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In wolframs new version the barrel is replaced with a box that has 1-2k hp. I don't think that's a good idea as you have to stand on the edge to shoot it which might result in you getting infected while destroying it. I see the point of it, to prevent people from breaking them easily with a nade or so but i love that specific camp spot and risking to dying each time because you need to shoot the box is not something i approve of.
Just want to confirm that when i updated the cbble map i had a discussion with havoc about the barrels and we see the issue with the barrels differently. He likes the barrels like they originally is, but i was sick of the barrels getting shot in the beginning and some of the issues following that. i think that was mainly the thing we disagreed about.

I replaced the barrels with barrel-like crates with an hp of 650, not 1-2k hp :p
That means, it will take about 1 magazine to kill them. the 3 crates are also 1 entity, meaning you shoot one of them, all of them break as one.
here you see how they look and that they have 650hp:
there is also a turtle-gun:
this cage is also turned so it will make it harder to shoot down the barricade(the nades are still an issue tho, even if its harder to hit the right spot):
this cage got an extra crate to maybe make the place more popular again(it used to be very popular):
Just want to confirm that when i updated the cbble map i had a discussion with havoc about the barrels and we see the issue with the barrels differently. He likes the barrels like they originally is, but i was sick of the barrels getting shot in the beginning and some of the issues following that. i think that was mainly the thing we disagreed about.

I replaced the barrels with barrel-like crates with an hp of 650, not 1-2k hp :p
That means, it will take about 1 magazine to kill them. the 3 crates are also 1 entity, meaning you shoot one of them, all of them break as one.

Do they have 650 hp each or 650 hp in total? If 650 in total you can feel free to replace it on v1 with the v7 version. Tho with my precious tmp it will still take 2 magazines
I mean zm_eh_huntarena_v1. More balanced version
we've tested matmata alot of times now and it floats smoothly with both CT/T winning rounds.
There was only 1 spot that was too overpowered for CT's but I told Ralle about it and he changed it, Anzio map I gotta try a bit more but its pretty similar to matmata with the rooftops.
It has wide areas to hunt and kite from.

Only negative thing about Anzio is that I dropped some FPS and some other people did aswell, need to check it out again
wat u guys thinK
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So since the new version of fast came out a lot of people started to dislike it and a lot of players leave when the map comes on, fast should be removed and replaced with another map (cabu for example it's kind of a cbble map and it can replace fast) OR change to the previous version that we all liked.

EDIT: I forgot to mention rush, the little zm room should be fixed a long time ago and I don't know why it's still not fixed, it's ruining the gameplay a lot.
What do you guys think about zm_royhighway for v1? its a big map not to campy and it looks to be a fun hunting map? and well detailed etc.
But people do camp there on roofs and co. And the map is already too large. Zombies always loose on that map.
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Pay attention to this map, after some refinement it would be quite interesting


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Had a look at it, first thought is that it's way to small for 64 players.
You can always make the players small:D. Perhaps even they can be dressed in costumes garden gnomes and give the shovel instead of knifes:rolleyes::eek::confused:
it would be nice to have players have a different order of map for voting, maybe then the next would be not only a map that drops out at number 4
Hello ! If you allow a few comments from a fan of the server. Please increase the break time in the nomination of cards, the predominance of 16 chamber, canals, cbble introduces to the despondency. I propose to introduce a system of evaluation of cards by players on the principle of sympathy-antipathy, so that the server played really popular cards. And on this basis, new cards were added and outdated ones were removed ( the argument of the type players of other cards do not know, in my opinion, is doubtful. On this logic, then perishing, should have put one-the only map lila panic 173 ) Honestly, if I see on a one of these maps, then, either not t on server, either'm leaving on the other. But, say the map 4 way tunnels ( which I personally like ) I think the champion of rule violations and bad behavior of players. Auditioned as beautiful and interesting card type cobinian, lego land and others. Did the players as handouts must wait for the mercy and mood of the staff, in submitting the new maps ? Please consider my proposals. Thanks.