i dont read their name (nicknmes are colorable) and it will be seems like teaming. How to fix that.
hello today server is down, hlstatsx is not working well there's already 21 players and hlstatsx is still off
sorry for the delay. it was unfortunately our server provider that had an incident :/
it's all normal now though (downtime lasted about 1h)
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Today on zm_marbble map there was 39 players (2 afk) (3 spec), all was hunting and camping, server kicked almost 75% of players , showing client error message i also got kicked by server i thought problem was on my internet so i rebooted my router after that (2-3min) i joined on server i saw there was only 2 players and that 2 players was afk (spec)

i dont know why this happens

sorry forget to screenshot
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Today on zm_marbble map there was 39 players (2 afk) (3 spec), all was hunting and camping, server kicked almost 75% of players , showing client error message i also got kicked by server i thought problem was on my internet so i rebooted my router after that (2-3min) i joined on server i saw there was only 2 players and that 2 players was afk (spec)

i dont know why this happens

sorry forget to screenshot
that's not normal. can you recall the error message? can you possibly screenshot it and the console if it happens again?
of course i will post screenshot if that happens again but i want to tell you that when this error appear , you will see 30 sec time running on corner of your screen after that your steamid or steam will lost connection to your server and there will be a message "Lost connection to server or Error : Client Lost connection"
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here's the screenshot of problem that i got same as previous, its show text Error connection : 30.00 sec at corner with red color


  • zm_eh_palace_final_fix70000.jpg
    162.9 KB · Views: 300
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My CS Source suddenly lost the server and I was unable to add it back, and the server is now need password to log in?
You mean it disappeared from your favourites? This happens to me too from time to time... a common cs:s bug I guess, I have do add servers like 2-3x per year back to my favourites.

Or do you mean your game crashed? This happens too from time to time. Could be many reasons: internet connection, Windows, drivers... Make sure your Windows and drivers are always up-to-date to reduce this from happening.

Regarding the PW: It is set automatically whenever v3 is full. In the meantime you can join our other server v1 by typing connect into console. Check out all of our servers here:
Thank you for responded. Yes the server has disappeared from my favorites, I have tried many times whole day of today but the server is not responding, my home internet connection is fine, have restarted the computer and it is still not work. I can add the V1 but no one playing... lol

Here's image,
Screenshot 2022-02-13 015349.jpg
I see - this happened to me too from time to time. I was able to join the server via the following work-around:

Use tab FRIENDS and join a friend playing on v3. Afterwards server appears in your SERVE RHISTORY and you can re-add it to your favourites. In case you got no friends online/playing atm feel free to add me, I am joining now :)

PS. I guess the following might work too, but I didnt tes tit when it happened to me: Open console and type connect
as i think if your game cant find server ip then that mean server banned your ip thats it
Thinking is like gambling. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. In other words: Nonsense.
sorry for that, but this happens in must of servers like i got banned from 1 ze server years ago for knifing zombies and they banned me while they banned me from ingame my ip also banned while my banned period of time server was not showing in my cs:s after my ban expired its works fine for me

i dont know what happened to COW3 may be he can connect now
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